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A thought: Gov't = good

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posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 08:44 AM
Just a thought, perhaps the gov't is sneaking around everyone�s back for a good reason. Perhaps all of the cover-ups, deceptions, and secrecy are for our protection or our common good.

posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 08:49 AM
That's sheer blasphemy here!!!

Are you trying to say that the government has only good intentions, and our best interests at heart?

Sure...perhaps that was the topic of discussion at the latest Bilderburger meeting?, hehe....

posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 09:13 AM
They just don't realise that they are the minority who hold office,most of the people in government have no idea that they are part of something as wrong as they are part of.
Some of these people actually think that they serve the public,not everyone is in on the conspiracy,if there is one at all I would call it a "conSTEERacy",lawmakers steering the country around with laws and such......for profit of course...

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by adcadcadc

Just a thought, perhaps the gov't is sneaking around everyone�s back for a good reason. Perhaps all of the cover-ups, deceptions, and secrecy are for our protection or our common good.

The good gov't cares. The dark and evil one doesn't.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 03:23 AM
Any deceptions by the government are not justified. Just because they are deemed leaders of our contries and states (and in the case of Bush there is no particular reason) there is no reason why they should have knowledge of what is happeneing on our planet and we shouldn't. .

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 08:11 AM
There is nothing good in the deceit, lies and coruption of the Bush administration nor in the motives behind them.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 08:20 AM
If this crazy and seemingly deadly level of secrecy is done with "good" in mind, then here's a line for you.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I don't see what is going on as anything remotely associated with good intentions. The road to hell is being built in either case.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 08:31 AM
if the government is doing it fer a good reason then tell me of it, then i'll be happily decieved

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
That's sheer blasphemy here!!!

Are you trying to say that the government has only good intentions, and our best interests at heart?

I agree. adcadcadc if you think the gov has good intentions as it relates to secrecy then you have no clue. If its all good then theres no need for secrecy in the first place. Only people who have something to hide Lie and keep secrets.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 09:47 AM
The government keeps secret to prevent blab-aholics like you folks from posting them up on message boards and giving our technology and strategies to the bad guys.

And guess what? There are ALOT of people in this country with security clearances (more than a million) who see these secrets on a day-to-day basis. And you know what? We are glad that these things (for the most part) are classified and that the general public aren't aware of these facts. Why? Because we value our safety and the safety of our troops on the front lines.

Now I am not going to run up the the flag and start playing Stars and Stripes Forever here, but the simple fact of the matter is that secrets are classified for a reason. The textbook defenition of US SECRET information is "information which if revealed could cause serious damage to the national security of the United States". Do you really want this information released? Are you un-patriotic? Are you disloyal? Are you a friggin' traitor?

Let me clue you in: the government is not composed of tens of thousands of "Cancer Man" types who lie to the general public and trample the Constitution. Mostly, the US government is composed of average joe's who work 40 hours a week and make less than 75K a year. If you want to disparage the current Executive Branch and administration, remember that every 4 or 8 years these people are replaced. The vast majority of the "government" is comosed of loyal, moral, average American citizens who only want to do a good job and earn a decent wage.

Anybody who implies that the government keeps secrets because they enjoy lying or because they are doing something illegal has their HEAD UP THEIR A$$.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 10:15 AM
My comments are restricted to the political appointees in the Bush administration, and not directed at career public servants.

In the case of Bush and his cronies:

(1) They do enjoy lying

(2) They are doing something (many things) illegal.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 10:37 AM
what if they are done with good intentions. then there is a reason for them to keep them secret. what if they are keeping aliens secret? and they release the info and world wide panic insues and tons of people are killed. your right to know something cannot infringe my right to live. anyways ever heard the saying ignorance is bliss? well it is.

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