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US & NK: Nuclear standoff

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posted on Aug, 20 2003 @ 02:47 PM
Well I don�t think socialism is going to come about any time soon. Privatization of Russia�s industries has lead to increasing amounts of mafia involvement and syndicate crimes. The war in Chechnya is continuing, because it generates a great deal of cash. Corrupt General�s sell Chechnyans the weapons for the war. And Putin uses Chechnya terrorist attacks to keep his ratings up.

Where I think the story got really interesting is right after the US invaded Iraq. There is a great deal of evidence that Russian intelligence agencies were helping the Iraqis intercept US communiqu�s and other intelligent efforts. In fact, there was a great website that had some of the best intelligence about the situation in Iraq. The following link is the last intel update.

Strangely, the intel updates were stopped the same time Condi Rice flew to Moscow to meet with Putin in secret. Then days later, the Russian diplomatic convoy en route to Turkey, who had repeatedly told the Americans the route and schedule of their convoy, was attacked.

So it would seem that Russia has taken a side. He is most likely covertly supporting Kim Jong II.

posted on Aug, 20 2003 @ 02:49 PM

So it would seem that Russia has taken a side. He is most likely covertly supporting Kim Jong II.

Without a doubt. The next ten years should be interesting.

posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 02:32 AM
Here's my read on NK for the day.

It would seem the Russian/NK relationship is straining. I finally found some numbers on the military exercises and Russia is the main contributor?? 70,000 military personnel. 90 ships. Starts Friday.

US/NK relations described as "extremely hostile".

Pyongyang, August 19 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is loudmouthed about "a written security assurances" provided by Congress and "collective security" guaranteed by surrounding countries, instead of the conclusion of a non-aggression treaty with the DPRK with the six-way talks approaching. This is a challenge to the principled stand of the DPRK for solving the issue on the principle of a simultaneous action by the DPRK and the U.S. which are in extremely hostile relations.

US to test new sub detection system of the coast of Japan

The Navy plans to begin testing a new method for hunting hostile submarines this fall off the coast of Japan, and the test will include looking for the real thing: diesel-electric North Korean and Chinese subs prowling in the Sea of Japan.

I would also check out Global Security's "Countdown Timeline" on NK. GS uses this kind of like the ATS mood meter.
18 Days until conflict?

Meanwhile, China sends Kim a gift.

[Edited on 22-8-2003 by kukla]

posted on Aug, 22 2003 @ 12:33 PM
This is an excellent write-up by Global Security on the NK crisis.

posted on Aug, 22 2003 @ 12:47 PM
...but how much do you think someone like you or me can do?,we can sit around and discuss how horrible a nuclear confrontation between NK and US would be,but ya know what,It has nothing to do with you or me or them.

Aside from all that,who controls the media,in what context is this emergency being reported,are there only bits and pieces being strung together to make it sound worse than it really is?.


We all have more pressing things to worry about,like allowing ourselves to be distracted while our rights evaporate.

posted on Aug, 24 2003 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Thorfinn Skullsplitter
Just reminds me of just how little we have evolved. After thousands and thousands of years we are still doing the same sh!t we did in the beginning. Killing eachother...

man is always going to kill man as long as man is on this planet. its as simple as that so get used to it. its never going to go away!

posted on Aug, 24 2003 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by kukla
Well I don�t think socialism is going to come about any time soon. Privatization of Russia�s industries has lead to increasing amounts of mafia involvement and syndicate crimes. The war in Chechnya is continuing, because it generates a great deal of cash. Corrupt General�s sell Chechnyans the weapons for the war. And Putin uses Chechnya terrorist attacks to keep his ratings up.

Where I think the story got really interesting is right after the US invaded Iraq. There is a great deal of evidence that Russian intelligence agencies were helping the Iraqis intercept US communiqu�s and other intelligent efforts. In fact, there was a great website that had some of the best intelligence about the situation in Iraq. The following link is the last intel update.

Strangely, the intel updates were stopped the same time Condi Rice flew to Moscow to meet with Putin in secret. Then days later, the Russian diplomatic convoy en route to Turkey, who had repeatedly told the Americans the route and schedule of their convoy, was attacked.

So it would seem that Russia has taken a side. He is most likely covertly supporting Kim Jong II.

maybe WWIII will be started by the russians. just a thought

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 01:42 AM
CHINA is sending NORTH KOREA a gift? HMMMMM... lets think about this a moment. One country is giving the other country a gift, when the latter country is engaged in "extremely hostile" relations with the United States.

Militaries are involved.

Did China just give North Korea the gift of an ICBM?

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 02:01 AM
unbalanced, If you read the globalsecurity timeline, you see that there is a very high likelihood that NK is going to test a nuclear weapon in the next two weeks. That I think demands attention, distracting or not. As far as our ability to change the course of events, well for starters, I think organizations like should really start rallying the troops to get Congress to start thinking about signing a non-agression treaty. At least try and open the door to an inspection regime.

MK, it makes you wonder. China wants Taiwan. Kim wants SK. They make great neighbors.

I�m a little confused about Russia, being the largest contributor to the naval exercises. Why so much interest?

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by hellfireburns
can any one say Cold War 2?

Cold War 2

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 02:29 AM
I think U.S. bargaining intentions are coming more into focus. Today Jack Pritchard, a long time North Korean specialist for the State Department has resigned saying it would �be inappropriate for me to speak at a moment when talks are just beginning." Pritchard served under Clinton and has maintained that North Korea can be contained through bi-lateral agreements and inspection regimes. This runs contrary to the Bush policy of confrontation and is most likely his reason for leaving.

We now have a turbulent set of events in front of us. The �cooler-head� on NK has resigned. The six-way discussions begin very soon. Naval games begin at the end of the week. The U.S. plans to test a new Sonar system designed to detect NK subs. Japan holds an NK ferry several hours on suspicion of spying. NK threatens to pull out of the University Games. Most importantly, the 55th Anniversary of founding of the DPR is on September 9, which is thought to be the day NK will test a nuclear weapon.

It hard to imagine the political fallout if NK was to actually test a nuclear weapon. But with all eyes on Iraq, any such maneuver would at least complicate Bush�s gauntlet to the throne in 2004, if not lighting the powder keg that has been brewing for decades on the peninsula.

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 08:30 AM
....but in reality,nuclear weapons give countries bargaining power against governments which would otherwise bully them around,I hear all this stuff about this guy and that being insane enough to use them.....the real effect these weapons have is to scare civilians,everyone has been told that nukes would make the world uninhabitable,mutated 6 legged babies and such,ohmygod!!!!.The Real purpose of all of this is to serve as a distraction,if NK tests a nuke,who cares,it doesn't really mean squat,it is all about the fear factor of the US,if they do,guaranteed that a lot of legislation will be passed to further suppress our rights while we are distracted.
We all need to get together,all of us,all at once ,and just say NO!!!!,otherwise this garbage just may destroy us.
America worked when it was separatist,it needs to go back there,mind it's own business,build up it's internal and missile defenses,and mind it's own biz.
We are the most sparsely populated country in the world compared to most others,we have room to grow and all the resources we need,f**k the rest of the world.

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 12:31 PM

NK threatens to pull out of the University Games.

You're going to love this one:

The United States beat North Korea 3-0 in a men's volleyball match Tuesday in front of 5,000 spectators and heavy security at the World University Games in Daegu, South Korea.

The match on the eve of talks in Beijing aimed at defusing tension over Pyongyang's suspected nuclear weapons program was again overshadowed by a boycott threat from North Korea.

Shots fired on the day of the talks:

Just after the talks opened, a North Korean soldier fired a single shot at a South Korean guard post at the two countries' border, breaking a window pane. There were no injuries, and North Korea said it was an accident, the South said.

Things are definitely heating up, because the lies are also coming through. Now pay attention to the DATES of when "U.S. officials" say the North will have more nuclear weapons:

Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003
U.S. officials say they believe North Korea has one or two nuclear weapons, and experts believe it could produce five to six more in a few months.

And here is a report from Feb 2003:

Thursday February 27, 2003
The plant could be used to reprocess 8,000 plutonium-laden spent fuel rods at the site, and there is enough plutonium to build five or six bombs within a few months.

I think US officials need to re-think their BS story..

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by uNBaLaNCeD
....but in reality,nuclear weapons give countries bargaining power against governments which would otherwise bully them around,I hear all this stuff about this guy and that being insane enough to use them.....the real effect these weapons have is to scare civilians,everyone has been told that nukes would make the world uninhabitable,mutated 6 legged babies and such,ohmygod!!!!.The Real purpose of all of this is to serve as a distraction,if NK tests a nuke,who cares,it doesn't really mean squat,it is all about the fear factor of the US,if they do,guaranteed that a lot of legislation will be passed to further suppress our rights while we are distracted.
We all need to get together,all of us,all at once ,and just say NO!!!!,otherwise this garbage just may destroy us.
America worked when it was separatist,it needs to go back there,mind it's own business,build up it's internal and missile defenses,and mind it's own biz.
We are the most sparsely populated country in the world compared to most others,we have room to grow and all the resources we need,f**k the rest of the world.

unbalanced, i think its VERY DANGEROUS to assume that Kim doesn't have the cojones to launch a nuke at the Western US.

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 01:11 PM
Everything I've read this morning indicates that the first day of talks went pretty smoothly. Lets hope cooler heads continue to prevail.

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by MKULTRA

CHINA is sending NORTH KOREA a gift? HMMMMM... lets think about this a moment. One country is giving the other country a gift, when the latter country is engaged in "extremely hostile" relations with the United States.

Militaries are involved.

Did China just give North Korea the gift of an ICBM?


[Edited on 2-9-2003 by KrazyIvan]

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 09:41 PM
what to do? Sign a new agreement that the dear leader won't honor? Provide them with fuel and food so they can spend their money on military, instead of fuel and food.

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 12:40 AM
As far as current status of talks, here is a succinct synopsis:

According to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, North Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Kim Yong Il also said in Beijing that his country has the means to deliver nuclear weapons, an apparent reference to its highly developed missile program.

"The United States said that the next round of talks can continue if we express our willingness to give up our nuclear plans at this time," KCNA said.

"That means they plan to act after we dismantle," the agency said. It was unclear what North Korea meant by "act," though it could refer to the possibility of U.S. willingness to negotiate, or North Korean suspicions that Washington seeks to undermine the North through economic pressure or even military action.

This does not seem to be a favorable outcome. I wonder where they are going to test their nuke? I am really hoping that this is not the preemptive strike that they spoke of months ago.

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