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Rove's Brain Melting?

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posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 12:05 PM
Ol' Rove is loving life. He can commit perjury and illegally leak an active agent's name and get away with it - all with the President's nod. ABC, in bed with the republican's, or should I say Bohemian's, won't run stories on Rove's innocence. Instead they choose to run stories about how he has contributed much to the President's career. What has America become when even assistant's can lie, cheat, steal, commit perjury, and destroy peoples lives without accountability? Has the White House become a den of thieves? We can be assured of this, Karl Rove's brain is melting. The question is, from guilt and stress, or from gleeful bliss of escaping prison time?

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 12:13 PM
While there is certainly a potentially HUGE Political Conspiracy swirling around Karl Rove (aka "Bush's Brain" aka "Turdblossom"), I don't know that you've fleshed out the details here for anyone not already up to speed (links, analysis, etc.).

As such it seems more like you might just be seeking to debate the issue, or rather sling a little mud. Which is fine. We have a forum for that. But let me serve notice first (since this is a real conspiracy to which you are alluding) to either flesh or it, or buckle in for the thread move.

This post is really for the benefit of all Political Conspiracy posters, so don't take it personally.

[edit on 14-7-2005 by RANT]

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by vincere7
Has the White House become a den of thieves? We can be assured of this, Karl Rove's brain is melting. The question is, from guilt and stress, or from gleeful bliss of escaping prison time?

I'll go with the Den of Theives theory!

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 05:11 PM
"What this thing has been for the past two years has been a cover-up, a cover-up of the ... web of lies that underpin the justification for going to war in Iraq," said Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, a career foreign service officer who served in the Clinton White House.

I think Valerie Plame would disagree with you RANT, as her career is shattered, and according to Wilson, the harrassment has not ceased. It's Rove policy, attack, attack, attack, without the ethics. That's how you win a presidency, and get congress to allocate funds for war. At the same time when you get caught, you anty up. Will Bush continue the poker face in the wake of perjury? Worldcom's Ebbers got his 25 years. Just because Rove is deputy chief of staff does that make him above the law?

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:37 PM
I am going to be sincere here, the rove "affair" and the name Rove just came into my political view and understanding just in the last past months, now I am starting to get a picture of this guy that resembles to me ET.

So I would love to know more about him also.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I am going to be sincere here, the rove "affair" and the name Rove just came into my political view and understanding just in the last past months, now I am starting to get a picture of this guy that resembles to me ET. So I would love to know more about him also.

They have a documentary out about Rove and his history. It's called Bush's Brain. I have seen it on cable channels such as encore. Some of the footage is biased, but the majority lay out a pretty accurate picture of Rove. He's a man that does what he has to do to win, plain and simple, and those who get in the way are fodder. He was fired by Regan Bush for leaking back in the 90's. He's a traitor to this country. When you blow an undercover CIA operators cover, when that individual is working and recruiting a hostile area, you have effectively put that person's life in danger, and have made the operative ineffective for field use. Rove has been a traitor many times before, so he really doesn't give a hoot about American's destroyed in his wake. Fired? He should be tried as a traitor and receive a traitor's judgment - 25 to life in prison.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 05:21 PM
I found his profile, and is interesting to point out that he has more than one controversy surrounding him.

But the main concern here is how in the heck he got to be the man behind the president, or the president's brain.

Is this man on some kind of agenda?

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 05:43 PM
Rove has been a close friend to the Bush family for many years. Rove started with Bush senior and according to the docu, had his eye on George Bush Jr. for a long time. There was a press conference where Rove stated he used to give the keys to Daddy's car to Jr. so he could drive round' town. So yes he has a long history with the Bush family, and with insidious activity. It seems everyone surrounding Bush, companies etc,. are mired with excrement.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 06:02 PM
I doubt Roves brain is "melting." He could probly care less about all this; or is just more angry than ever. Which means he's probly resorting to even darker methods against his percieved enemies.

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 06:14 PM
Well they took down Cooper's "said too much," and replaced quickly with Bush statement. I think this news should have hung like a mushroom cloud in the news for the next week.

"Cooper writes in this week’s issue that he testified that, although it’s not reflected in his notes or subsequent emails, he had a distinct memory of Rove ending the call by saying, “I’ve already said too much.” Cooper writes this could have meant he was worried about being indiscreet or just late for a meeting or something else. “I don’t know, but that sign-off has been in my memory for two years,” Cooper writes."

Cooper writes that special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald “asked me several different ways if Rove indicated how he had heard that (Valerie) Plame worked at the CIA.” Cooper says he testified that Rove did not.

Will Rove get off? Does a bear crap in the woods?

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I doubt Roves brain is "melting."

Actually, it might be now that I think about it.

Look, the little draft dodger dropped out of college to run the "College" Republicans and that was his last real job.

He's been doing nothing but babysitting Bush since 1977.

That resume is both scary and sad. Imagine if Bush were your life. Your whole life. Your entire adult life, career, the sum of your relationships, everything. Rove is going to be one messed up butt pirate when his ride is finally over. Probably needs to be suicided for national security anyway.

[edit on 18-7-2005 by RANT]

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 08:39 PM
Rant, your insights are scary and funny as #$%^!

Rove will probly walk, unscathed. For now...

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 06:36 PM
I think you're right RANT. Once he's done he has to take a hard look at the sum of his life. If he gets out of jail, and lives off Bush millions, I'm sure that will help his retirement and mental anxiety.

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