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No faking female orgasm in scientific research.

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posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
They want real ones. A woman who can't be honest about her sexual satisfaction, in my opinion, doesn't deserve an orgasm.

to GradyPhilpott

This man know his *ahem* stuff.

And he's just so forceful. *swoons*

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 10:05 PM
Nice pic lizard, do you always dress like that??? (just kidding, that guy looks like scotty from star trek, after the show ended).

I am not sure we can stop this thread from going wild but hey, if it keeps the guys happy, why the heck not. If men could only learn to stop and ask for directions this whole study would never have been needed.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 07:29 PM
Or d/l books/video on how to make a woman "happy", sure as hell helped me out. Although, 2-3 decades ago men didn't care, but nowadays, in the words of Dennis Leary(modified so as to not break copyright of No Cure for Cancer) "We will stay down there for days if we have to, Hunny, let me go get the tool box, I can fix this."

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 07:36 PM
Two to three decades? That's funny. I can't speak for my father's generation, but I think by 1975, the sexual revolution was well underway. Of course, as progressive as we were with all the bra burning and whatnot, females still weren't wearing "I love my vagina" buttons to junior high school.

[edit on 2005/6/21 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 01:56 PM

"We wanted to know what the brain was doing during orgasm," Holstege said.

Remind me to apply for a grant in Sweden...

You just KNOW somebody got PAID to do this....hehe... Now THAT's a con job my friends...

I don't get not being able to tell though. In my limited experience (prior to being married) and including my wife...there's a certain involuntary tremble associated with it that short of epilepsy, they aren't faking.... I never got the "faking it" bit.....(not to mention a certain degree of sensitivity immediately afterwards...)

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 11:00 PM
Yup...who cares about getting a cure for cancer or AIDS. Lets just see what parts of the brain get shut off when a girl has an whenever she starts ill have someone jump out of a closet in a gorilla suit and roar. If she isnt just that good.

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