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Freedom. if you had it, you'd die.

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posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 08:25 AM
Freedom - that's what we call it. Funny ain't it? If you got a piece of land that is paid for, you can get it taken away if you don't pay the taxes on it. Bought a home? Funny, it ain't yours. It can also be taken away in the same way. Money IS needed. You can't live without it. You cannot own a house on your property - paid for - without paying more on it. You cannot even grow your own food! It is against the law to grow enough food to feed your family. You would have to buy some of that as well. Yes, you would be breaking the law if wanted to feed your family yourself without buying food.

Now, everyone is dependent on the money system. You ARE contolled Nobody knows how to feed themselves without money. Too few even know what can be eaten in the wild. Or how to get clean water if there is none in the faucet.

During the depression, over half lived on farms. Today is less than 2%. If something happens, and it will, where will you get food and shelter and water? Especially if you live in the cities. And if you DO have food or water, others will kill you to get it.

The point I am getting at - yeah, sure, we all work (or collect from other workers). We HAVE to have money to live. Money is more important than food, because without money you can't HAVE [enough] food...or shelter...or the land to grow on. Many slaves in the old days could not make it if their master died unless another master took them in. Knowing that we are enslaved to the dollar, will you make it if the dollar dies?

Just a heads up.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by godservant
without money you can't HAVE [enough] food...

Can I qualify this by adding '...within the current system'.

Originally posted by godservant
Money is more important than food...

I'll have some ketchup on my Greenbacks.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 11:51 AM

Money is more important than food...

Then food??

i think food is very important, you'd die if you dont eat

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 12:05 PM
Money can all be useless in a second... if WWIII starts and nukes start flying then money will become useless. after all it is just paper and in a nuclear winter no one is trading in their food for few peices of paper...

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 12:17 PM
I don't know, i had some £20 bills with a side dish of 50p's once, lemme tell you... Delicious!

Seriously though. Money did not exist when people farmed their way through the centuries, and they survived just fine.
Saying money is more important than food sounds a bit silly. However, i do see your point, today, its probably fair to farming is a lost art, people have been snuggled up into tight little cities, and can get almost any food they want from one of many supermarkets. It has got to the point where people have become so dependant that money, in a way, can be considered more important than food.

It's sad, what you say just shows how much of a tight grip Government and Global Corporations have on people now.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by PurityOfPeace

Saying money is more important than food sounds a bit silly. However, i do see your point, today, its probably fair to farming is a lost art, people have been snuggled up into tight little cities, and can get almost any food they want from one of many supermarkets. It has got to the point where people have become so dependant that money, in a way, can be considered more important than food.

It's sad, what you say just shows how much of a tight grip Government and Global Corporations have on people now.

Thats my point. I know we need food more than money, but today we need money to get food. There are a number of things that can cause a depresison much worse the the last one in the US. If that happens, millions would die. Most don't even know what farming is, let alone how to do it. Most don't know what can be eaten in the wild. Most are dependent on a system that owns you. If the system fell, people will kill each other, starve, steal, illness, ect.

I think one of the most important things people should be learning today is how to live without a system, just in case it wasn't there tomorrow, or next year. Or maybe it is safe to think that it won't happen now a days - "couldn't possibly happen to me within my lifetime".

Even if there was no chance of a system collapse, why can't I buy a house, a few acres of land, pay it off, plant my food, quit my job and just dwell? It is because you have need of the system and have no knowledge how to survive without it. With the right disaster, they can make you give them your souls.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 03:29 PM
I have been concerned with this issue for a while now. I recently changed my diet from "Eat whatever" to a Vegan Diet, and it is very difficult. Not only because there are limited things to eat, but because i try not to buy much things at Supermarkets, but it is very hard to find alternatives. It made me realise just how dependant people are to these Supermarkets.
I just acquired a film called "The End Of Suburbia", which deals with things quite relevant to what is being discussed here.
Hopefully i have the chance to watch it soon, when i do i will start a thread about it, or post what i found out in this one. It sounds like an interesting watch!

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by godservant
Thats my point. I know we need food more than money, but today we need money to get food. There are a number of things that can cause a depresison much worse the the last one in the US. If that happens, millions would die. Most don't even know what farming is, let alone how to do it. Most don't know what can be eaten in the wild. Most are dependent on a system that owns you. If the system fell, people will kill each other, starve, steal, illness, ect.

I think one of the most important things people should be learning today is how to live without a system, just in case it wasn't there tomorrow, or next year. Or maybe it is safe to think that it won't happen now a days - "couldn't possibly happen to me within my lifetime".

Even if there was no chance of a system collapse, why can't I buy a house, a few acres of land, pay it off, plant my food, quit my job and just dwell? It is because you have need of the system and have no knowledge how to survive without it. With the right disaster, they can make you give them your souls.

I totally agree with you godservant. People these days are depending to much on how to spend money instead of how to get money.

Just think, when the electricity goes out for some reason...what do you think people would do? Just sit around and be bored or get up and do something fun/exciting/new. I think you know that answer.

You see, we depend on too many things!

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 04:39 PM
there has to be a currency, we would not survive without it. that is why it has always existed

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 07:07 PM
You can plant food on "your land" you CAN hunt, you CAN fish. Lots of people have freedom by acquiring a sailboat and living on it and feeding themselves along the way. They trade work in ports for currency to acquire the goods they need beyond the abundant fish supply off the stern of the boat. Problem is an agrarian system is just not conducive to population growth. At best it is a break even or worse condition. Currency just facilitates trade. You actually want to lug a water buffalo carcass 10 miles to trade it for some wheat??

There are lots of groups out there (Amish, etc.) that get by nicely with just their pals. Not a nice life but livable.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 09:34 PM
While I don't think that a system is required, if the system should colapse, then there would certantly be some casualties. But with time, If the system didn't recover quickly, I believe that the human race would live on, and eventually establish a new system and a new government. Money is important in some cultures, particularly the american and european ones, but in other cultures, where no one has money but the super rich, it has little value to the common person. Also, while currency may be an important aspect of the system, it is not the only thing it is dependent on (social structure and the gov. play large roles). While I strongly believe that people should learn to live without a system in case of a colapse, it is hard enough to live IN the system, let-alone prepare for a life without one. There are very few alive today who can even comprehend the thought of social and economic colapse within the US. It simply is seen as some distant, far away thing that could never hapen here... only something read about in history books and seen on the History Chanel. While it may be hard for the average person to live without the system or currency, orgovernment, etc. establishing cultures and relationships are something humans are inhearently good at... we will always create a new society to replace and older one, and will continue to live in groups, which will always constitute a need for curency. (sorry if that was hard to read... had a lot of ideas crammed in there


posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 01:08 AM
Do any of you agree that it is safe to say that the old saying "there are two for sure things in the world death and taxes" isnt a for sure thing. I mean come on i belive that if as a society if we get fed up with all the bs we could change that saying to,just death as a for sure thing. I dont know how many of u belive in God but I do and he gave All of us the right to own this land so who is the government to say that they have entitlement to it ........nobody did.....they did even the land like the miles of desert they arent even using they wld still make us pay for that as well its bs to me but hey im only one person.

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