posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Merkeva
Use your imagination. You can make somebody miles away hear, what you want to say. And probably only he hears the sound "in his head" and nobody
else near him.
And you could brake walls, resonating at the right spots with a right rythm/amplitude(/wave shape) - from a distance. It can be also very harmful to
the people.
And maybe with that principle you can transmit some quantity of energy through the air. Ad more: think of leaver and ultrasonic technology. If they
can break stones inside the soft tissue, maybe they could cause changes on a microlevels of matter being. Let's say melt a metal without heating it
then mixed it with some liquid. And break stone or ice in the mountains, on a safe distance. Clean work, cheap too. Very harmful.
And the new era of discoteques... where each wisitor would hear different music, according to his coordinates/position in the room. The name could be
Music on the spot or something.
Anyway, there's an interesting stuff on a google video named Cymatics soundscape. There you can see, what soud does to matter.
Or better, you see a dance of creative sound and willing matter.