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Islamic Jihad, flanking action Kuala Lampur

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posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 07:29 AM
on 8-4-03: 16:43hrs, new post, titled;Neo-Islamic Jihaid,
(kings of EAST)...has since decended to page 2 of topics

(laughing skull logo, gets a point accross!)
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~

observation made that the Indonesia, Phillipine, Malaysia part of the world...& cities like Manila, Jakarta,
Kuala Lampur will become the focus of terrorism/Jihad

then last night...kaboom,!, marriott hotel leveled in city
of Jakarta.

anyone else get the feeling that these far flung islands
are becoming a string of 'oasis' for the militants to seek
that the militant, Fatwas, to conquer
this vast 'oceania' , installing Kuala Lampur as the
cradlel of enlightened Islamic Empire= = yet

keeping the religious 'holy lands' in Arabia, as a seperate facet of Islam...(the religious part of Islam),
while the 'empire' body of Islam, goes forth to
conquer from Kuala Lampur

just another story from the 100th monkey

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by riffraffalunas]

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 01:00 AM
i dont know about other city but as far as i know in kuala lumpur it is not the terrorist target anyway cos most of the internal or international problem are settling with tolerence in secure counter measure for a long time since the japanese red brigatte storm one of the goverment building somewhere in the 70ts

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 08:44 AM
For the entire world to raise up against the Zealot's, they continue to kill innocent people daily, these ants must be stomped on. It is time for Russia, the US, Europe, Japan, China, Austrailia, and South American to stand up and tell them no more, it's gotta happen.

please understand I am not attacking the Muslim religion, just the idiotic clan that feels the need to kill everyday to prove a point!

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 11:54 AM
Shining Wizard: point taken.....however....

you defined these people as ' zealots',
a clear characterization.....
and zealots do as zealots do, ascribing to 'higher laws'
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

since yesterday, 6 Aug, both OSB and his designated
'successor' have sent taped messages thru arabic

Refering to a 'Black Wind'

see a synopsis of the message at;

Q?- - is this 'Black Wind' menace connected to the
'sword+crescent' operation, brought to attention of
FBI on 20 May 2002....(looking to future covert terrorism)
+++ +++ +++ +++

Q?- -is the: south china sea/indian ocean/pacific ocean
this 'OCEANIA ' area, (including Phillipine, Malaysia, Indonesia) connected to the "from the sea"
criteria of Revelation scripture??
**both the beast & false prophet have some connect
to sea, .et al... then later on a 2d beast came from the

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 09:56 AM
suddenly & without warning...

it seems the

server isn't working either....

on Aug 6th, on coast to coast AM, interviewed by
Mr. Norry...several hours Steve Quayle reveled
the listeners...and the web site was working!!!

The OSB tape messages.......contained
in the message Osama alluded that he was safe,
at the 'ISLAND'
and the 'people who know' would loosen the

was internet connect severed?
by US intel?
suspecting OSB message, as reported by Q, could
be an inadvertant message to 'Cells in USA'?

ATTENTION TO OSB, at a safe ISLAND , in the

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Shining Wizard
For the entire world to raise up against the Zealot's, they continue to kill innocent people daily, these ants must be stomped on. It is time for Russia, the US, Europe, Japan, China, Austrailia, and South American to stand up and tell them no more, it's gotta happen.

please understand I am not attacking the Muslim religion, just the idiotic clan that feels the need to kill everyday to prove a point!

I can see your point but you must see the terrorists point of view also, they are fighting to free their nation from the jewish oppresion (No I'm not anti semmite) Actually I want them to win the war and get their land back so that their ppl will be without the fear of car bombings of helicopter attacks.

On a different note terrorism is a highly effective weapon, France gave Algeria back to it muslim population, it forced the british out of the mid east, helped to make south africa have its very first black president
. There are other examples but I can't remember them.

P.S: My first post!

[Edited on 8-8-2003 by SilverDeath]

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 06:45 AM
welcome SilverDeath, ... 'enjoy your journey'

Kuala Lumpur...

Jemaah Islamiah, (among the many org's)...

BUZZ_WORDS: Pan-Regional Islamic State
Abu Bakar Bashir
'hawala' & zagat
... .. ... .. ... ~~~~~~~

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 07:11 AM
What you've got to be aware of is the fact that these groups have always been operating in these places. They've always been a threat to the governments of these regions.
It's only now because of US involvement, that you are becoming aware of them. Only now are the media focussing on them.
But they've always been there.

By the way, this has nothing to do with the US. The Islamic groups in the Far East agreed on a united goal, years ago. Their aim is a unified Islamic state under one government, that stretches from the borders of China to Pakistan.
USA or no USA - they would still be out there, killing innocents and waging a campaign of terror until they achieve their goal .

How about that for a NWO?

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Leveller
What you've got to be aware of is the fact that these groups have always been operating in these places. They've always been a threat to the governments of these regions....

...But they've always been there.

...Their aim is a unified Islamic state under one government, that stretches from the borders of China to Pakistan....
USA or no USA - they would still be out there, killing innocents and waging a campaign of terror until they achieve their goal .

How about that for a NWO?


your view: 'campaign of terror'

their view: 'Jihad'...holy war !!

U might check out [] Far Eastern Economic Review
get a free account
peruse the historical record of bombings,
& be amazed, the volume of 'radical' groups-
U-r correct, the s. china sea been doin it a long time,
AQ & OBL, are new commers to turmoil.

TOO bad, Our Intel agencies were, asleep?? or-->
(benign negligence allowed Jihad to blossom)?? NWO

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 01:09 PM
oops....KUALA LUMPUR... tanks!

well written text, here:


OF NOTE, concerning the THREAD Title...

"All Islamic struggles since then ** are part of one organized effort to bring back the caliphate"
-Mullah Mustapha Kreikar- (Ansar al-Islam, elite)

** [the demise of Ottoman Empire]
~~~~~ ~~~~

prior post suggested that the Kuala Lumpur city will become the cultural & Islamic centre for humanity...
...'CALIPHATE" may be the formal term!!
(as found in the URL text)

hey, i'm no scholar- i only tell others what i learn from the group-mind, or 100th monkey principle, sometimes the whole story takes years or decades to unfold !

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 06:23 AM
6 Aug message by OBL, referenced a 'Dark Wind" will strike- by 'those who know'

15 Aug, NYC & upper NE/Central USA...BLACKOUT... obstensively blamed on Niagra Falls Lightning!

posted on Nov, 12 2003 @ 12:18 PM
Well...check out this report...Plans to Be Caliphate !!!
Where??? Kuala Lumpur !!! Malaysia !!!


i don't mean to Capitalize on the kuala lumpur-caliphate
connection....but read the thread as it developed in september--->
is the 100th monkey principle really sending info to individuals??

just a good logical guess?
active intuition/imagination?

NOPE: the 100th monkey, 'unfolded' the 'story' that we are beginning to see...and its only November--->
What will transpire in the next 6 months? or by April?

my guess, is that the Caliphate will come into existance, a bunch of other s. china sea nations will 'align' with this Islamic State....Pakistan, PRNK,Phillipine (3Ps) will form a newer axis of adversaries.....the USA is to be swamped with [barbarians at the gates] & [death by 10000 paper cuts]...the Islamic Oceania will supplant the USA & NYC

->live in this world, play in yours

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