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Xbox 360 versus Playstation 3

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posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 07:09 AM
I own an xbox360 that I've had for a little over a year. Just before Christmas my drive in it crashed and I sent it in for repair. I've never had to deal with customer service this poor. Customer Service Reps that were completely contradicting one another, constantly providing false information, man you name it and I've been through it for this one. It's been over six weeks and I'm still not sure where my system is.

I'm expecting it within a week or two and if I don't have it by then, they are getting an earful.

As frustrating as they've been, I've always remained polite. The person I am talking with is not the reason for my problems, but I wish they could provide some accurate information.

I personally love the system. But take it from me, their customer service is horrendous.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:25 PM
i've been eatting ramin noddles since 11/1/2006 and have saved around 820$. so is it the xbox360 or ps3? i dont what both cause i got a wii for xmas.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by DRAGON27
i've been eatting ramin noddles since 11/1/2006 and have saved around 820$. so is it the xbox360 or ps3? i dont what both cause i got a wii for xmas.

save your money
wait at least 2 months
then make a decision
the end

that's what i'm telling everyone to do
if you can't already decide, wait it out
eventually you'll figure out which one you want more

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 03:52 PM
Do you really think it will last. Plus the P3 will break down just as fast as the others. I've owned The PS, and P2 I aint waisting my money on P3. The 360 is going to kill the competition

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
Do you really think it will last. Plus the P3 will break down just as fast as the others. I've owned The PS, and P2 I aint waisting my money on P3. The 360 is going to kill the competition

blu-ray sales are through the roof
it recently exceeded the sales of HD-DVD

also, when you look at the cost of a blu-ray player vs the cost of a ps3, you get more bang for your buck

you just seem to be voicing faboyish sentiments regarding the 360

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 04:31 PM
For those that don't know. If your tv cannot support 1080i (or p) resolution...then the Blue-Ray is useless.

On the flip side, I got a PS3 last weekend as a present and it's amazing. Not as many games out at the moment, but they're all coming so I can wait. And it does support images, mp3s, cd import (to AAC), videos, and web browsing.

Besides...I just picked up Oblivion for PS3 today.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 04:34 PM
I realized a few weeks ago that I was not gaming in HD. Picked up the cables and set the settings to 1080i. Man Oh Man! Absolutely amazing!

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 12:11 PM
Its really has become a matter of preference. Sure PS3 supports hi-def, but the games dont look as good graphically then xbox 360 games because theyre harder to develop for, and the graphics card doesnt to lighting and shadowing well.

But all thats just apples and oranges, graphics dont make a game system, content does. At the moment, you have to measure the value of its system by exclusive games. At the moment, the PS3 is becoming increasingly worthless.

Just recently Devil May Cry 4. Assassins Creed and Mercenaries 2 went multiplatform onto the xbox 360, MGS4 will likely do the same, since the costs of making games on the ps3 dont equal the same benefits of the sales (which are low.) So its basically like rats jumping a ship. And basically, save for a few games (MGS4 at the moment, Lair, Final Fantasy...) you can play the same games on the 360, for 200 less, and in some cases, with better graphics. And, the true value of the system is much greater then the ps3, because of its list of exclusive games. (Lost Planet, Gears of War, Dead Rising, Viva Pinata, Alan Wake, Bioshock, Jericho, Halo 3, Halo Wars, Eternal Sonata, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Unnamed Chrono Trigger Sequel, Ace Combat 6, Chrome Hounds, Banjo-Kazooie 3, Crackdown etc)

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 03:44 PM
PS3 will get some exclusive stuff. Micro$oft just had the first launch is all. Remember how many more games and exlusives PS2 had over Xbox?

Besides...why support Micro$oft more then you have to?

Price is killing Sony right now, but they'll bring it down. Tech-wise...the box could last a few years past what Xbox is capable of.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander
PS3 will get some exclusive stuff. Micro$oft just had the first launch is all. Remember how many more games and exlusives PS2 had over Xbox?

Thing is that the PS2 also was an accomplished brand with nothing but good words before hand. The PS3 costs tons for the developers to make, and theres been almost no profit to be had. Just to give you an example.

Resistence: Fall of Man, because of the required high def pictures and the expensive costs of programming on the ps3 (for reasons which I wont bother going into today, its kindof extensive) it costed something around $48 Million to make. It only sold along the lines of 480,000 copies, and only made back lik 28 million of its production costs.

In contrast, Gears of War only costed $10 million to make, and sold over 3 million copies, making almost 140% of what it costed to make.

When the developers, who were PS3 exclusive devs, saw the costs of making PS3 games, and how much they may get back, being smart businessmen, they got scared, and have been jumping ship to the multiplatform area, hoping to make back the money. Its what happened to Assassins Creed, Mercenaries 2, Devil May Cry 4 etc...

Its not because the PS3 is new, its because the cost doesnt equal the rewards, and with the predicted sales of the next year, they're just wont be enough people that own a ps3 to recoup the high production costs on the ps3.

Besides...why support Micro$oft more then you have to?

I'm not?

Price is killing Sony right now, but they'll bring it down. Tech-wise...the box could last a few years past what Xbox is capable of.

They'll bring it down, but it wont be soon enough. They're loosing all theyre major developers, and a system without GOOD exclusives is a dead one. Especially when theyre competors are 200 dollars and 400 dollars cheaper in comparison, with the same games.

And yes, the PS3 is more capable, but guess what, its dev kit sucks and blows, consecutively (and this has been quoted, not in such colorful words, by every PS3 dev in the spectrum.) It takes a considerable ammount of effort to do anything in it, it sucks up money as they try to develop for it (because of how long it takes) and it makes it harder to get to the hi-end of the systems capabilities. In contrast, the 360s dev kit is like comparing using C++ to Photoshop. Its easy to use, its cheaper to develop with, and because of that you'll get to the hi-end of the systems specs faster. That simply means that the xbox 360 will look the best it can alot faster then the ps3.

The ps3 currently has a 8 year track, according to the designers. Which is fairly long for a system, especially when Microsoft is already developing the "xbox 720" (not a real name.) and will release it after a 5 year track of the 360.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:08 PM
right now on 3/22/07 the xbox 360 is clearly the better system.
it has better online.
it has comparable graphics to the ps3 and some people say better.
the 360 is 200 dollars cheaper .
just my observations.

i actually have some faith in the ps3, but its losing exclusives like crazy. who knows where it will be in 2 years.


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