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American Invasion

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posted on May, 16 2005 @ 10:49 AM
if canada and mexico are not a part of your invading army, they have to sail across the ocean to invade us, and any ship that makes it past the submarines will be greeted with stiff resistence. But I don't think thats your point.

If your point is to make us think about the insurgents in a different way, to sympathize with them, I'd point out the case recently where a suicide bomber was put up to the bombing when the "freedom fighters" kidnapped his family, and started killing them off one by one until he agreed to the bombing. They don't even have the guts to do the dirty work themselves. They bomb police stations, hospitals, funerals and schools. Don't romanticize these animals. They are scum

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:50 PM
I have no sympathy for the fighters - thats a clear choice. I do have sympathy for the kids - you're only a kid once. As an enemy they should be respected for the simple fact that they are willing to fight to the death in extreme measures just as the Japanese did during WWII. They were tough bastards but bastards nontheless. Any of us who had the balls to pick up a gun and fight would also be the bastards.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 05:12 PM
I think that the poor guy who initiated this silly post has been beat up enough and (hopefully) realizes that America is not France. We don't belly up and surrender. I am from the south and everyone here would fight. As for the north who knows. Being from a "liberated area" they probably would belly up. Maybe New Hampshire would fight (I secretly dig the state motto, damn yankees got me thinking good things about them
). I digress, Americans (for those who are not) are stubborn when we get the hackles up. We can go to ground (look at the crazy militias) and defend ourselves from weapons we take off the dead. They can work at thier purpose just like ours. A few raids on storage areas will supply our needs. One or two facilities of nukes and they are down for the count. We just target a few capitals and they WILL back down. No one like the toasty effect of radiation.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by ROMAD
I think that the poor guy who initiated this silly post has been beat up enough and (hopefully) realizes that America is not France. We don't belly up and surrender. I am from the south and everyone here would fight. As for the north who knows. Being from a "liberated area" they probably would belly up. Maybe New Hampshire would fight (I secretly dig the state motto, damn yankees got me thinking good things about them
). I digress, Americans (for those who are not) are stubborn when we get the hackles up. We can go to ground (look at the crazy militias) and defend ourselves from weapons we take off the dead. They can work at thier purpose just like ours. A few raids on storage areas will supply our needs. One or two facilities of nukes and they are down for the count. We just target a few capitals and they WILL back down. No one like the toasty effect of radiation.

althought i am chinese (born in china) but i live in the US. i love both countries, US and china. since i live in the US i will do everything i can to defend it even if chinese troops stand in my way. since there are about 80 million americans are arm with guns right now, anybody taking over will have a serious fight in their hands, will make the bombing in iraq like child's play. more will take up arms if it did happen that is if they made it through and destory our air force, army, marine corps, navy, coast guard, national guard, police force which i doubt they can destory it without using nukes.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by ROMAD
I think that the poor guy who initiated this silly post has been beat up enough and (hopefully) realizes that America is not France. We don't belly up and surrender. I am from the south and everyone here would fight. As for the north who knows. Being from a "liberated area" they probably would belly up.

You notice you contradicted yourself within four sentences - thats got to be a new record - maybe for someone from the South, huh? Thats the whole point of the post we would fight.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 05:42 PM
I guess my attempt at jocularity has been thwarted by a liberal or socialist
Oh dearest me...

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 05:47 PM
vincere7 I think you should think a little more about what would happen if these insurgents won.

Do you think they would detainee enemies like we do? No, they would execute them. There would be countrywide genocide.

Do you think they would institute democracy? No. There would be a dictatorship.

Do you think women and minorities would have rights? No. There would be forced into slavery?

Do you think there would be a free market and property rights? No. There would be rampant corruption and tribute.

And the analogy about blowing up a kids house for the greater good is incorrect. We take every measure to prevent civilian casualities. We risk our own soldiers lives so innocents don't get killed. If someone is hurt, we take care of them in our hospitals and provide very good medical care.

Do the terrorists do this? No, they make civilians hop around on a broken leg, and then they shoot them.

And the goal here was not the US to take over Iraq. It was to get rid of Saddaam Hussein, someone who supported terrorists, and let the Iraqi people run their own government. It has nothing to do with oil. It has a lot to do with Islamic terrorism and the belief that to defeat al Qaeda you have to improve the lives of Moslems and make it known we're the good guys.

If it had something to do about oil, why didn't we go into Anwar or the Gulf of Mexico? They have much more oil there and it wouldn't cost any lives.

Oh wait right, the neocons don't have enough power to do this, yet they have enough power to fake a false terroristic attack on 9/11 and bring the US to war for "Blood for oil".


posted on May, 16 2005 @ 06:07 PM
Wrong again, that's 0 for 2, you ain't doing too good are you.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 07:15 PM
Whatever dude. I can see that this isn't going anywhere constructive. So I'll let a sleeping dog lie. No humor here in this forum.

On a different note do you see how a simple post of humor can get you flamed? Typical hide behind the post BS.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by ROMAD
Whatever dude. I can see that this isn't going anywhere constructive. On a different note do you see how a simple post of humor can get you flamed? Typical hide behind the post BS.

Not going constructive for you I'd say. You already had your insult turned about on you. Here it is again in case your memory lapses in the same amount of time it takes to contradict yourself:

Originally posted by ROMAD
I think that the poor guy who initiated this silly post has been beat up enough and (hopefully) realizes that America is not France.

The only comments in this thread I see hiding behind BS is you labelling an insult, humor. Theres a difference see, you hide behind the insult and I see through your humorous BS. Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. How's my humor?

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 09:23 PM
This is me ignoring the fool who prides himself in his whitty foolishness.

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