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NEWS: 13yr Old Denied Abortion By Florida Court.

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posted on May, 3 2005 @ 04:32 PM
Ah, give the Devil his due. He can certainly pick them. Especially in Florida. (Maybe that’s why God sent not 1 but 4 hurricanes their way last year) Evil feeds on anger and division. It’s how it grows strong (and it is growing stronger by the day). Anytime you have an argument that has NO MIDDLE GROUND it is from the Devil. Get em angry - let those emotions take over their ability to reason. Argue all you want - God takes care of each and every soul, whether aborted or born into a loving home. (I know, he told me) All I feel in these arguments from the pro-lifers is hatred and judgmentalism.

Give God a chance. You judge this little girl and her actions now and you will pay ten times the price she pays, whatever her decision. Leave the abortion issue to God and the woman involved. That’s his job, not yours. Judge Not! When you forget this you put your mortal soul at risk.

Sorry, hate to preach but some of the comments I have read in this post make me extremely fearful of where we are heading as humans.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 09:52 PM
yes it makes me fearfull of where society is headed as well. to be totaly ok with the murder of a baby. it just goes to show how far our morals have already fallen. we need to do everything we can to stop the degradation of our societies morals. how long will it be i wonder before all you need to do to get away with killing someone is to not like their views.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 10:26 PM
Wait, last Sunday you people were going on about killing gays and jews, and now this sunday going on about saving the fetus............. What the hell? Delay joins in on the kill gays and jews at the Mega Church, and now getting ready to kill a 13 year old girl.

As someone asked, it is ok to kill someone in the 39th trimester, but evil to abort a mass of cells not even human yet in the first trimester.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 10:33 PM
I had something on the hypocrisy of thr pro-fetus(not life, they are all happy killing everyone, just not fetuses) and how they like to go out and kill.

And even more amazing is the responses! All for blowing up entire hospitals, burning houses down killing everyone inside, drive by shootings, executing minors and mentally handicapped, but better not abort a 2 week old fetus or they will get you!

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by drogo
yes it makes me fearfull of where society is headed as well. to be totaly ok with the murder of a baby. it just goes to show how far our morals have already fallen. we need to do everything we can to stop the degradation of our societies morals. how long will it be i wonder before all you need to do to get away with killing someone is to not like their views.

Drogo, wonder no longer. Florida also passed a bill this week that allows one person to shoot another just because they feel threatened. The interpretations are endless.

As far as the murdering a baby aspect. Murdering a baby is wrong. Aborting a fetus that is not yet developed enough to live outside of the womb (prior to six months) is the choice of the mother. This is the law pretty much across America. Prior to the six month point, it is still a fetus, a parasite of sorts, dependent on the mother for life. It is not yet an autonomous life, and cannot exist on its own. Abortion is a matter of choice. If you choose life, choose not to have an abortion. Until you posess female reproductive organs and actually have to face the issue firsthand, however, stay out of the wombs of women. Us males will never experience the physiological changes that a woman will go through during pregnancy, nor will we ever experience morning sickness, the feeling of a late-term fetus kicking inside us, lactation, or any of the other joys and trials of carrying a child. Because of this, us males are in no position to decide what's best for women.... unless of course, you still believe that women don't deserve the same rights as the rest of the human race....

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by James the Lesser

As someone asked, it is ok to kill someone in the 39th trimester, but evil to abort a mass of cells not even human yet in the first trimester.

I think we've had this particular discussion before, but we'll try it again. Don't involve me in your useless exchange of needless hyperbole. I'm liberal, and I don't want you on my side. The utter and complete tripe that you continually spout, as though it were the gospel according to Gary, hurts us more than it helps us.

I get about three lines into one of your posts, and I move on. I mean, seriously, how about assembling a logical and coherent arguement, rather than post a two page diatribe filled with run on sentences and insecure hearsay. In this case...

Where is the mass political movement by Christians to kill Jews?
Where is the mass political movement by Christians to kill gays?
Where is the mass political movement by Christians to kill this girl?

"Uh, I don't know", is probably the answer forming on your mouth right now. Well, that's pretty irresponsible. And, you can be as irresponsible as you want, but don't reference me while you're doing it.

I loath fundementalism, in all its forms. I loath Christian hypocrisy. I loath self righteousness, and arrogance, and hubris. I loath the lack of critical thinking that comes when people check out, and depend on the invisible man in the sky for all manner of miracles. I hate the exclusionary, moralists judgements that permeate the darkest parts of man's psyche, as they try and cope with a world spinning wildly out of control.

And your crappy arguement ruins my good arguement.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 12:58 AM
Where are they? Well, last week they were at the Mega Church with Delay going on about rounding up and killing gays/jews. This sunday, well, tuesday, they are in Florida protesting the right of a person to do what they want with their body. That's where they are.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Where are they? Well, last week they were at the Mega Church with Delay going on about rounding up and killing gays/jews. This sunday, well, tuesday, they are in Florida protesting the right of a person to do what they want with their body. That's where they are.

Show me a qoute. Where's the megachurch? How many attended?
Who said, "let's kill all the jews now"? Who said, "Let's kill all the gays now"? Gimme some proof that Delay announced to this congregation that he was participating in, or actually leading, a national holocaust against Jews and Gays.

And I swear to God, I'll give you all the money in my pockets.

Show me anything. Please, break this particular story wide open.

You know, I nailed you for your hubris, and you turn right around and offer up more hubris. Learning makes brain hurt, I know, but give me some proof to back up your claims...or stop saying them.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 02:00 AM
Please see the new article updating the court's decision.

Interrrupting any off topic fights (though unintentional) is just a bonus.

Don't bring them to the new thread please.

[edit on 4-5-2005 by RANT]

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