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Possession / Exorcisms?

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posted on May, 2 2005 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by Legalizer
Its all psychological and medical. No demons exist.
Several diseases of the body and mind have the exact characteristics of so called "possession".

The most common "possessions" come to religious people too ignorant to go see physicians.

I'd be skeptical of the "live recording" of an exorcism, I owned an album from the 70's that was supposed to be the same thing, two sides of a full LP, filled with this rubbish. I ended up using it as a palette for painting.

quite's wrong what you say. sure there are ilnesses which can be diagnosed and cured, but being possesed by a demonic creature is indeed possible.

demons are attracted to people with "energy", more then the average human. mostly highly "gifted" people who aren't yet aware of what they can do. demons look em up and try to suck their energy out of em and ruin those people. usually a demon just lingers around you it's rare that it actually possesses your body. if a demon possesses your body it means you're weak in mind else you'd be able to keep it out.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 01:37 PM
what post on here let you listen to a live exocrism? i want to hear that

Digital Grl

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 02:21 PM
Well prior to the popularity of the film "The Exorcist".... my years of parochial schooling offered many chances to hear various priests and nuns speak on this topic.
To myself and all other little catholic school kids was conveyed the message that exorcism was very real, and the Satanic possession it was designed to undo similarly factual.
I'm years away from the last such conversations, but I'm pretty sure that the church, while acknowledging the presence of mental illness as easily mistaken for what used to be called possession, still holds Satanic possession to be a reality, and exorcism as a valid method of resolution.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 04:48 PM
What the church holds as "real", is of absolutely no value.
After all this is the same church who allows the rape of children, and violates its own commandments of worshipping idols by having a thousands saints to pray to, graven images out the wazoo.

Not a single medical expert in this thread? Just a bunch of heresay, and quakery, and alledged "expertise" in this area.

I'll remind you that a volunteer in a psyche ward has zero clout, in fact, since you actually believe these people to be possessed instead of mentally ill you should not be around them.
Things you say to them could inflict more damage to their already fragile minds.

There is no possession by demons, you are all very much delusional.

Diseases that could appear to be demonic possession: epilepsy, scizophrenia, autism, muscular dystrophy, severe manic-depression (during the manic phase), need I go on?

The comment about solomon's seals being able to possess people is totaly bogus.
All of solomon's spirits were supposed to be "helpful", in fact they are given credit for building the temple. But this all very much faerytale.
Technically I'm an "expert" in this field, 20+ years and counting.

I think mental illness might be running rampant at these forums, or at least deep desire to embrace ignorance and never let go.

I wish I knew where all you gullible people lived, it would be so easy to scam every dollar out of your pockets.

Wake up, go learn some medecine and science instead of blinding yourselves with hypocritical religion and bunk theories.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 05:12 PM
whoa, legalizer, u shouldn't go around saying people who volunteer in medical wards don't have anything to offer to this subject. You can learn way more from being up close and personanal with something rather than just reading about it in a textbook. I am not a huge believer in demonic posession, i have my own theories about that, but i respect everyone who gave their commentary because it is an opinion based site. If it were all fact, we probably wouldn't even have a site like this. So just letting ya kno...

But anyway, onto the theory of my own. I studied a lot about this subject and come to the conclusion that "demons" are created by humans who have baggage, which in short is all of us. When the negative energy from a human carrying too much baggage becomes excessive, the energy can personafy and take on a role of its own. Usually people who have tapped into their spirituality are prone to this negative energy.

So think about the most unhappy person you know, times that by a few others like that, then put all that stored up anger and bad energy into one person and you have a demonic possesion. That's just my theory though.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by DigitalGrl
what post on here let you listen to a live exocrism? i want to hear that

Digital Grl

Here's the thread with an alleged live exorcism recording originally posted by helen760.

I'm not sure what my take on this one is yet.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:05 AM
it is one of those things you struggle to understand until you or a loved one is possed

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 05:53 PM
I guss an oobe could do it. If your not at your body it might be able to get in

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:12 PM

You do not know these people in a forum, not what they do to try to help others.
How dare you call a person mentally ill, when you have no concept ?
My sympathies go out to you, and all who wish to cast stones upon what they know little of...
I will put you in my prayers.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:46 PM
well said siriuslyone....i will pray for legalizer also. Other than that, all we can do is simply accept that there will always be those who are closed minded and critical of things they have no idea about.

By the way, i have to say, i admire you for your efforts in helping people in such a way. I'm sure each and every one appreciates you.


[edit on 3-5-2005 by sanse_nz]

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by sanse_nz
well said siriuslyone....i will pray for legalizer also. Other than that, all we can do is simply accept that there will always be those who are closed minded and critical of things they have no idea about.

By the way, i have to say, i admire you for your efforts in helping people in such a way. I'm sure each and every one appreciates you.


[edit on 3-5-2005 by sanse_nz]

Thank you, all I can add is that i have been clinically dead 3 times, and quess what is MOST important to the 'other side'?
They do not care what you name is, nor how much $$ you have, the only querie is 'what have you done to help other human beings'?
And you cannot lie, as it is shown to you in a life review, you have to experience what the person you harmed felt at the time..
wonderful idea? I think so..
Bless you..

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by CloudlessKnight
Exactly how does a person end up with the misfortune of being possessed by a demon? Is it something that we do to "open the doors" so to speak?

This was brought up at my church on last Wed. night. My pastor is in his late 60's and had a coffee house ministry in California during the hippie days and said He dealt with this.

He said it's more of an attachment than be possessed. He likens it to a leech that is stuck on your skin. But he did say that they can hide. He also said you need to know what you are doing to get rid of them and they can be extremely hard to get out of a persons life.

He said one time a man started crawling over and under pews. He and another fellow were there and the other fellow had never seen anything like it before, and was skeptical that such a thing was possible and became frightened.

My pastor was trying to get it to leave the person, and through the person it began to laugh and said I don't have to listen to you. And he replied but you do have to listen to the Lord Jesus Christ and I am a servant of His.

You also can give "invitations" with or without knowing it, by the things you make part of your life.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 06:48 AM
let me get something straight demonic possesion is not just in chritianity, hindus, buhddist also believe it is possible as do african tribes. when you open the door you do things to weaken yourself remeber your spirit is connected to your physical body, so anything on the physical is happening on the spiritual as well. things like intoxicants are one (i am not saying drinking causes it im saying being drunk take down your natural defence) when you start playing with spirits if you do not protect yourself you are an open target

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 06:43 PM
Something was said several posts back I just want to add to.

Subjects such as these are important ones to listen to personal experiences about. You cannot claim to know the absolute truth about the matter because no man is in possession of it. Because of that we must all listen to eachother. We must each share what we know and we must each take in all the information we can and weigh it for ourselves and determine what we can for the best. So all we can really do here is the best we can. Please don't run around acting like you know everything or I'll be forced to pray to you and offer you gold and various produce in return for my eternal salvation.

In addition: I'm greatful for all stories of various experiences, we each have our own interpretations of what these things mean, but at the very least we can only gain better knowledge by acquiring more of it. Thanks everybody.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 12:23 PM
very well said Incognita *claps*

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Legalizer
Its all psychological and medical. No demons exist.

I disagree.


Read a book called The Demonologist by Gerald Brittle. These happenings are real and truly horrifying. Ed Warren and his wife Lorraine are the subjects of the book. Ed explains possesion and how it happens. To say there's nothing psychological about it is not really true either. The oppression that demons cause is psychological. I believe there are three steps leading to possession.

Manifestation - oppression - possession.


posted on May, 6 2005 @ 03:11 PM
I'd like to hear more about how you acquired your knowledge & wisdom on this topic. It sounds like it was through experience and I'm interested in comparring it with my own. Either by here or U2U, I'd be very grateful.

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 03:55 AM
i pitty those who claim it is all mental illness they will never know what is truely going on in the world around them they see mearly what there physical eyes see and no more its sad

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by moonbeam13
let me get something straight demonic possesion is not just in chritianity, hindus, buhddist also believe it is possible as do african tribes. when you open the door you do things to weaken yourself remeber your spirit is connected to your physical body, so anything on the physical is happening on the spiritual as well. things like intoxicants are one (i am not saying drinking causes it im saying being drunk take down your natural defence) when you start playing with spirits if you do not protect yourself you are an open target

indeed. i'm not a follower of any religion, but my ideals resemble most that of a budhist. Demonic creatures come in many forms and shapes and are not religion bound.

when you're in your body you are either awake or asleep. meaning you're either aware and using your gifts or you're not. if you're asleep you will have your "guardians" put a protective shield around you. when you're awake you have to set up defensive shields yourself every other day.

now...actual demon possesion is possible, but rarely happens. in most cases they're small demons who indeed leech on you and try to wreck things up. i've been present and witnessed both cases. one we had someone help with the excorcism en the other we put the guy down and took out some of his personalities to talk with. then learned one was a demon in disquise which we kicked out. the man still swears, but who doesn,t, but at least now he doesn't break half of the house down when angered.

also keep in mind that an average gifted person only has 100-200 energy units to use for shields and such. which isn't enough. that's why i cast the shields in my group and family

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by saint4God
I'd like to hear more about how you acquired your knowledge & wisdom on this topic. It sounds like it was through experience and I'm interested in comparring it with my own. Either by here or U2U, I'd be very grateful.

Gosh, thanks, but all I really do is keep my mind open no matter what I see, feel, or hear. That's the best thing we can do. To judge other people is just as bad as judging anything else such as spiritual manifestations. Of course, we all eventually come to our own opinions. I'm still trying to figure it all out, so I can't really tell you much.

Yeah, I've seen some stuff. And I've learned some stuff, but it's up to me what I do with that stuff. And what to think of it. I truly believe that people who don't accept the existance of things won't see them, because if they do they interpret it as something else.

About the subject though, all I can really offer for sure is something on the subject of fear. Fear is indeed the most useless of all human emotions. Not only because it serves no purpose but also because it is used as a weapon against you. Most people are afraid of things they call "demons" and that fear is closing off whatever truth might be lying behind their existance. It makes me really sad to think of an eternal existance closed off from the living world, seen only as a being of darkness, not being able to communicate with anything. Whatever rage lies behind it all, or whatever explanation, I don't want to be rash about it.

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