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The Final Word On Bohemian Grove

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posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 03:40 AM
Penn and Teller should do a BS show about Bohemian Grove and Denver Airport.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by 8bitagent
Penn and Teller should do a BS show about Bohemian Grove and Denver Airport.

Is it possible that they can not do so?
What if they tried and were smacked down, or found out it was all true???

There's no shortselling entertainers like Penn and Teller as erstwhile, upstanding reporter of truth, justice, and the American way ... No.... Wait .... That's Superman ... Sorry.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 12:17 PM
Wouldn't PnT spend most of the time in such a show making people who beleive in satanic ceremonies at the grove look like lunatics?? Just like they do with alien abductions and fortune tellers and the like???

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Wouldn't PnT spend most of the time in such a show making people who beleive in satanic ceremonies at the grove look like lunatics?? Just like they do with alien abductions and fortune tellers and the like???

Hahaha they did a GREAT job making David Icke look like the lunatic which he is!

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 02:37 PM
I think that show is really hit and miss, for every good point they make, theres another one that really isn't. I didn't think they did a very good job debunking PETA.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by JonestownRed
I think that show is really hit and miss, for every good point they make, theres another one that really isn't. I didn't think they did a very good job debunking PETA.

Really? I thought that was a good episode also! They showed the hypocrisy between animal research protests and the fact that the head of PETA benefits from animal testing! They also showed PETA's support for terror tactics! I wasn't impressed with their "Holier Than Thou" episode where they tried tearing up Mother Teresa, Ghandi and other activists. That one was weak.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 03:07 PM
The problem with conspriacy fandom and culture is that a lot of people dont liek to seperate fact from fiction. Its kind of like taking widely believed hidden truths, revealed truths, and also piling on total contrivences, wishful thinking, and hearsay. I mean the Denver Airport one, its good for comedy factor but dear goodness.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by 8bitagent
The problem with conspriacy fandom and culture is that a lot of people dont liek to seperate fact from fiction. Its kind of like taking widely believed hidden truths, revealed truths, and also piling on total contrivences, wishful thinking, and hearsay. I mean the Denver Airport one, its good for comedy factor but dear goodness.

Youre absolutely right. Conspiracy theory goes as far as someone's imagination allows. It's difficult to argue with people who think of everything possible to turn something completely innocent into something nefarious and evil. They will ALWAYS see something wrong with these issues because they are LOOKING for those things. It's pure fantasy.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by yanchek
When you become a public person you forfeit your right to privacy. I as citizen and employer reserve the right (and is also my duty) to know everything about my employe and how he/she is running my country. If this person represents for example good trustworthy Cristian I expect from him/her to behave accordingly in his/hers public and private life.
And BG IMO is not the place for this person to be.

These are not public servants. Most of the membership is composed of private individuals who happen to be the CEOs of major corporations, or they Manage large hedge funds etc... the minority of Grove Attendees are Public Servants. And most of those are former public servants.

As for the grove itself. It is exactly what it on the surface appears to be. A Rich/powerful men's club that though allows in people to handle the catering conducts and hosts plays. Since its a retreat and they're there to have fun, they themselves become the actors in the plays. Oh yes sinister 'evil ritual' bah. High school kids do more sinister stuff in plays.

Wheeling and dealing? Sure why not. I've done a fair bit at simply car guy get together. Hell you want a concentration of rich people in one place there is no bigger concentration of money than the Monterey Historic Automobile Races, Pebble Beach and Auctions, or your local stripclub.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by sebatwerk

Originally posted by nukunuku
you are strangely at ease that members of a high society are "running around naked in the woods" and conducting these more than strange rituals. Have you cremated your care already by any chance?

No, I just don't feel that it's any of my business what they do on their own private time. Needless to say, I am nont a hypocrite like the members of this forum who feel the government should stay out of THEIR private lives, but then seek to intrude into the private lives of government members.

we have the right to privacy.
we are the government.
watch your argument fall apart.
what you are describing as government is not democratic, but rather, authoritarian.
the key to democracy is transparency.
we SHOULD care about the president going for a bike ride, but we shouldn't care if he runs around naked in the woods doing pagan ceremonies which include 'mock' or 'REAL' human sacrifice.
if you were a judge, there would NEVER be a search warrant issued. you would assume the criminals have a 'right to privacy', while the bad, nasty general populace is a THREAT to the 'american way'.

Nobody is watching me, because I am not paranoid like you

just because you're not paranoid, doesn't mean they're not watching you.

well, i had to edit this post, so i thought i'd add this thought, .....what was barnum's famous quote? it's all a matter of perspective as to who's who in the eternal battle of good and evil.

[edit on 2-6-2005 by billybob]

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by yanchek
I mean't elected officials. When you voted for example Bush you voted his image. You voted a man who is strong, honest, patriotic leader with high moral standards. A straight meat and potato kind a guy. This kind of person does not need to indulge himsef in perverse sexual or other kind of suspicious activities. He is what is.

excellent observation. and not even a true fake image, but an AFTERIMAGE of the achetype. we see life through the rear view mirror.
according to a certain school of thinking, the 'tv body' is one of our (five)bodies. here at ATS, we are in the chip body. according to this school of thought, when you phone someone, you are not just talking to them, you ARE them, as your thoughts are directly translated into their thoughts. and so it is with ALL media. many people identify with meat and potatoes bush's tv body, and therefore it becomes their tv body. a meld, if you will.
this may explain the inexplicable loyalty that some feel towards the 'great leader', even in light of weighty evidence of wrongdoing on NUMEROUS fronts..

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by billybob
we have the right to privacy.
we are the government.
watch your argument fall apart.
what you are describing as government is not democratic, but rather, authoritarian.
the key to democracy is transparency.
we SHOULD care about the president going for a bike ride, but we shouldn't care if he runs around naked in the woods doing pagan ceremonies which include 'mock' or 'REAL' human sacrifice.
if you were a judge, there would NEVER be a search warrant issued. you would assume the criminals have a 'right to privacy', while the bad, nasty general populace is a THREAT to the 'american way'.

I'm watching, waiting for my argument to fall apart...

Your post made no sense. How is it that I'm describing an authoritarian government? We ALL have a right to privacy in this country, including elected officials! That is authoritarian HOW???

And criminals don't have a right to privacy because they lost their rights by committing a crime. In time, after their sentence is served, these rights will be restored and they will regain their freedom... freedom to do whatever the hell they please, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone!

And the key to democracy is not transparency. What are you talking about!?!? It's fair representation.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 01:36 AM
your current president has been accused of more crimes than carter has pills. his father was head of the secret police for an uncomfortably long period of time. his grandfather financed the nazis. there was a secret nazi network established by the OSS to allow thousands of nazi scientists into the country. MKultra. FOIA. JFK.

stuff, 'just happens', i guess.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by billybob
your current president has been accused of more crimes than carter has pills. his father was head of the secret police for an uncomfortably long period of time. his grandfather financed the nazis. there was a secret nazi network established by the OSS to allow thousands of nazi scientists into the country. MKultra. FOIA. JFK.

Why are you changing the subject? This has NOTHING to do with the discussion that Government officials still have the right to their privacy, and can attend events such as at the Bohemian Grove without having to disclose their actions to the public, or anyone for that matter.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by billybob
your current president has been accused of more crimes than carter has pills. his father was head of the secret police for an uncomfortably long period of time. his grandfather financed the nazis. there was a secret nazi network established by the OSS to allow thousands of nazi scientists into the country. MKultra. FOIA. JFK.

stuff, 'just happens', i guess.

Yeah, like the public knows anything about the Bush grand pappy/Nazi connection thru Union Bank or anything else that isnt spoonfed to them on the nightly news. If America realized how in bed American corporations and banks were with Hitler theyd probably not sit too comfortably as well.

As for Bohemian Grove, when ya have that many heads of state theres a reason its under tight security. How Alex Jones got in there is quite the lapse of judgement.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 04:37 AM
sorry to change the subject. but my 2 cents:

to the naysayers and skeptics, you have every right to be. no proof has been presented to you - why believe this stuff? we demand proof right?! well first you have to ask what constitutes proof today? and proof of what - this is all so vague. ok, if something illegal is going on behind those trees, what exactly is it. what are these people protesting. well from various first hand testimonies, murder happens. weve got stories of brainwashed slaves and snuff filming of every sexual perversion. well those could just be liars trying to discredit the BG. granted. now as for alex jones; the man is fanatical. agreed. it is quite obvious that alex jones gets on a lot of nerves. if you find yourself annoyed with alex, ask yourself, is it the information that he presents, or the way that he presents it?

in my personal opinion, i am a bit annoyed by alex's tactics, and outright angered at the thought his information is accurate. but neither of these pinched nerves cancels out the facts *should they actually be facts*

ok, what can we agree on as fact?

-firstly, BG is a secret elite mens club; no crimes here.
-members perform ~odd~ rituals before a giant stone owl. (note, alex's film is admittedly genuine) but still no crime.
-our damning facts pretty much end there.

-and first hand testimony from claimed MKULTRA victims seemingly dont go far. so theres no evidence of foul play after all.

without getting too newagie on you people, can i suggest something about energy? when a number of people all concentrate on the same thing, there is a 'concentration' or an actual 'pool' of energy created. it is abstract, but it makes sense to me that when the elite are all vying to place themselves within BG for the network and social advantages, that a certain 'air of mystery' surrounds it. once in, the proud member honours that mystery and puts the BG secret on the top shelf. these men keep the BG ongoings secret for entire lives. they have really placed BG as a #1 priority in their lives. regardless whether it be blackmail, or their deep appreciation of the BG benefit to their business life that compells them, these men have placed BG above all else. that alone is suspect. whats more, these men have *given up* any outside discussion about their secret lives to these fraternaties. enough men, with stern resolution and commitment, a singular entity starts to emerge. the chain that binds them together in secret. theyre selling their souls for status.

as BG so perfectly illustrates, "power goes up." eventually, all power rests within the hands of a very few. fair enough, they earned it, or inherited it. nothing criminal. well, i argue that even the unwitting participant in a cremation of care ceremony is only helping stir the vacume that only a demon could fill. sorry if this is really disjointed. what i mean is, all these officials devoutly placing their mock sacrafice club membership as priority #1, renders the BG as some borderline religon/cult. if so, what kind of deity is filling their void?!...................................... cant be good.

edit: looks like a secret, whispers like a secret; what the hells going on?!

lastly, german citizens during the reign of the 3rd reich shrugged off the blatant atrocities too. why? my only guess, because it was too painfull to confront. stop rationalizing this as acceptable behaviour. when the official story is "sorry its a secret" theres still an official story to be found.

heads up, there is a very big war coming. it will effect you, and you will care. then if not now.

[edit on 2-6-2005 by lost]

[edit on 2-6-2005 by lost]

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by sebatwerk

Originally posted by billybob
your current president has been accused of more crimes than carter has pills. his father was head of the secret police for an uncomfortably long period of time. his grandfather financed the nazis. there was a secret nazi network established by the OSS to allow thousands of nazi scientists into the country. MKultra. FOIA. JFK.

Why are you changing the subject? This has NOTHING to do with the discussion that Government officials still have the right to their privacy, and can attend events such as at the Bohemian Grove without having to disclose their actions to the public, or anyone for that matter.

it only has nothing to do with it in a world where facts stand alone in vaccuum-sealed packages. however, in the 'real world', EVERYTHING is connected.
in a court of law, 'character witnesses' are brought in to determine what sort of person the accused is.

you yourself said criminals give up their right to privacy. that is why the criminal activities of your president are relevent to this here discussion. keep disconnecting those dots, sabetwerk.

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