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"The Resistance Manifesto" Announces the Declaration of Resistance to the New World Order

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posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 06:18 AM
Found this interesting group that some of you may be interested in;

San Diego, CA - A book titled, "The Resistance Manifesto" (ISBN: 0967346630) will be released this Spring from a large global subculture of Christians fighting the tyranny and oppression of the growing New World Order. This official Declaration of Resistance from the Resistance for Christ includes an in depth analysis of the Satanic influences in the ideologies, and political institutions forging the one world government. Extrapolated is the covert message and origin of the Georgia Guide Stones, as well as the dangers of RFIDs and the VeriChip, and explanations of disturbing satellite photos of Satanic symbols in Washington D.C.'s street layout. Included are specific strategies for Resistance to tyranny and oppression. Also included is a history of The Resistance, and an outline of the lifetime commitments of it's members and it's global goals, spanning generations. It is difficult to conclude how many members The Resistance has, due to the fact that there is no central leadership, official member roster, and many members have maintained anonymity to non members.

Founder of The Resistance and author, John Conner says, "We are simply a group of Christians who analyze all facets of infrastructure, ideology, and technology involved in the New World Order and the inevitability of the isolation of power being abused in ways previously inconceived and inconsistent with it's original intention, ultimately yielding to the anti-Christ when he seizes control in possibly the next few generations."

Conner and members of The Resistance often flood the airwaves of call-in radio and television shows with topics of interest to members usually throwing the host and the direction of the show in their favor. "Power to the Resistance" is the catchphrase that follows every call. The flood of calls has become an epidemic for national programs. Larry King, Bill O'reilly on Fox news Radio, Shawn Hannidy, Alan Colmes, Michael Savage all seem to get caller who doesn't manage to get censored.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 07:24 AM
Interesting. Could there be another Waco in the near future?

Having members create a web account is probably not a great idea. Way to get yourself on the fed's list.

I notice you can even pre-order the book.

They have a load of links to AJ's I wonder if they are affiliated in any way.

Bookmarked the site. Will watch this one with guarded interest.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 08:21 AM
John Conner? isnt that the kid from Terminator ? (j/k)

i dont think there's going to be a waco incident with these guys, seeing as they claim non-violence.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 08:46 AM

San Diego, CA - A book titled, "The Resistance Manifesto" (ISBN: 0967346630) will be released this Spring from a large global subculture of Christians fighting the tyranny and oppression of the growing New World Order.

They are the NWO.

From every "the end is near" chicken little freak on a street corner (like this) to the halls of power in both the legislative and executive branches, the FBCI groups they fund, and the counterforce "opposition" elements they've engineered since the 70's as "Radical Islam" to give themselves merit, the metaphysicians of the world have always been in charge (from ancient Egypt to Greece to the Roman/Catholic Empire to the Neocons of today) and are the tryannical AUTHORITY free men must resist.

Let's research this "movement" shall we (it won't take long)?

Dollars to donuts, there's Dobson/Moonie type ties, both of which seek to reclaim and reshape society "for Christ" (with themselves in charge of course) using just this kind of fear mongering.

Quick scan of "objectives" shows the nuggets they're trying to get people to digest along with all their pretend "conspiracy" fluff. Right to Bear Arms, blah, blah, blah...

Denounce Homosexuality

Say no to homosexuality! Denouncing homosexual behavior as, “a perversion of one of the most intimate and beautiful acts between consenting adults” and calling it, “satanic,” and, “a neurological disorder,” John Conner, author of The Resistance Manifesto offers no apologies. “I’m not homophobic. I’m a pervert-a-phobic. I’m afraid of perverts. I’m afraid of perverts destroying decency in society and in the media. I’m afraid of perverts being able to get married and ruining the meaning of marriage. I can’t believe that this kind of behavior is not only accepted, but celebrated in society today.

MTV, has long celebrated homosexuality and other satanic behavior. And in recent years the major networks have also introduced gay characters and gay storylines. We’re calling for a return to decency. A replenishment of morals in the media.” Connor insists, adding, “these queers make me want to puke.”

It must be understood that homosexuality is a behavior, and in society we have standards of behavior. For example what is appropriate behavior and what is not. Queers like to quickly label people as discriminating against them, when in reality we are imposing societies sense of decency on them. We must be clear as a society what kinds of behavior we will and will not tolerate. Radical homosexuals known as the gay mafia must be resisted.

The term homophobe is a semantic distortion used to label people who are apposed to this sick behavior. The suffix “phobia” was added to imply a sense of irrationality and fear as if there is something wrong with YOU for thinking the way you do. The homosexuals imply WE have the problem. We are AFRAID they say. Let me say we’re not afraid, we’re DISGUSTED!

Conner with legions of others have been speaking at Churches and Bible studies for years, bringing awareness to the Orwellian influences in America and the New World Order. Stopping the homosexual agenda is also a priority of The Resistance. It is difficult to conclude how many members The Resistance has, due to the fact that there is no central leadership, official member roster, and many members have maintained anonymity to non members. Founder of The Resistance and author, John Conner says, "We are simply a group of Christians who analyze all facets of infrastructure, ideology, and technology involved in the New World Order including the erosion of morals and decency in society.

Don’t accuse us of using hate speech either. We don’t hate homosexuals. Hate speech is another semantic distortion and false label used to demonize Christians for opposing the perversions of homosexuality. The Resistance calls upon formal organization through legislation and PAC's to sustain our spiritual rights while balancing our civil ones, and to prevent the radical homosexuals from destroying marriage and morals in America.

It is time to stand together, and not let the gay mafia affect public policy! We must resist the homosexuals! Resist the propaganda perpetuating ideologies! Resist erosion of morals and the acceptance of homosexual behavior! Resist this Satanism! Power to the Resistance!

This is a bad joke. A parody of itself. The lone nut behind the "WE" alone should tell you not to send these "people" money or give audience.

The extensive efforts to seem nonpartisan and sufficiently "looney" should tell you they are quite partisan and pulling your leg. Skull & Bones bad! Reagan and Schwarzenneger went to Bohemian Grove! Oh my God, I think Satan is under my bed!!!

Oh and give money, hate gays, join the NRA.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 08:58 AM
PS - The "Resistance" Forum has 12 members and about 40 posts.

I'm sure that book is reeeeeal forthcoming.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 09:12 AM
I think RANT hit the nail on the head on this one.

Will have to see what becomes of them, but know that early adopters out on the "bleeding edge" usually get cut.

Stay away from this one, for now at least, folks.



posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by RANT
PS - The "Resistance" Forum has 12 members and about 40 posts.

I'm sure that book is reeeeeal forthcoming.

I didnt look into the forum of them until now,
i see what your saying. Whats worrying is that they might be a bunch of nutcases, so they might end up doing something really stupid.

the speech is very worrying, they seem christian extremists....which is alarming

[edit on 14-4-2005 by infinite]

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 09:59 AM
"Founder of The Resistance and author, John Conner says,"

Son of Sarah Connor? The Resistance? Sound familiar? Where's Arnold?

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by GrndLkNatv
"Founder of The Resistance and author, John Conner says,"

Son of Sarah Connor? The Resistance? Sound familiar? Where's Arnold?

Yeah, thats what i was thinking..
someone might have watched the terminator abit too many times

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by NuTroll
John Conner?

The sub title of the book is 'Come with me if you want to live'

Hmm, looks like Mr. Conner has been having plastic surgery to change his face and keep his id safe

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 05:10 PM
Funny how AAAAHHHRNOOOLLD is the bad guy in Terminator and also a current Governor of Cali? Reckon this will be a following prophecy of theirs... a little dilluded to say the least.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 05:21 PM
Based on Terminator?

My cult based on Michael Larsen is waaaaay creepier and much more secret.


posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 05:38 PM
Looks to me like either a prank, or someone who imagines he has written the next "Turner Diaries" (as if one wasn't enough). My guess it is one of Alex Jones' boytoys/groupies since there are so many links to infowars. I can ask around IRL and see what pops up. I live near Austin.

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 04:26 AM
Whats worrying, i think they are serious and are probably end up being extremists, another Waco event i feel in the making.

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 02:22 PM
Waco had to do with the NWO?

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Born
Waco had to do with the NWO?

no, they were against the New World Order, one of these extremists. Do a google search of the event

[edit on 16-4-2005 by infinite]


posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 12:49 PM
Great icons, Xatnys! "Byrd told me" types (who are rescued) will appreciate it too.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 07:18 AM
Hahahaha, a conservative religious group declaring resistance to a worldwide economic and psychic takeover by the very group who created their religion in the first place...
Well at least it's a start.

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