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Scandalously bad humor and a request

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posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 10:57 PM
Sitting near the top of

right now is the most puerile (and funny) gag about the missing WMDs I have yet seen. I would post it, but I don't have the room at ATS for the photo. It would go along with other political satire up here.

Also, there is an article which is unfunny, to do with acute radiation sickness being suffered by some of the troops...

Does anyone know a place other than ATS where images can be uploaded as individual URLs, free of charge and easy to get to, for linking here?

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 11:11 PM
It is funny but then it ain't if you know what I mean? Its actually amazing what photoshop will do.
Are you talking about this:

MA.....are you loking to store them or post them? You can right click on the image, hit "properties" and then just write down the url addy for the picture....

You probably know this and just want to store the photo right?


posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 11:12 PM

Gene's Nutty, Wacky, Crazy, Chicken Hawk Salad *

Start with one large Ash Crock (a cracked one is okay). Place one Bush inside, preferably recently uprooted. Add one Rump (ground is preferred). Now add some Venom of Man. Spice of Abraham is good, but be very conservative. Add the Knee of a Principi (if this is not available a Chain Knee will do although Chain Knees are hard to find). Bring to a fever Pitch. Stir occasionally with a Tommy Thom-spoon. Paw N'Feel your way through and don't forget to add a big dose of propaganda. Be very afraid of foreign ingredients. We recommend that you always use a Norton Mineta gasser or bake in the Ovens.

Serve for Chow on a bed of Condoleezza Rice (the Rice may be fluffed with Fleischer margarine). A favorite salad recipe of fascists around the world and good for the Colon. Put on your favorite recipe Card. For home security during those hot summer days, keep locked away in the Fridge.

The recipe does not call for nuts, but the aroma of nuts is unmistakable. It also has a nutty flavor. A dish you would kill for or die for. Although full of chicken hawks, you'll swear you're eating a hero sandwich. Can be spoon-fed to the American public.

*Also known as Pseudo-Caesar Salad.

Below you will find the nationally guarded ingredients to the current White House indelicacy:

ChickenHawk Salad

1. Pluck ChickenHawk (from line of duty)
2. Reserve feathers. Good for ruffling, or for lining nest
3. Use saved neck to make a rich stock. Simmer in Defense Contracts (remember to skim fat off the top)
4. Coat the right wing in Buffalo-the-People Sauce. Roast the left wing, then discard.
5. Toss in the mix:
*Foreign Domain Let-us (torn into pieces)
*Cheesy excuses
*Shredded documents
*Pepperspray (for those on an antiwar diet)
*Salt of the earth (to shakedown)
*Words, unminced
6. Top off with "Cheerleader" brand Texas Ranch Cross-Dressing, and garnish with chips (place on shoulders, or let them fall where they may)

Makes enough to cover loafers with a lot of bread.

This salad is just for show: not to serve.




1 dozen right wing chickenhawk fanatics
1 US Department of Defense
1 Majority republican congress full of chickenhawks
1 Biased Supreme Court
1 Majority biased media
1 Moronic awol president (Texan brand is required)

Place 1 doz. right wing fanatics in a large bowl. Blend with US Department of Defense. Fold in the Majority republican congress and Biased Supreme Court. Spice the ingredients with a Majority biased media. Stir the ingredients well. For presentation purposes, sprinkle 1 Moronic awol president over all and serve it up to the American people.

Caution: Chickenhawk salad should be placed on ice and disposed of within 3 days. Dangerous and deadly e. coli can breed in Chickenhawk salad, resulting in a recipe for disaster.


The recipe for Chickenhawk Salad is as follows:

Equal parts -

Tax cuts for the wealthy
Disdain for working people

Mix with apathy from the general populace, "Media", and Congress. Serve liberal portions at White House press briefings and on daily "news programs".

Bon Appetit!


ChickenHawk Salad:

Dice up a bush (Jeb or Dubya brand)
add a few Limpballs (for a real Rush)
add only the right wings of a chicken
add 5 Dick Cheney small heart shaped onions
do Not use Johnny Ashcroft croutons that are shaped like boobs.
add some Scalia scallions
If you are a Wiccan (eye of a (G)newt.
For dressing use Rumsfeld rum sparingly.
Sprinkle with crushed pretzels and enjoy!


Yes as a matter of fact I do have the recipe. I don't think you will really want to make it, but here goes . . .

Take three or more must be from Texas and must have a very macho attitude.......this will give the salad it's pungent yet repulsive flavor. Next add a heaping helping of manure, preferably from a bull. Mix together with a teaspoon of conservative media, (this is to preserve and enhance the flavor long after any possible nutritional or rational flavor has expired). This will also add a bit of visual enhancement without adding any substantial value.

After all ingredients have been mixed successfully, tell your dinner guests that this dish will be very good for them and delicious. Then, with a wink, serve your meal.

There are two reasons to serve "chickenhawk salad." First, it will surprise your guests when they realize what they have consumed, and second, when the guests have departed you will discover that the salad will morph into Iraqi oil.

I mean, even if your guests should perish from consuming your fabrication............hell you get to keep the oil.

Read this and more fun recipes in my new cookbook........"Cookin the Books for Fun and Profit." And be sure to check my recipe for "Texas Fake Diplomacy Cake" -- if your guests won't eat it.........force it down their throats.........the special ingredient is a new herb, "dis-passion fruit."

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 11:15 PM

Thanks for the help and posting that one!

Actually, I just discovered how to post from that link with your help.

No need to store, I think the link will be around for a while.

Thanks again!

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

Thanks for the help and posting that one!

Actually, I just discovered how to post from that link with your help.

No need to store, I think the link will be around for a while.

Thanks again!



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