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Liberal Logic That Just Makes You Shake Your Head In Reply

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posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: CanadianLoudMouth

Would you agree that most white supremists would support Trump over Biden?

Richard Spencer endorsed Biden and Biden eulogized the former KKK wizard.....

I've never seen any racism from the left, but maybe I missed something.

Like the KKK? Jim Crowe south?

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 07:59 PM
Let's See ...

- high inflation - check
- high fuel prices - check
- open borders - check
- closer to nuclear war - check

Nate Grigsby was right, they truly do hate the country.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: CanadianLoudMouth

I will be more than glad to dispel any mythology that you hold about the US.

First, Obamacare. My daughter. She now lives in Seattle, btw.

Before Obamacare: was on my insurance. No need. Was working nearly full time.... 39 hours a week, and school part time. If 40 hours, her company would have had to pick her up on benefits. So nobody in minimum wage jobs worked more than 39 hours per week.

After Obamacare: was still on my insurance. Was now reduced to working part time. 29 hours a week. If 30 hours, her company would have had to pick her up on benefits. She past the age of 26 a year later, and now also had no insurance because with working 2 jobs now, could no longer qualify for the discounted plans.

Do you see what Im saying? Obamacare caused her to have her one fulltime job eliminated. Along with millions of more people working retail, because thats just the way retail does things. They don't pay benefits. So everyone that worked in retail, in non-profits, in other sectors even (I heard of a university that cut everyones hours that was admin staff).

So the working poor had their hours cut and many still don't have insurance. Many now have to juggle two part time jobs to make ends meet. Which means trying to juggle 58 hours of work on two schedules. Both jobs wanting you to have flexible hours. WHere is someone supposed to go to school to move up from retail.

She is lucky. She is a bartender. Pays better than retail, with tips. Still no insurance, but she has no student loans (I wouldn't let her take them) but no degree, she was working on it when Obamacare caused her to have to get a second job) She has no kids. Is able to afford to live in Seattle by herself.

Obamacare did NOTHING to help her. Made her life harder, for nothing.

At least the GOP republicans got RID OF THE FINE for not buying something you could not afford anyway: Obamacare.

All those new part time jobs to fill in the hours the retailers et. al. had to cut from others? They made Obama's unemployment numbers look pretty good! And they still are good!

I want to know what the number is for full time (more than 29) hours a week actually is.

These people are EVIL. But the corporations took the blame for not suddenly paying millions more in health benefits and other bene's for redefined full time work.

Hope your perspective is more broad now. At least on this issue.

edit on 9/23/2023 by CoyoteAngels because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/23/2023 by CoyoteAngels because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: CanadianLoudMouth
I've never seen any racism from the left, but maybe I missed something..

That's because you are called a racist if you point out the anti-white racism that comes from the left.
So yeah ... you missed something.

posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels

These people are EVIL. But the corporations took the blame for not suddenly paying millions more in health benefits and other bene's for redefined full time work.

Hope your perspective is more broad now. At least on this issue.

So also add that companies that once paid for healthcare then opt-out saying their employees can just get Obamacare now. The average Obamacare plan costs $469 per month for a 40-year-old individual, $937 for a couple age 40, $1,214 for a 40-year-old couple with one child, and $1,491 for a 40-year-old couple with two children.

So how does all that look... 18,000 a year for a family of 4, and with very high caps before it kicks in.

edit on 25-9-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

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