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Color Revolution or Soft Martial Law? The Real Dystopian Path...

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posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 09:44 AM
As I'm watching things play out in France and thinking about what it means for the rest of the western world, I'm coming to some personal conclusions.

First, I do not believe that the nascent civil war in France is just an accident. I am convinced that it is planned, scripted, and on purpose. Call me a fear-porn mongerer, a doomsday fanatic, whatever you want. Frankly, I hope that you are right and in a year from now the world has recovered and I look like an idiot. I'd be happy to be proven wrong. We'll see...

I see two possible roads forward for the rest of western civilization at this point.

Possibility 1. Full scale color revolutions will continue across the west as the dominoes fall. Three or four conservative decisions from SCOTUS on the heels of one another are putting pressure on the left in the US and many are pissed off because conservatives are now allowed to exercise the first amendment rights, because people of color will have to compete based on merit, because Joe's free handout to fiscally irresponsible marks was stricken. Add this to the people who are angry because their "right" to murder babies might be curtailed, and you have a lot of pissed off people. Throw in the massive influx of fighting-aged men coming across the border illegally (just like in France), and you have a bit of a tinder box. If this happens, the 2020 "summer of love" with its "mostly peaceful protests" will look like a summer camp field day.

Possibility 2. France is made a cautionary tale and is held up as an excuse for lockdowns and soft martial law. The first possibility would be very, very messy. It's not that they care about messy, but at some point somebody will have to do some clean up, and some existing infrastructure will be useful in the future. Perhaps France will just be used as an instructive model of what happens when people are allowed freedom (Quelle horreur!). Since everybody wants to be safe (just look at how people begged for more boots on their faces throughout 2020 and 2021), everyone will be told to stay at home and stay safe or face the consequences. Soft martial law will spread across the globe (at least initiallly, evolving in hard martial law).

Of course, once you have the population locked down and in a state of abject induced fear, the economy starts to suffer. Imagine the 2020 lockdowns on steroids. Then they'll need to implement a new economic system to fix the one that they broke (on purpose) by making everyone stay in their houses. I wonder what kind of economic system that could be?

Those are the two roads forwad that I see, and I'm inclined to lean toward Possibility 2. Of course, this possibilty would require an intial catalyst in each local or region, but then if the dominos fall in slow motion, nobody cares as long as they fall.

On a news feed, I recently ran across this interesting post from some unknown message board (4Chan mabye?). This sums up what I believe to be coming. There'll probably be pockets of managed unrest to justify the next steps, but I think we're headed for a soft lockdown, followed by hard martial law, then a complete economic reset.

I do hope that time proves me wrong!

edit on 2023 7 01 by incoserv because: typo.

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: incoserv
As I'm watching things play out in France and thinking about what it means for the rest of the western world, I'm coming to some personal conclusions.

The French always find some reason to riot, burn cars and cause mayhem. A couple of months ago, there were riots about changing the pension age. Before that were the Yellow Vests. They once rioted over British sheep.

In truth, French riots mean sod all to the rest of the Western world, even if a bunch of disaffected immigrants decide to torch cars in Belgium in support.

Call me a fear-porn mongerer, a doomsday fanatic, whatever you want.

Yes, you are a fear-porn monger, etc...

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: paraphi

I hope you are right.

Now, where did I put those rose colored glasses? I keep losing them!

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Color Revolution or Soft Martial Law? The Real Dystopian Path...

By "color revolution" are you saying race war? That's what it sounds like.

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: incoserv

if the dominos fall in slow motion, nobody cares as long as they fall.

I believe that first domino fell when Trump became POTUS. TPTB had to readjust their plan accordingly to regain power and get back on track.

We had C19 and all the $ transfer to start thinks off. The Gov. spent money like drunken sailors, and when the eviction moratorium was lifted a nation-wide reassessment of all property was done at the height of home and rent increases further fueling inflation.
Mock shortages added to the problem, and coupled with the Green agenda farmers were not only forced to operate without an adequate supply fertilizer they also had to reduce their livestock because of cow farts.

Gates is on a buying rampage, now being the largest private farmland owner.

Our schools have been slowly indoctrinating our to have a sense of entitlement for decades, and the current administration is fueling these young voters to believe everything should be theirs and somebody else should foot the bill, not realizing they will spend their whole lives taxed out of their dream future.

The birth rate has been steadily dropping world-wide, and if preliminary studies are any indication C19 has drastically impaired procreation.....not to mention the blurring of genders.

Behind the scenes digital currency is being set to sweep the globe. It's in slow motion, so people won't be alarmed until they wake up one day to realize every single penny they make and spend will be accounted for. They'll know the minute Grandma gives you $50.00 for your birthday; if you're living below the poverty level and get any kind of gov. assistance (free/low cost healthcare, food stamps, rental assistance, etc.) that $50.00 just may make you ineligible for that extra help.

The lower working class have been priced out of owning homes, cars and even the ability to rent. If you believe the low homeless numbers you're delusional. Same with the jobless and inflation numbers.

By the time the next plandemic hits-which the talking expert heads tell us is already on the way-all the hungry, homeless people will be begging for UBI's and total gov. control.

I know I sound like the worlds' biggest pessimist, but I'm not; I'm just seeing the writing on the wall. The Chinese have lived their whole lives under the kind of world rule that's coming our way, so we will survive-at least, those that are deemed useful enough to society to be allowed to. That doesn't include me or the rest of us boomers.

Eventually the pendulum will reach its apex and begin the decent, but not for many generations.....unless scientists playing God go too far in their quest to dominate the natural laws of nature.
Either way, our lives here are just a brief flash to enjoy each day whatever good we can find-and there's still plenty of that to offer hope of one day becoming a less hostile society.

Hard times create resilient people, so I see the 1% facing the consequences for the abuse of their privilege.

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: nugget1

I agree that this has been in motion for a long time, even longer than your timeline. But by "the first domino," I"m referring to the current phase of the physical reconstitution of the western power structure, France really being the first domino if my assesment is even near accurate.

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: incoserv

Color Revolution or Soft Martial Law? The Real Dystopian Path...

By "color revolution" are you saying race war? That's what it sounds like.

Study the history of "color revolutions" if you don't know anything about them. They intrinsically have nothing to do with race, though race can be used as a fuse to initiate them.

Our truty left-wing propaganda rag known as Wikipedia describes a color revolution in part as:

Colour revolution (sometimes coloured revolution) is a term used since around 2004 by worldwide media to describe various anti-regime protest movements and accompanying (attempted or successful) changes of government that took place in post-Soviet Eurasia during the early 21st century—namely countries of the former Soviet Union ...

It's common knowledge that Certain Intrests in America and other countries have fomented and even sponsored them to achieve regime change considered beneficial to those Intrests.

So, no, nothing to do with race.

edit on 2023 7 01 by incoserv because: formatting error.

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: incoserv

March 2021

The French armed forces are planning for high-intensity war

In January the general staff quietly established ten working groups to examine the country’s readiness for high-intensity war. French generals reckon that they have a decade or so to prepare for it. The groups cover everything from munition shortages to the resilience of society, including whether citizens are “ready to accept the level of casualties we have never seen since world war two”, says one participant. The spectre of high-end war is now so widespread in French military thinking that the scenario has its own acronym: hem, or hypothèse d'engagement majeur (hypothesis of major engagement). The presumed opponents are unnamed, but analysts point not only to Russia, but also Turkey or a North African country.

In 2015 France inaugurated the french equivalent of the Pentagon and it actually has more office space than the U.S. version.

Yes, it's actually a hexagon. More about it in this thread

And here is an all new article that I highly recommend in context:
Franco-Russian Great Power Rivalry in the Sahara-Sahel Region

That article should be a real eye opener for anyone who has been scratching their heads regarding the supposed Wagner/Prigozhin coup attempt without taking the Wagner activities in Africa into account.

Winter is coming... or something.

Edit: nice trolling
Russian senator fears for safety of French nuclear arsenal
edit on 1-7-2023 by MindBodySpiritComplex because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: incoserv
As I'm watching things play out in France and thinking about what it means for the rest of the western world, I'm coming to some personal conclusions.

The French always find some reason to riot, burn cars and cause mayhem. A couple of months ago, there were riots about changing the pension age. Before that were the Yellow Vests. They once rioted over British sheep.

Call me a fear-porn mongerer, a doomsday fanatic, whatever you want.

Yes, you are a fear-porn monger, etc...

The riots happening in France are not like the previous riots of recent years. The proof of it is not something I wish to propagate, but we live in the age of cameras and the only real barrier to knowing the truth is usually the gatekeepers that are supposed to be reporting on it. I don't recall machine guns and grenades featuring in the arsenal of previous rioters.

It's not existential doom for the human race, but if you're the person being tortured in the street by a mob then it's very much a big deal. The government steals your money while things are going well and then abandons you when things go poorly. Worse, they often blame you for it.

This will have impacts on Europe. The significance is yet to be determined.

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I have a video on one of my telegram feeds of an old man in Givors, south of Lyon, being arrested and the caption says that he was arrested for "wanting to shoot the Muslims." I can safely assume that he was trying to protect life and property and while the hordes were marauding in the streets freely, this old guy was carted off for defending himself.

How can I assume thisIl voulait tiré sur les musulment! Because the same damned thing happened numerous times in the US.

I could post the video on my YouTube channel but don't have the time right now.

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