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Top UFO articles from mainstream scientific and academic journals

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posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 07:38 AM
I think some people would be surprised by the number of articles relating to UFOs, ufology and alien abductions published in mainstream scientific and academic journals (particularly from a psychological / sociological viewpoint).

I've done some work with Chris Rutkowski to develop a list created by him of the top UFO journal articles, and I have now also created a new online folder containing the journal articles I found most interesting and/or significant.

I don't post here on ATS every time I upload UFO material to my free online UFO / Fortean archive, but I thought this new section might be of interest to some here.

To begin this section, I've uploaded over a couple of hundred journal articles.

The new directory with this material from scientific / academic journals is at the link below:

A partial index (with hyperlinks to some of the journal articles) is at the top of the directory at the link above.

(I've tried posting a direct link here to that partial index, but I think it is too long for the ATS system...).

If anyone has any favourite scientific journal articles about UFOS not currently in that folder, I would - of course - be more than happy to add them.

I couldn't find any covers that I wanted to use to illustrate this post, so I'll just paste an image that I found amusing in the context of the recent balloons/UFO shoot-down events.

edit on 19-2-2023 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 07:38 AM
The articles currently in this new folder (which is likely to expand considerably soon) are listed below:

1. 1911 07 06_Nature - Vol 87 No 2175 - Earthquakes and Luminous Phenomena
2. 1950 10 00_Hoosier Folklore - Vol 9 No 4 - Peckham

3. 1952 08 14_Journal of Philosophy - Vol 49 No 17 - B A G Fuller

4. 1952 10 00_Journal of the Franklin Institute - Vol 254 No 4

5. 1953 00 00_Journal of Optical Society of America - Vol 43 No 4 - Hynek

6. 1953 04 00_Journal of the Franklin Institute - Vol 255 No 4 - Levitt

7. 1953 04 00_Physics Today - Vol 6 No 4 - Beiser

8. 1953 07 31_Science - Vol 118 No 3057 - Davidson

9. 1953 07 31_Science - Vol 118 No 3057 - Wiley

10. 1953 08 08_Nature - Vol 172 No 4371 - Brooks

11. 1953 09 00_Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society - Vol 57 No 513 - Cleaver

12. 1953 09 21_American Journal of Physics - Vol 21 No 6 - Chapman

13. 1953 10 10_Nature - Vol 172 No 4380 - Flying Saucers

14. 1953 12 00_School Science and Mathematics - Vol 53 No 9 - Miller

15. 1954 01 00_Leading Edge - Vol 19 No 1 - Steenland

16. 1956 00 00_Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society - Vol 60 No 552 - C H Gibbs-Smith

17. 1956 12 00_Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society - Vol 60 No 552 - C H Gibbs-Smith-

18. 1958 04 00_Weatherwise - Vol 11 No 2 - Reed - INCOMPLETE

19. 1959 00 00_American Psychologist - Vol 14 No 9 - Crumbaugh

20. 1959 09 19_Nature - Vol 184 No 4690 - Cocconi and Morrison

21. 1960 00 00_American Scholar - Vol 29 No 1 - Werkman

22. 1960 05 28_Nature - Vol 186 No 4726 - R N Bracewell

23. 1963 00 00_Planetary and Space Science - Vol 11 No 5 - Sagan

24. 1964 11 00_Physics Today - Vol 17 No 11 - Hynek

25. 1966 05 00_Transaction - Vol 3 No 4 - Buckner

26. 1966 10 14_Science - Vol 154 No 3746 - Condon To Head UFO Study

27. 1966 10 21_Science - Vol 154 No 3747 - Hynek

28. 1966 12 23_Science - Vol 154 No 3756 - Burke-Gaffney and Cannon

29. 1967 01 00_BioScience - Vol 17 No 1 - Frank B Salisbury

30. 1967 01 27_Science - Vol 155 No 3761 - Stibitz

31. 1967 04 07_Science - Vol 156 No 3771 - W T Powers

32. 1967 05 13_Science News - Vol 91 No 19 - Flying Saucer from Earth

33. 1967 06 09_Science - Vol 156 No 3780 - Hughes

34. 1967 06 23_Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - Vol 23 No 6 - Carl Sagan

35. 1967 09 15_Science - Vol 157 No 3794 - Markowitz

36. 1967 11 03_Science - Vol 158 No 3801 - Heiman

37. 1967 12 00_Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - Vol 23 No 10 - Munday

38. 1967 12 08_Science - Vol 158 No 3806 - Various

39. 1967 12 15_Science - Vol 158 No 3807 - Page

40. 1968 00 00_Journal of the American Medical Association - Vol 203 No 12 - Meerloo

41. 1968 02 00_Classical Journal - Vol 63 No 5 - Wittmann

42. 1968 07 00_Physics Bulletin - Vol 19 No 7 - R V Jones

43. 1968 09 00_Physics Bulletin - Vol 19 No 9 - Evans

44. 1968 11 00_Physics Bulletin - Vol 19 No 11 - R V Jones

45. 1968 12 00_Perceptual and Motor Skills - Vol 27 No 3 suppl - D R Saunders

46. 1969 00 00_Nature - Vol 221 - A Sledgehammer for Nuts

47. 1969 03 00_General Science Quarterly - Vol 53 No 2

48. 1969 03 00_Physics Today - Vol 22 No 3 - Condon Study Rebuts UFOs

49. 1969 09 00_Physcis Teacher - Vol 7 No 6 - Melba Phillips

50. 1969 10 00_American Journal of Physics - Vol 37 No 10 - Thornton Page

51. 1969 11 00_Icarus - Vol 11 No 3 - Hong-Yee Chiu

52. 1969 11 00_Icarus - Vol 11 No 3 - James E McDonald

53. 1969 11 00_Icarus - Vol 11 No 3 - National Academy of Sciences Panel

54. 1969 11 00_Icarus - Vol 11 No 3 - Peter M Millman

55. 1969 12 00_Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - Vol 25 No 10 - E U Condon

56. 1969 12 00_Physics Today - Vol 22 No 12 - Rothberg

57. 1970 00 00_ Phi Delta Kappan, V 51, I 8 - Lots of People Think They See Flying Saucers - Romano

58. 1970 01 00_American Scientist - Vol 58 No 1 - Hynek

59. 1970 11 06_Science - Vol 170 No 3958 - Warren

60. 1970 11 21_Nature - Vol 228 No 5273 - Earthquake Lightning

61. 1971 03 12_Science - Vol 171 No 3975 - Cowgill

62. 1971 04 00_Journal of Social Psychology - Vol 83 No 2 - Littig

63. 1971 06 32_Perceptual and Motor Skills - Vol 32 No 3 - Stuart Appelle

64. 1971 09 17_Science - Vol 173 No 4002 - Templin

65. 1971 12 00_Origins of Life - Vol 3 No 2 - Wichman

66. 1972 10 00_Nature - Vol 239 No 5374 - D G King-Hele

67. 1974 10 04_Nature - Vol 251 - Ian Ridpath

68. 1975 00 00_Journal of Popular Culture - Vol 8 No 4 - John Keel

69. "C:-KOIU~1-UFOB~1MAGAZI~1-ARTI~10-SCI~1-SORT~1197500~2

70. 1975 08 00_BioScience - Vol 25 No 8 - Frank B Salisbury

71. 1977 00 00_Social Studies of Science - The case of UFOs - Westrum

72. 1977 02 00_British Journal of Social Work - Vol 27 No 1 - Paley

73. 1977 07 00_American Behavioral Scientist - Vol 20 No 6 - Balch

74. 1977 08 00_Social Studies of Science - Vol 7 No 3 - Ron Westrum

75. 1977 09 00_Journal of Popular Culture - Vol 11 No 2 - Stupple

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 07:39 AM
76. 1977 10 08_Science News - Vol 112 No 15 - Soviet UFO

77. 1978 00 00_ Social Studies of Science, V 8, I 4 - The Case of Meteorites - Westrum

78. 1978 07 20_Nature - Vol 274 - Vera Rich

79. 1978 07 27_Nature - Vol 274 - Vera Rich

80. 1978 11 01_Applied Optics - Vol 17 No 21 - Philip S Callahan and Mankin

81. 1979 00 00_American Scientist, V 67, I 3 - Review of Messages from the Stars - Frank Drake

82. 1979 00 00_Eos Transactions American Geophysical Union - Vol 60 No 6

83. 1979 00 00_Indiana folklore - UFO legends - Lowe

84. 1979 00 00_Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society - Vol 20 - Kuiper

85. 1979 05 00_Sociological Review - Vol 27 No 1 suppl - Joseph A Blake

86. 1979 08 15_Applied Optics - Vol 18 No 16 - Paw U

87. 1979 08 15_Applied Optics - Vol 18 No 16 - Philip S Callahan

88. 1979 08 15_Applied Optics - Vol 18 No 16 - R W Mankin

89. 1979 12 00_Futures - Vol 11 No 6 - Livingston

90. "C:-KOIU~1-UFOB~1MAGAZI~1-ARTI~10-SCI~1-SORT~1198000~1

91. 1980 00 00_Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society - Vol 21 - Frank Tipler

92. 1980 05 00_Sociological Review - Vol 28 No 2 - Ashworth

93. 1980 06 00_Perceptual and Motor Skills - Vol 50 No 3 - Persinger

94. 1980 09 00_Christianity and Literature - Vol 29 No 4 - M J Post

95. 1981 04 00_Current Anthropology - Vol 22 No 2 - Sanarov

96. 1981 09 00_Physcis Teacher - Vol 19 No 6 - Theodore Spickler

97. 1981 11 05_Nature - Vol 294 - Ben Zuckerman

98. 1982 02 00_Perceptual and Motor Skills - Vol 54 No 1 - Persinger

99. "C:-KOIU~1-UFOB~1MAGAZI~1-ARTI~10-SCI~1-SORT~1198300~1

100. 1983 00 00_Science Fiction Studies, V 10, I 3 - E.T. as Fairy Tale - Andrew Gordon

101. 1983 02 00_Perceptual and Motor Skills - Vol 56 No 1 - Persinger

102. 1983 12 00_Perceptual and Motor Skills - Vol 57 No 3 - Persinger

103. 1984 06 00_Perceptual and Motor Skills - Vol 58 No 3 - Persinger

104. 1984 06 00_Psychological Reports - Vol 54 No 3 - Gregory LLittle

105. 1984 07 00_Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences - Vol 40 No 7 - Persinger

106. 1984 10 00_Journal of Humanistic Psychology - Vol 24 No 4 - Lane

107. 1985 01 00_Deviant Behavior - Vol 6 No 4 - Troy Zimmer

108. 1985 05 00_Government Publications Review - Vol 12 No 3 - Lapham

109. 1985 08 01_Nature - Vol 316 No 6027 - Weber

110. 1986 00 00_Fusion Technology - Vol 10 No 2 - Houlberg and Lacatski

111. 1986 06 00_Journal of Popular Culture - Vol 20 No 1 - Sandels

112. 1987 07 00_Gifted Child Today Magazine - Vol 10 No 4 - Anstaett

113. 1987 09 00_Isis - Vol 78 No 3 - Ron Westrum

114. 1988 00 00_Journal of Near-Death Studies - Vol 6 No 4 - Davis

115. 1989 00 00_Journal of American Folklore - UFO Abduction Reports - Bullard

116. "C:-KOIU~1-UFOB~1MAGAZI~1-ARTI~10-SCI~1-SORT~1199000~1

117. 1990 12 06_Nature - Vol 348 - Earthquake lights

118. 1991 03 00_Anthropology of Consciousness - Vol 2 No 1-2 - Robert E Bartholomew

119. 1991 06 00_Computer Fraud & Security Bulletin - Vol 1991 No 6 - Menkus

120. 1992 00 00_Journal of American Folklore - Vol 105 No 416 - Bill Ellis

121. 1992 00 00_RQ - Vol 32 No 2 - Maxwell

122. 1993 00 00_Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica - Ghost Rocket hysteria - Bartholomew

123. 1993 00 00_Journal of Abnormal Psychology - Vol 102 No 4 - Spanos

124. 1993 06 00_Journal of Near-Death Studies - Vol 11 No 4 - John B Alexander

125. "C:-KOIU~1-UFOB~1MAGAZI~1-ARTI~10-SCI~1-SORT~1199400~1

126. 1994 00 00_Transition - Alien Nation (Book Reviews) - Luise White

127. 1994 11 00_Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association - Vol 42 No 4 - Gifford

128. 1994 11 17_Nature - Vol 372 - Susan Blackmore

129. 1995 00 00_Grand Street - No 54 - Gerald Heard

130. 1995 00 00_Journal of American History - Vol 82 No 2 - Jacobs

131. "C:-KOIU~1-UFOB~1MAGAZI~1-ARTI~10-SCI~1-SORT~1199500~3

132. "C:-KOIU~1-UFOB~1MAGAZI~1-ARTI~10-SCI~1-SORT~1199500~4

133. 1995 02 00_Communication Research - Vol 22 No 1 - Sparks

134. 1995 04 00_Studies in Popular Culture - Vol 17 No 2 - Chris D Bader.pdf

135. 1995 05 00_Nature - Vol 375 No 6526 - Nadis

136. 1995 08 10_Nature - Vol 376 - Steve Nadis

137. 1995 12 00_American Historical Review - Vol 100 No 5 - Powers

138. 1996 00 00_Journal of American Folklore - Vol 109 No 431 - Banks

139. 1996 00 00_Nature - Vol 380 - Sullivan

140. 1996 00 00_Psychological Inquiry - Vol 7 No 2 - Banaji

141. 1996 00 00_Psychological Inquiry - Vol 7 No 2 - Bowers

142. 1996 00 00_Psychological Inquiry - Vol 7 No 2 - Clark and Loftus

143. 1996 00 00_Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society - Vol 37 - Cole

144. 1996 01 00_English Today - Vol 12 No 1 - DuBose

145. 1996 04 00_Psychological Inquiry - Vol 7 No 2 - Newman

146. 1996 05 00_Physcis Teacher - Vol 34 No 5 - Katherine Sopka

147. 1996 10 00_Journal of Contemporary Religion - Vol 11 No 3 - Porter

148. 1997 01 00_Russian Social Science Review - Vol 38 No 1 - Dmitrieva

149. 1997 03 00_Systems Research and Behavioral Science - Vol 14 No 2 - Albert A Harrison

150. 1997 04 10_Communication Reports - Vol 10 No 2 - Glenn G Sparks

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 07:42 AM
151. 1997 06 00_Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology - Vol 16 No 2 - Leonard S Newman

152. 1997 07 16_Journal of the American Medical Association - Vol 278 No 3 - Lamberg

153. 1997 08 00_Bulletin of Science Technology and Society - Vol 17 No 4

154. 1997 08 00_Social Studies of Science - Vol 7 No 3 - Ron Westrum

155. 1997 09 00_Personality and Individual Differences - Vol 23 No 3 - Chequers

156. 1997 10 00_Journal of Contemporary Religion - Vol 12 No 3 - Rothstein

157. 1997 12 00_Perceptual and Motor Skills - Vol 85 No 3 - James Houran

158. 1998 00 00_Michigan Historical Review - 1897 Michigan airships - Bartholomew

159. "C:-KOIU~1-UFOB~1MAGAZI~1-ARTI~10-SCI~1-SORT~1199800~2

160. 1998 06 00_Communication Quarterly - Vol 46 No 3 - Glenn G Sparks

161. 1998 12 00_Journal of Popular Culture - Vol 32 No 3 - Ramet

162. 1999 00 00_Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies - Alien Abductions A Return to the Medieval- Enns

163. 1999 06 00_Intelligence and National Security - Vol 14 No 2 - Gerald K Haines

164. 1999 06 00_Intelligence and National Security - Vol 14 No 2 - Ziegler

165. 1999 09 00_Christianity and Literature - Vol 48 No 4 - Parks

166. 1999 12 00_Theological Studies - Vol 60 No 4 - Guinan

167. 2000 00 00 _Oregon Historical Quarterly - Vol 101 No 2 - Bartholomew

168. 2000 00 00_Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Vol 70 No 3 - Platov

169. 2000 00 00_Isis - Vol 91 No 2 - Michael J Crowe

170. 2000 00 00_Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy - Vol 30 No 3 - Goldberg

171. 2000 04 00_Psychological Reports - Vol 86 No 2 - Musgrave

172. 2000 04 00_Technology and Culture - Vol 41 No 1 - Morton

173. 2000 10 00_Nova Religio - Vol 4 No 1 - Sentes

174. 2001 00 00_Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences - Vol 13 No 4 - Persinger

175. 2001 00 00_Physiologia plantarum - Vol 111 - Haselhoff

176. 2001 02 22_Nature - Vol 409 - Jack Cohen

177. 2002 00 00_Journal of Abnormal Psychology - Vol 111 No 3 - Susan Clancy

178. 2002 00 00_Utopian Studies - Vol 13 No 1 - Mike Wilson

179. 2002 00 00_Utopian Studies - Vol 13 No 1 - Wilson

180. 2002 06 01_British Journal of Sports Medicine - Vol 36 No 3 - McCrory

181. 2002 11 00_The Journal of Popular Culture - Vol 36 No 2 - Michael Sturma

182. 2002 12 00_Isis - Vol 93 No 4 - Michael J Crowe

183. "C:-KOIU~1-UFOB~1MAGAZI~1-ARTI~10-SCI~1-SORT~1200300~1

184. 2003 01 00_Art Journal - Vol 62 No 3 - Jane D Marsching

185. 2003 02 00_Leonardo - Vol 36 No 1 - Michael Punt

186. 2003 03 00_Think - Vol 1 No 3 - Law

187. 2003 08 00_History of Religions - Vol 43 No 1 - Joel Sweek

188. 2003 12 00_Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion - Vol 42 No 4 - Bader

189. 2004 00 00_Psychological Science - Psychophysiological Responding Abductions - McNally, Clancy

190. 2004 00 00_Psychological Science - Vol 15 No 7 - Richard McNally

191. 2004 00 00_Qualitative Sociology - Vol 27 No 1 - Anne Cross

192. 2004 07 00_Religion - Vol 34 No 3 - Partridge

193. 2004 11 00_Nova Religio - Vol 8 No 2 - Ellwood

194. 2005 03 00_Acta Physica Polonica - Vol 36 No 3 - Silagadze

195. 2006 00 00_Nova Religio - Scaling Heavens Gate - Zeller

196. 2006 04 00_Southwestern Historical Quarterly - Vol 109 No 3 - Kessell

197. 2006 05 00_Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions - Vol 9 No 4 - Dawson

198. 2006 06 00_Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion - Vol 45 No 2 - Murguia

199. 2006 06 00_Physics World - Vol 19 No 6 - UFOs debunked

200. 2006 11 00_Nova Religio - Vol 10 No 2 - Saliba

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 07:43 AM
201. 2006 11 00_Socialism and Democracy - Vol 20 No 3 - Horstemeier

202. 2006 12 00_New Scientist - Vol 192 No 2581 - Bob Park

203. 2007 00 00_Journal of Personality and Social Psychology - Vol 92 No 5 - Laura King

204. 2007 00 00_Sociology of Religion - Vol 68 No 2 - Dawson

205. 2007 03 00_New Scientist - Vol 193 No 2597 - France releases UFO files

206. 2007 03 08_Social Identities - Vol 13 No 2 - Saethre

207. 2007 10 00_Classical Journal - Vol 103 No 1 - Richard Stothers

208. 2007 12 00_Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute - Vol 13 No 4- Saethre

209. 2008 01 00_New Scientist - Vol 197 No 2638 - Robert Bigelow Interview - From UFOs to space stations

210. 2008 03 00_New Scientist - Vol 197 No 2649 - Brooks

211. 2008 08 00_Folklore - Vol 119 No 2 - Bennett

212. 2009 00 00_Sociology of Religion - Vol 70 No 1 - Mencken

213. 2009 01 00_Applied Cognitive Psychology - Vol 23 No 1 - Otgaar

214. 2009 09 17_Nature - Vol 461 - SETI at 50

215. "C:�-KOIU~1�-UFOB~1MAGAZI~1�-ARTI~1�0-SCI~1�-SORT~1201000~1

216. "C:�-KOIU~1�-UFOB~1MAGAZI~1�-ARTI~1�0-SCI~1�-SORT~1201000~2

217. 2010 10 00_Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics - Vol 72 No 16 - Paiva - Hessdalen

218. 2010 11 00_Nova Religio - Revisionism in ET-inspired religions - Thomas

219. 2010 11 00_Nova Religio - V 14, I 2 - Bible Lessons with Rael - Thomas

220. 2010 12 00_Acta Astronautica - Vol 67 No 11-12 - Hauge - Hessdalen

221. 2011 00 00_Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion - Vol 50 No 2 - McKinnon

222. 2011 04 00_New Scientist - Vol 210 No 2808 - UFO search engine

223. 2011 04 00_Scientific American - Vol 304 No 4 - Michael Shermer

224. 2011 11 01_Religion Compass - Vol 5 No 11 - Zeller

225. 2011 12 12_Journal of Experimental Psychopathology - Vol 3 No 1 - McNally

226. 2012 00 00_Chaotic Modeling and Simulation - Vol 2 - Krasnoholovets

227. 2012 05 00_Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics - Vol 80 - Paiva - Hessdalen

228. 2012 05 00_Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics - Vol 117 No 1-2 - Paiva - Hessdalen

229. 2012 09 00_History and Technology - Vol 28 No 3 - Geppert

230. 2014 07 03_Journal of Transatlantic Studies - Vol 12 No 3 - Eghigian

231. 2014 07 03_Theology and Science - Vol 12 No 3 - Albert A Harrison

232. 2015 09 15_Dialog - Vol 54 No 3 - Adam Powell

233. 2015 12 06_Public Understanding of Science - Vol 26 No 5 - Greg Eghigian

234. 2016 01 02_Cultural and Social History - Vol 13 No 1 - Sharples

235. 2016 08 00_Nova Religio - Vol 20 No 1 - E E Curtis

236. 2017 01 02_Folklore - Vol 128 No 1 - Mark Norman

237. 2017 04 27 - Journal of Popular Culture - Vol 50 No 2 - Tromly

238. 2018 02 12_American Ethnologist - Vol 45 No 1 - Lilith Mahmud

239. 2018 03 08_Astropolitics - Vol 16 No 1 - Adam Dodd

240. 2019 00 00_Religious Studies Review - Vol 45 No 2 - Lukas Pokorny

241. 2019 01 30_Nova Religio - Vol 22 No 3 - Kelly Hayes

242. 2019 04 03_American Journalism - Vol 36 No 2 - Hutchison and Strentz

243. 2020 00 00_Antipoda - Vol 41 - Espirito Santo

244. 2020 00 00_Journal of Coastal Research - Vol 101 sp 1 - Greenwood

245. 2020 00 00_Scientia Canadensis - Vol 42 No 1 - Matthew Hayes

246. 2020 08 13_Journal of Tourism Futures - Vol ahead No ahead - Daniel Wright

247. 2020 10 15_Diogenes - Vol 62 No 3 - Karbovnik

248. 2021 00 00_International Journal of Dream Research - Vol 14 No 2 - Raduga

249. 2021 00 00_Journal for the Study of Religious Experience - Vol 7 No 1 - Jack Hunter

250. 2021 00 00_Social Sciences and Humanities Open - Vol 3 No 1 - Escola Gascon

251. 2022 01 00_Progress in Aerospace, Vol 128 - Improved instrumental techniques - Nolan, Vallee, Jiang, Lemke

For ease of reference, here's a direct link to the relevant folder again:
edit on 19-2-2023 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

Bravo !!!!

Very well done !

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: M5xaz

Seconded, going to need to put some time aside for that lot !

posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: IsaacKoi

42. 1968 07 00_Physics Bulletin - Vol 19 No 7 - R V Jones

44. 1968 11 00_Physics Bulletin - Vol 19 No 11 - R V Jones

Great work (again) Isaac.

Particularly interested in this chap.

• "There was a man who played a very influential role in World War II deceptions, his name was Dr. R. V. Jones. Aside from being the MOD's Director of Scientific Intelligence he was a leading expert in the use of deception, his whole thing was 'how do you fool people?' and he would dream up very elaborate methods of hoodwinking people and steering them away from some things the military did not want people to know about.

Interestingly enough Jones evidently played an important behind the scenes role in planning for the University of Colorado's UFO study by Edward Condon and the Robertson Panel - I think this is a significant fact that has not got a lot of attention in the UFO community so far."

Researcher Terry Hansen.


posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: IsaacKoi
I think some people would be surprised by the number of articles relating to UFOs, ufology and alien abductions published in mainstream scientific and academic journals (particularly from a psychological / sociological viewpoint).

I've done some work with Chris Rutkowski to develop a list created by him of the top UFO journal articles, and I have now also created a new online folder containing the journal articles I found most interesting and/or significant.

I don't post here on ATS every time I upload UFO material to my free online UFO / Fortean archive, but I thought this new section might be of interest to some here.

To begin this section, I've uploaded over a couple of hundred journal articles.

The new directory with this material from scientific / academic journals is at the link below:

A partial index (with hyperlinks to some of the journal articles) is at the top of the directory at the link above.

(I've tried posting a direct link here to that partial index, but I think it is too long for the ATS system...).

If anyone has any favourite scientific journal articles about UFOS not currently in that folder, I would - of course - be more than happy to add them.

I couldn't find any covers that I wanted to use to illustrate this post, so I'll just paste an image that I found amusing in the context of the recent balloons/UFO shoot-down events.

Excellent thread! Starred&Flagged.

posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: karl 12
Great work (again) Isaac.

Cheers Karl.

I've just sent you a U2U message that I think may be of interest.

posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: M5xaz
Very well done !

Thanks, but I'm not done yet. The uploaded collection is basically just a start.

I hope the UFO community has a desire to build upon it. We'll see.
edit on 21-2-2023 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

Super cool, thanks.

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