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I Say This Out Of Love For Us All - Be Careful, Your Meat May Soon Be "Vaccinated"

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posted on Jan, 16 2023 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: glen200376

originally posted by: TheRedneck
mRNA cannot be implemented through digestion. The human digestive tract is somewhat picky about what it will and will not absorb. Any lipid-encased mRNA molecules eaten would first have the lipids digested and absorbed (they are, by definition, food) and then the mRNA would break down within milliseconds in the acidic environment.

mRNA requires that the cells absorb the lipids along with the mRNA. That can only happen in the bloodstream. One could drink a gallon of the "vaccine" and not have a single spike protein form inside them (please no one try this; there may be other ingredients that could harm you).

The bloodstream?Why are the MRNA poisons injected into the muscle then?The lack of aspiration during injection is why they get into the bloodstream and act like a wrecking ball through the organs.
I think you are very wrong about only happening in the bloodstream.

The muscles are chock full of capillaries delivering O2 to the cells is why intramuscular shots work.

posted on Jan, 16 2023 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: BlackArrow

what you eat gets broken down in your body and Does enter the blood stream. How else do you explain Diabetes. Sugar ->consumed -> bloodstream -> bad insulin response to sugar in said stream -> diabetes.
Let's check your vitamin levels, FROM YOUR BLOOD - low take a supplement, problem solved.

Whoa, at the ignorance!

Do you know what mRNA is? It is a huge molecule, far bigger than a vitamin (primarily amino acids), and far, far bigger than sugar. mRNA cannot be absorbed intact through the digestive tract! And if it is not intact, it is not mRNA.

This is as crazy as getting upset because someone pees in a garden. Plants do not contain pee! If they take it in through their roots, it is still broken down into nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen before being turned into carbohydrates, fats, and other amino acids. Hell, our garden used to sit atop our septic field! And we grew some of the biggest, tastiest, most nutritious vegetables around!

I'm tempted to till it back up and move it back again. If it wasn't for all the crabgrass we would have never moved it.

ETA: I raise free-range chickens. They eat bugs... grubs, worms, spiders, ticks, even stinkbugs... along with a few seeds they find at the edges of the yard. They lay eggs. Guess what? Their eggs do not have ticks and spiders in them!

Catfish are the scavengers of the waterways... they eat things that are nasty, nasty, nasty. Crap, rotting dead stuff, mucus... that's their diet. I do dearly love me a big ol' plate of fired catfish! Everything they eat is broken down into components and reassembled into meat.

You need to read something called "chemistry" sometime.


Now about farming over your septic field, if that thing is the least bit wonky with over use the fecal coliforms will be in the roots and capillaries of the plant itself. The more water content the plant used to make the fruit or veggie, the more likely the coliforms get into the plant.

Link to study on contaminated vegetables.
I started in "groundwater contamination" for 7.50$ and hour right of college in the 80's. Began raising fish to test the amount that would kill 50% if the pollutant was in the water. Had to learn a lot on the fly about techniques being invented then like microbes that transform metal laced waters into drinkable water. I should have paid them to be there as I learned a whole lot about many things at that point.

edit on 16-1-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

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