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Put up or shut up time for Lue, Lazar, Doty and everybody, NDAA

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posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 01:04 AM
All of the leading names in modern ufology are about to have their bluffs called.

Lue hides behind his NDA continuously while he's in the spotlight cashing checks and claiming he wants to get the truth out.

I think he in particular is the litmus test.

If he's not a fraudster he should be the first to stand before congress, like Jan. 1st.

Lazar will run into some serious problems if he tries to cash in because lying to Congress is an actual crime.

I wager hucksters and hoaxers (such as Lazar and Doty), will steer well clear of taking advantage of the opportunity to "tell the truth" as they swear they want to do.

Obama has made several statements about UFOs and his production company, Higher Ground has a forthcoming documentary about the Betty and Barney Hill encounter, maybe he should stand before congress.

At the end of the day, I feel like this will show us who's for real and who's just scamming in ufology, knowing that lying to congress is a pretty serious offence (it's why Bill Clinton lost his ability to practice law).

I just hope it doesn't turn out that EVERYONE is scamming.

edit on 29-12-2022 by abe froman because: sp

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: abe froman

You know that they will come up with excuses; claiming everything from threats from "MIB's" to remain silent, to Congressional bias against "The Truth".

But their scams will continue.

And their followers will eat it up...

And continue to pay up.

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: abe froman

What in the world makes you think any congressional hearings will not be the same song and dance with the same grandstanding "I'm important" congresspeople? What makes THESE hearings any better than any other tripe they pretend to care about?

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 03:49 AM
I would think any life forms ( human like ) would have been in the public long ago. Just doesn't exist yet. Maybe tomorrow?

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: abe froman

I thought it was common knowledge that Doty was lying for the government?
Time will show Lazar was the real deal.

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: abe froman

All of the leading names in modern ufology are about to have their bluffs called. Lue hides behind his NDA continuously while he's in the spotlight cashing checks and claiming he wants to get the truth out.

but if he did that he / they wouldn't be able to fleece the gullible and make history channel tv shows. that never produce any real evidence that proves a damn thing.

if ancient aliens theorists came clean would they lose their income, ancient aliens theorists say yes.

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 10:02 AM
If the American congress is still bastion of truth and a acceptable litmus test too you I just don’t know what to say….
Everyone is in fact scamming you daily… congress.

People get killed all of the time to protect information, anyone that gets close to the real control structures and corruption of the world. The fact that all of these guys are still alive when removing them from existing would be…well easy….it speaks volumes.

I don’t doubt there are UFO’s even recovered craft. I just doubt any of these hucksters have anything to do with it. Odds are if you are in the know you exist outside of regular society, and your never aloud to return.

Any deviation in the agreement would result in prompt elimination. Think of everything the CIA and KGB and every other alphabet agency all over the world operates and how ruthless they protect their secrets. Now multiply that buy a couple of orders of magnitude and you might be close to the how hard the real secrets are gated.

Imo all hucksters, the ufologists and the congress.

a reply to: abe froman

edit on 29-12-2022 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 10:15 AM
My first thought was how much money will these investigations cost the taxpayers and who is going to get rich from them?

Second thought was what if they conclude that yes, UAP's are real? More money to decide if there terrestrial or extra terrestrial? Then more money to find out if they're being manned/controlled by some form of intelligence?

Besides millions being spent, what's the point? To find a way to steal their technology and become universally dominant?

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 10:24 AM
Sounds like more people want Obama to hold their hand and tell them that in the vastness of our corner of the Milky Way galaxy with gazillion habitable planets you're not alone.....

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
I would think any life forms ( human like ) would have been in the public long ago. Just doesn't exist yet. Maybe tomorrow?

Alien life forms can look like anything they want, including "human like".....Just because you don't have the cognition to detect them, doesn't mean they aren't here among us. Lue, and the rest of the TTSA charlatans are more about disinformation than disclosure and to separate the gullible from their money.

Capitalism is a large part of keeping the myopic from seeing the bigger picture which is more akin to metaphysics than nuts and bolts.
edit on 29-12-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 12:40 PM
When you "get it" it will be of potential great value in coming days. Your Uncle actually wants you to believe...but only what he tells you to believe.

Lue is protected. NO operative can kick and fuss and threat and expose and still be a member in good standing with security clearances and all that.

It has to appear to be hard fought if it 's to be sold to any great degree.

It's the ultimate power chip and cash cow. We've already seen how folk can be made to sing & dance the puppet master's tune by, basically, weaponizing the common cold. Imagine what a propagandist could do with "Aliens."

It's a very fluid concept this Extraterrestrial Intelligence thing. Fear, Hopium...whatever is called for at the moment.
edit on 29-12-2022 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
It's the ultimate power chip and cash cow. We've already seen how folk can be made to sing & dance the puppet master's tune by, basically, weaponizing the common cold. Imagine what a propagandist could do with "Aliens."

It's a very fluid concept this Extraterrestrial Intelligence thing. Fear, Hopium...whatever is called for at the moment.

Yes, correct, whatever they can monetize, they will monetize, and whatever they can use as a "control handle" on human society, they will use. It's almost too easy to exploit.

I am especially weary of anything the government tells you to believe.

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