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Work should be fun

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posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: Cabin

Ok, so hope for fun tasks, be open to learning anything, and be a team player.

But how about touching on stuff the businesses do that irks potential applicants? Can I tell a boob joke, or is my less-than-ladylike-butt damned to Sensitivity classes anyway? I want the freedom to make self deprecating jokes back, I aim to crack myself up, not Suzie Crybaby in the back.

Seriously, what you listed is not worth much if no one can so much hint at a funny anymore.

That's not quite the same degree at all as the bigger dumpster fire issue no one ever talks about -- businesses who donate assloads of money to charity, while paying peanuts instead of redirecting that charity money a little (ok, A LOT) more inward & down-ladder. Those money distribution actions don't jive, and are not going to be abated with "fun" work, or "team playing".

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 09:34 PM
Well, I don't think every job should be fun. A firefighter probably wouldn't describe their job as fun.

Instead, I think every worker should feel valued and respected....

As for time, I 110% agree with you. It won't destroy the economy to cut back on work hours. Just like all those bosses who thought WFH would destroy productivity - work still gets done.

I did notice a correlation between mean bosses and overtime. All the tyrannical ones put in long hours but they really didn't do a good job.

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax
They should do it for Nix and hold down a seperate job type job lol.

Public servants aren’t real people.

a reply to: sarahvital


it's a job. temporary at that.

not a lifestyle.

edit on 03/22/2022 by sarahvital because: (no reason given)

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