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Alberta Calling

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posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 10:43 PM
Well Danielle Smith seems ok so far.

Critics say Smith is bullying businesses over COVID-19 policies

"My sense of where we're at right now in Alberta is that most employers have made the responsible decision to not discriminate against their workers," she said Monday.
Smith added that if any business is still maintaining a strict vaccination policy, she wants to know.

Then she is personally calling the companies.

One such organization Smith mentioned was the Arctic Winter Games, an athletic competition that's scheduled in Fort McMurray next year.
She says representatives came to the government, hat in hand, but were still "discriminating against the athletes."

After the call they had changed their mind.

It appears the socialists don’t like this contribution to human rights.

The Alberta NDP's justice critic Irfan Sabir called the comments "deeply troubling."
"In other words, Alberta is calling – to intimidate you," he said in a statement.
"Smith's behaviour will do serious damage to our reputation. It will drive away investment, destroy jobs and stifle opportunities for Albertans."
Sabir said the premier should instead do more to encourage businesses to choose Alberta instead of bullying them.

I don’t believe that this will drive away or deter businesses from moving to Alberta.

What I do believe is that those businesses and workers won’t be impressed with the NDP and they know it.

Lost votes and no new votes.

So ATS, do you think that Canada’s DeSantis is out of line here or are the Socialists just tossing human rights under the bus to maintain their voter base?

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

Nope, she's A1 so far in my books.

I watched an interview with her on Jordan Peterson's show, she sounds like she means business and isn't going to put up with Charter Violations.

I'm envious, we're stuck with Ford FFS...

After the EA review it seems the public sentiment has shifted concerning the Convoys too. I think Alberta will gain, not lose with her policies.

Give me a heads up before you guys secede, I want to move there first.

edit on 11/28/2022 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: MykeNukem

Ya, she’s a breath of fresh air and Ford is a windbag. We’ve had our share in the past though.

Here’s some context for our listeners…

Canadians are leaving their home provinces and flocking to Alberta, according to the latest data from Statistics Canada.

Head west young man!

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