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One in six usual residents of England and Wales were born outside the UK

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posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 12:55 PM
The latest ONS figures show 2.5 million people have moved to England and Wales since 2011 , that's nearly 20% of the population.

India remained the most common country of birth outside the UK in 2021 (920,000 people, 1.5% of all usual residents).

The number of people who were born in Romania grew by 576% since the previous census, from 80,000 in 2011 to 539,000 in 2021.

5.9 million usual residents (9.9%) held a non-UK passport; the most common non-UK passport held was Polish (760,000, 1.3% of all usual residents).

545,000 usual residents (0.9% of the population) had an address outside the UK one year before the census, down 11.0% from 612,000 (1.1%) in 2011. /census2021

And that was under a Tory government not Labour and doesn't account for the undocumented arrivals.

And they wonder why there's a strain on public services.

edit on 2-11-2022 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: gortex

The US has the same issue.
Ask anyone in the medical industry about unpaid bills from undocumented folks.

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: gortex

The US has the same issue.
Ask anyone in the medical industry about unpaid bills from undocumented folks.

Yep - we had three (3) hospitals locally. Two of them closed down completely, went bankrupt -
The 'undocumented' were using them for their personal doctor visits, and they are the ones having a dozen kids at these hospitals, all free of charge (for them!).
Now we're down to just one hospital, wondering how long that one can possibly last.
Meanwhile us American Citizens are forced to pay enormous amounts if we land there unfortunately.
And the democrats just keep busing them up here by the thousands every single day.........

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 03:13 PM
A friend of ours recently had to go to the emergency room at our local hospital, he was not happy. It was jammed with illegals, there was a huge line for them and one for those with Insurance.
They totally outnumber Americans in this area.

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: gortex

Its a national disgrace that immigration levels have continued to rise unabated, both legal and illegal.
I don't blame the immigrants many of whom are fleeing from incredibly harsh conditions of one sort or another.

But as the saying goes; we are full.
And we are led to believe that we are skint.

This open door immigration policy is killing this country in more ways than one and simply can not continue.

Many of these immigrants, both legal and illegal, are treated far better than the old, needy, infirm, vulnerable and poor who have been here all their lives, worked hard and through no fault of their own are in need of help and assistance.

Its shameful....a true national disgrace.

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 04:14 PM
Getting bred out and replaced?

Buck up, the future is light brown!'

Looks like most are Polish and Romanian, not bad, but as we all know most of the increase is economic migrants
edit on 1122022 by Butterfinger because: fun

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: gortex

I've got a feeling the Tories could virtually halt it if they wanted. Question is why don't they?

Much like defunding and sabotaging the NHS plays to the Tories long game of privatising the whole shebang; they make it so bad the public welcome something that appears at first sight to make it better - private investment.

So, on that note i can't help wondering what exactly the long game might be in allowing illegal immigration to explode like this. Is it simply to make us all beg for the Rwanda policy? Or a longer game than that?

Of course it's just as likely - probably more so - that they're just a bunch of fvckwits who could organise a p!ssup in brewery.

But those fvuck ups in lockdown with PPE etc made some people very wealthy with dodgy contracts going out to chums...

...And now the msm script is telling us in big catchy headlines about the poor facilities at Manston immigration centre. i wouldn't be surprised if we're soon measured by Rich'ee that he's saving them all by having new digs made them at various locations. I wonder who's chums will get those multi-million pound contracts in the latest transfer of tax coffers to the private sector?

edit on 2-11-2022 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: McGinty

You Sir are speaking the truth.

The UK is an Island with finite sapce/resources and is just about full.

We cannot provide for our own homeless never mind importing a load more that can't even speak the lingo.


posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: gortex

2.5 million is not 20% though is? It’s odd how in other threads, regarding other subject mattters you’d be taken apart for claiming that was 20% of the population.

1 in 5 would be 20% and that would be way more than 2.5 million. Regardless 1 in 6 does sound about right just from personal experience. Clearly the country is run by gangsters like I’ve been trying to tell you all for some time. It can only downhill from on until the great reset. (Which is the end game btw for those still not paying attention)
edit on 3-11-2022 by surfer_soul because: (no reason given)


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