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My pronoun is ...

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posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 05:49 PM
This really probably belongs more in the Social Issues forum or in a political forum than here, but here it is anyway. It's funny, but it's so damned true.

posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 06:10 PM
It’s definitely a mental illness we’ll be studying for years to come like Adolf or Mao Zedong

There is zero excuse or reasoning for it

It’s pure insanity

Just get on with it you bell-ends, we have eyes but most importantly we don’t care who you are or what you look like or what you say, if i agree with it, i don't give a damn what your micro beliefs are, we all have them, don't you? YES... that's what makes us individuals and unique, remain open and honest... welcome new experiences and adventures, because if we did all care about micro beliefs or views and were static -- the whole world would NEVER EVER GET ON, and that is the whole point, DIVIDE AND RULE bye the clown class, get lost in the nuances and not the message? huh? and you'll always be the clown class, WORD

STOP!!! if you haven't got something earth shattering to say i don't give a monkey what you do behind closed doors or what you wear, DOUCHE, because once you start divide people/world into boxes via identity or clothing or anything... over the message you’re certified mentally Ill and IMHO a no good demonic selfish MF, you have zero good intentions for the people of this world other than chaos

Civilization all over the world has got this far for you to just nuke it? i don't think so

tribalism is so easy to do, voter blocks is so easy to do, coming together is hard, it requires breaking down the barrier this lot is pushing up

The fact they think we’re stupid, and maybe much of the world is stupid, it is

I just see it as demonic and nefarious

These people who do it don't have unity or mankind’s best interests at heart utter Orwellian double speak, they have their own, self gain and self enrichment and the forefront, harsh truth here sorry, but Europeans didn't go scouring Africa for slaves, DONT BE SILLY.... it was never about ownership or race or prejudice or superiority, it was about MONEY, SELF GAIN, SELF ENRICHMENT for which the whole of mankind has these problems and if you think we ain't, maybe you think men can give birth, ITS GREED, Africans sold Africans as a commodity, just like China treats its people as a commodity, we even see it in Europe today with Albanians selling Albanians or Romanians selling Romanians for slave labor and sex workers, or Libyans capturing central Africans on their way to a better life, im so sick of this BS

bottom line!!!

These guys have division and power at their core belief, just like those before them

And this agenda is pure poison, don't drink it just because the person who said it looks like you, spit it in their face and say NO MORE

edit on 13-9-2022 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 07:33 PM
I am an old country boy and don't really give a rat's a__ what folks call me except "late for dinner"
Ouch , that hurts.....

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: incoserv

She was funny, but I'm still trying to figure out what is a "woman", I'm not a biologist, so have no background in this topic. I feel like it's important to understand the context of the conversation. Can anyone explain what is a "woman", using biological terms please?

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