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Democracy as religion / Democracy as the biblical Beast?

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posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 06:32 PM
Okay, now wait, before this gets shuffled off to a different forum please hear me out. I will even tie in Nostradamus prophecy concerning the antichrist.

Is democracy the beast of revelation? does it fulfill all the necessary criteria? I think it very well may.

There is the current movement to bring democracy to all the world in particular the muslim world. I recall there being conversation as to whether or not an Islamic nation could or would accept democracy. I think that we now have a model in Iraq that it will. Could this be the unification of all faiths? One could easily view an ideology as a faith...

Moving on. With all of the voter fraud that happens around the world there, especially in these emerging democracies there is even serious talk of requiring fingerprints as proof of identity - witness the so-called purple revolution. I know that grocery stores and banks have been testing the use of fingerprint scanners to access accounts in the place of an atm card. The mark of the beast?

Finally, according to Nostradamus the antichrist will be wearing a blue turban. What would a blue UN helmet look like to someone from his time? Could it be mistaken for a turban? The UN has a strong presence at these voting stations to provide security and "observe". Is it possible that when he saw the "antichrist" he was actually seeing these observers? Or if you want it narrowed to one individual consider this: I wouldn't be surprised to see some politician or diplomat use one of these events as a "photo op" and, of course, it would be more effective if they were wearing the blue helmet...

Anyway, it could just be the lack of sleep, but it came to me in a flash - I guess you could say it was an epiphany...

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 11:17 AM
So, was this just so stupid it doesn't even merit consideration or comment? Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Either pro or con, it seemed like an interesting idea that fits with certain prophecies.

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 02:03 PM
Nostradamus prophecy concerning the antichrist?

Nostradamus was a telented psychic that predicted the future, you may aswell put all psychics as the antichrist if your going to say that.

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by phantomviewer
Nostradamus prophecy concerning the antichrist?

Nostradamus was a telented psychic that predicted the future, you may aswell put all psychics as the antichrist if your going to say that.

Huh? I was saying that in Nostradumus prediction about the anti-christ he mentioned a blue turban. I was asking the reader to consider the possibility that he (Nostradamus) was viewing someone with the UN blue helmet and interpretting it as a turban.

"Out of the country of Greater Arabia
Shall be born a strong master of Mohammed...
He will enter Europe wearing a blue turban.
He will be the terror of mankind.
Never more horror."

My point was that the UN Observers are not an uncommon sight at elections in the region.

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Marid Audran
So, was this just so stupid it doesn't even merit consideration or comment? Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Either pro or con, it seemed like an interesting idea that fits with certain prophecies.

Yea but you can pick any random subject and 50 out of the 100 will probably be fitting the prophocies. People dont make specific predictions, and this is because the predictions are so vague. But that is an interesting idea

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