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Telepathically Speaking With Pets.

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posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 10:10 PM
I have long felt animals have this ability.

When I was very young, I knew our dog had died in the night, before my parents told me. Later I had another dog who disappeared, and since we lived right on the railroad, my parents assumed the worst....but I insisted she was still alive....and she returned safely after almost 3 weeks.

I also found this ability in a horse I once owned....she would take the trail I wanted to ride, and all I had to do was look in that direction. ( I know even slight signals in a riders weight shift can be picked up by a responsive I would sit super still, with no leg pressure or rein movement...she would still know.)

I have also noticed that I seem to be able to wake my present dog or cat by simply watching them through the window and 'thinking ' at them. The dog is especially responsive to this, and will look toward the correct window, even if I am hidden behind the blinds.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 10:14 PM
Animals are definitely more intelligent than humans give them credit for. Even animal lovers can't really understand the depth with which their pets think. It's just something you feel, or inherently "know". Anyone had any other interesting animal experiences?

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 10:52 AM
Pets are like people, some are psychicly receptive while others are not. I had a Daschund that I could communicate with. I have only been able to communicate with him, the others have no abilities. The only thing was he thought people were ugly because they didn't have fur and floppy ears. Makes you think about the statement "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 11:21 AM
my dog is way out of touch. I have tried many things and i think that she is just plain dumb. sorry, i need a new pet.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 03:13 AM
All this talk about cats and dogs makes me feel left out. Okay, so I'm definitely a reptile person, but whatever. I have had cats, dogs, horses, painted agamas, salamanders and my boa constrictor, Leonard.

Leonard is definitely the most "energy sensitive" pet I've ever had. There's this girl who lives in our apartment complex who is one of those "Look ma, I'm a witch" types (except she's 20-ish, not 15). The problem is, this girl makes a royal mess wherever she goes (in a metaphysical sense). Leonard immediately notices when she enters the room and will not go over to her if she tries to handle him. He is usually a very friendly snake and will let anyone handle him, but not her.

I dunno, this is kinda off-topic, seeing as I don't know about communication, but I have to give critters credit for sensing motives and also stability in people. If animals don't trust you, you've got a problem.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by Event Horizon
Some times she hides the horse in the strangest places. Behind my desk...In the closet...under the bed.
I wonder why she does this?

Sorry to get off topic.

[edit on 4-4-2005 by Event Horizon]

Maternal instinct is strong in her. She wants a bambini of her own. Even desexed a cat knows somehow.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by supremetechgoddess
All this talk about cats and dogs makes me feel left out. Okay, so I'm definitely a reptile person, but whatever. I have had cats, dogs, horses, painted agamas, salamanders and my boa constrictor, Leonard.

Leonard is definitely the most "energy sensitive" pet I've ever had. There's this girl who lives in our apartment complex who is one of those "Look ma, I'm a witch" types (except she's 20-ish, not 15). The problem is, this girl makes a royal mess wherever she goes (in a metaphysical sense). Leonard immediately notices when she enters the room and will not go over to her if she tries to handle him. He is usually a very friendly snake and will let anyone handle him, but not her.

I dunno, this is kinda off-topic, seeing as I don't know about communication, but I have to give critters credit for sensing motives and also stability in people. If animals don't trust you, you've got a problem.

Now don't feel so bad! Snakes and other Reptiles are pets too you know! I myself tend to think at my snakes are pretty psychically connected to me in some way.

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