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How many people could have lived?

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posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 04:47 PM
Why aren't we identifying Morons that would use guns to kill innocent people?

That idiot in Highland Park, Illinois should have been flagged for all of the crap he posted on the Internet. The authorities should have seen this coming. They only found it all after he was taken into custody. There's something very wrong about that.

There's also something wrong with the fact that nobody that went on his webpages and Discord reported him.


All of those people that saw what he was doing and saying should be held culpable.

I forsee a lot of well-deserved lawsuits coming from this one.

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: CryHavoc
I just heard the last briefing, and the cops went to his house in September of 2019 because he threatened to "kill everyone" and had a bunch of knives. They took the knives and reported it to the state police. Nobody would press charges.

So this kid is unstable, but was able to buy multiple weapons with no issues at all. All in a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. Long before we speak about removing my guns, we need to talk about keeping nutters like this from buying them. But those in charge are #tards and that will never happen. We will just here about those awful weapons of war.

And for a bonus, let's say we identified this kid as nuts. What then? Where would he go and for how long? What does the system that would take care of him look like? Bueller? Anyone?

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: CryHavoc

Its becoming apparent that "they" dont want this to stop amd everything to gain by allowing them to continue.

Think of the resources available to the FBI, ATF and NSA. Monetary, infrastructure, tools, juristiction etc.

There is no excuse.

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: network dude

Long before we speak about removing my guns, we need to talk about keeping nutters like this from buying them. But those in charge are #tards and that will never happen. We will just here about those awful weapons of war.

Isn't that exactly the point of red flag laws?

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 05:30 PM
They want the mass murders for a reason. They are secretly happy with every single incident, because of their secret agenda. That agenda is to completely outlaw guns and disarm all Americans. Once they do that, they can make their move. This was done to the Armenians and the Jews, and they have the same plan here, and world wide. Got to get Americans guns first though.

This is from Great Falls Tribune about what happened to my people It an older article, and my family said it is correct.

Hundreds of news stories have been written during the past month reporting on the 100-year anniversary of one of the darkest events in world history, a two-year killing spree that claimed the lives of an estimated 800,000 to 1.5 million Armenians.

Virtually none of these news stories, however, bothered to mention why the Armenians were defenseless against their rulers in the then-Ottoman Empire: because the Ottomans had disarmed them — the same tool that would enable the Nazis, two decades later, to enslave and then slaughter European Jewry.

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: CryHavoc

I pesonally have seen how well government beurocracy works with child protection services. Years ago, a friend and coworker killed himself after being accused of child abuse because of a misunderstanding of something his daughter told his ex-wife. The investigator and judge were not interested in the truth after the child abuse accusation was made.

I trust the beaurocracy around the red flag laws to be equally as efficient in getting everything possible totally wrong. They will get more people killed than people stopped from killing.

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 08:45 PM
We probably should have just armed everyone in the parade, and all of the bystanders. Give them guns, and then give their guns guns and this stiff will stop happening.

posted on Jul, 6 2022 @ 01:19 AM
There were armed Police there who didn't shoot back when fired on.

Why didn't they? The kid shot 70 times! You'd think one of the Police could pull their gun and shoot back.

posted on Jul, 6 2022 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
We probably should have just armed everyone in the parade, and all of the bystanders. Give them guns, and then give their guns guns and this stiff will stop happening.

I think we should arm everyone but you.

posted on Jul, 6 2022 @ 01:45 AM
It would be a pretty big job to look through every persons internet history to see if they have made any threats or seem off kilter. It would cost a fortune. Plus the posts may be sarcasm or some kind of humour. I say that I am the AntiChrst on the internet all the time but I dont really believe it.. I also say that I want the world to end and for everybody to die but Im just kidding.. I mean - if I had a gun that could kill every last one of you.. Im kidding. If any of you were still left then what would be the point? Thats the way I look at it. Ha.

But yeah - most people on this forum would be guilty of some form of incitement I reckon. Just being a member of a conspiracy forum make many people feel uneasy about someone. How do we come up with a criteria to sort the crazies from us normal ones? But yeah ATS members should be able to work this out.

posted on Jul, 6 2022 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
I think we should arm everyone but you.

Let's do it.

posted on Jul, 6 2022 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

How many people have ended up in Facebook Jail over nothing?
How many times have families said they had a “good kid that was turning their life around” executed by the police just because he committed armed robbery while on drugs and then fired indiscriminately into crowds of people and/or police?

Any firearms taken have a habit of being used or stored in poor conditions.
Anyone fighting false accusations spend real money and lots of it as well as time, with no guarantee of success.
Swatting is a thing, thing Red Flagging won’t?

Even in a pretend hypothetical in which all guns could be gathered? Who is getting the rocks and pointed sticks? Think I would use a gun to take out a building full of people if I was a nut and the neighbor’s dog told me to kill them all? Guns are rather inefficient for such a task.

posted on Jul, 7 2022 @ 02:33 AM
Wasn't the point of Homeland Security to keep this from happening?

posted on Jul, 7 2022 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

All red flag laws are good for is getting more innocent people killed. All because "Karen" down the street doesn't like that you have a gun so she calls in and makes the claim you are threatening people. You get your door kicked in, and as any sane person would do in that instance, with no warning, you would arm yourself to protect you and your family and then proceed to get killed for that stupid phone call.

But, rather than go after the real issue, they want to make guns out to be the real villain. They want these things to keep happening so that they have more and more "proof" that guns are bad and can use our emotions against the people who know nothing about the subject to get up in arms (figuratively speaking) and try to disarm the majority of us law abiding gun owners that want this craziness to stop as well.

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