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Levitation in spiritual experiences - ancient & modern - with a personal example

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posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 08:53 PM

Before I start, let me confirm that I personally have NOT levitated (yet), as far as I know. But two recent experiences brought me into deep shock when it seemed that I would, in fact, begin to lift off the floor if I continued to pray into the state of 'entangled ecstasy' which I was experiencing in a spiritual manner. I could feel my body becoming wrapped in a sort of energetic knot which had the effect of a lightening sensation, which came on so suddenly & with such implicit power that it shocked me back to Reality very quickly, ending the experiences before they fully began.

In the first experience, I was on a short break with my beloved wife, who is my full time carer due to myself having a disability named central pain syndrome - which does exactly what it says on the tin & causes me constant, frequently flaring & severe neuropathic, arthralgic & fibromyalgic pain, as well as paraesthesia, dysaesthesia, nociceptive & myoclonic spasms, with allodynia & episodic hyperalgesia. I won't define all those terms here, but you can look them up to see what I suffer with on a daily basis. It's not fun - very far from it. But although my mobility is very low, causing me to be mostly stuck in bed staring at four walls most of the time, my spiritual life has expanded & deepened as a result of the constriction/restriction of normal activities. It's much like how a blind person will develop an astonishingly keen sense of smell to make up for the defecit - I believe that God has blessed my devotion & faith with an ongoing AMA experience of His presence, care & insight which is greater than I could ever have experienced had I remained able-bodied & living a normal life.

Anyway, when I was on this short break with my wife, we stayed in the lodge of a mansion on a large estate in Wales, United Kingdom - a beautiful place, which allegedly is haunted.. Indeed, on our first night several odd things happened. Firstly, we caught a photograph of two very well-defined ghostly faces as a reflection in the windows as the skies were darkening outside. Second, that night I had the first lucid dream I've had in around twenty years, which was something I had been hoping to achieve, having practiced with 'reality checks' during the days & weeks leading up to the experience. It was a fascinating occurrence, though the dream was not bombastic in & of itself, just a curious exercise in which I managed to maintain lucidity for around five minutes of dreamtime.

Simultaneously, my beloved wife was having an experience of sleep paralysis, at 3am no less, with the sensation that the covers on the bed were being slowly pulled off her by someone unseen standing at the foot of the bed - very unnerving, and we put it down to the possible presence of a ghost or two in the property. The next night I dreamt again, this time I saw & experienced myself standing in a very particular spot in the mansion/lodge's grounds, on a lawn in the large gardens outside the lodge's front door. I was meditating in that dream experience, and I had the sensation of someone impressing upon me that it was important for me to go out the next morning & replicate the experience of standing meditation in the garden.

As a result, the next morning after a coffee I went out into the garden, and performed the standing meditation, in the exact spot & with the exact posture of the dream state. As I stood there, I became conscious of an ascending sensation, a lightening of my physical body, being wrapped somehow in the energies of my Chi or life force, combining in an 'entangled' manner with the energetic presence of God for a few moments. Again, I stress that I did not actually levitate, as far as I know (my eyes were closed), but after a while I had the sudden sense that I might actually lift off the ground, and this shocked me into abruptly ending the meditation! I felt thoroughly anointed in those moments of meditation, as though God was very present & was carrying out some spiritual action through me as I stood reflecting on the experience I was having.

The second experience I had of this nature was only the other day - I had been watching a new UFO/UAP documentary movie named 'A Tear in the Sky'. The film was rather good, and some moderately convincing evidence was gathered in their scientific investigations on the shores of Laguna Beach, California. As the movie was drawing to a close, there was made mention some commentary regarding the way our consciousness may be 'entangled' with the aether substance of the universe - though they referred to the quantum state, not the aether. But the impression which came to me in the moment was that our soul energy, our Chi, can become 'entangled' with the aether substrate of the cosmos. At that moment I had a sudden urge to close my eyes & attempt to drift into this 'entangled' state of mind/soul.

I will add that recently I had been doing some research into the ancient occult practice of 'dowsing', where underground reservoirs of water & minerals can be sought out (and basically any questions of a yes/no nature can be answered), though the authors I was reading stressed that there was a necessary state of mind/soul named 'the dowsing state' for convenience, which is a state in which several different types of brainwaves are exhibited at one & the same time, as the dowser 'defocuses' their conscious attention, meditating only on the question in their mind to which they seek an answer.. I had, at this one moment which I refer to, at the end of the movie, combined in my mind/soul the attempt to drift into a 'dowsing state', simultaneously I was contemplating whether an 'entangled Chi/Aether' state could be achieved with a specific type of defocused meditation. Remarkably, I found that my sense of ordinary consciousness shifted very suddenly, and I found myself in an almost decohered state of mind, where I was seemingly approaching the point at which I could access my subconscious mind, and indeed I believed in that instant that I had somehow intuitively entered this combined 'dowsing' & 'entangled Chi/Aether' state, for a fraction of a second. And in that moment, I had a very dramatic sense of my physical body lightening as my Chi swirled around me in a complex knot, and as though I was about to very abruptly cancel the force of gravity & rise up into the air!!! This was so sudden & dramatic, and such an alien sensation, that I was shocked out of it just as suddenly as I had entered it, 'coming back down to Earth' with a bump! Again, I did not actually levitate - but by God, it felt as though I was about to..

So anyway, this has my interest well & truly piqued, and I feel now that it is incumbent upon me to further experiment with this strange phenomenon of 'dowsing/Chi/Aether entanglement', because it was only revealed to me after I followed instructions received in a dream which I am 100% certain originated from the Spirit of God - He called me there to meditate, and this weird sensation was the direct outcome. The second experience was so intuitive that I barely consciously thought about whether I intended to attempt it - it just sort of happened. This impresses upon me sufficiently that I am not seeking 'occult power' for my own sake, but rather that this is a fairly spontaneous experience which has arisen in my curious mind by following the circumstances of which I'm certain God approves, for some unknown reason.


posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 08:54 PM
I'm deeply fascinated by this experience, and although I know that most people reading it will utterly discount it, my thoughts have turned to the possibility of a 'special dispensation', which indicates a gift which the Lord is granting to me due to extenuating circumstances - for some reason this weird experience is centrally important for my own spiritual path at this time. It could be that the changes experienced (albeit briefly, to this point) are the initiation of a healing experience, perhaps my health will be improved by the weird energetics of the meditative scenario which I have worked through on these two occasions.

And trust me, if I manage to achieve actual levitation, ATS will be the first place to hear about it! I will seek to provide supporting evidence of course.. I'm half joking, because it seems so far out & even ridiculous - but historically there is a long tradition of certain church members, both laity & ordained ministers, monks & nuns, etc, who demonstrated ecstatic levitation which was witnessed by many hundreds & even thousands of people at a time. Typically it is during prayer that these events occur, but there were more mundane circumstances in which levitation was achieved, some monks even had to be tied down in bed at night to stop it from happening as they slept!. In fact, most of the people to whom this happened, tended to view the experiences as nothing but a nuisance, also finding that their contemporaries needed to tie them down physically to prevent them from drifting up into the rafters during church services!

Conversely, a fact that I find to be curious confirmation from a totally opposite source, people who are demonically possessed have been said to levitate dramatically on occasion, often during exorcism rituals. No, it's not made up by Hollywood, there really have been documented, witnessed cases of such events transpiring. In considering this, I thought that it seemed very likely, on balance, that if the Devil can make people float into the air, then of course God would be far more capable of the same & greater feats of miraculous accomplishments..

And furthermore, the world is in such a terrible state at the moment, that who knows - perhaps we need to start seeing Biblical scale miracles in order to throw the shackles off our feet & claim our God-given freedom, in the face of elitists who want to use bioweapons against us, starve us, feed us bugs, deny us steaks, make us own nothing & force us to be happy (or be excluded from society by a social credit scoring system, etc). The people in charge of initiatives such as the WEF (can't stand Schwab), the WHO (can't stand Tedros), the B & M Gates foundation (can't stand Kermit) are horrendous in their points of view & plans for Humanity. Perhaps God is about to give us power to overcome their evil shenanigans, somehow sparking a revolution which will liberate us from the pains of the utterly imperfect system of world order which presently exists under the remit of the fallen one. Only time (& more experimentation) will tell...

For more information about levitating church folk, please research the following individuals:

St. Joseph of Cupertino:

St. Joseph of Cupertino (1603-1663) was a saint at the low end of intelligence scale. In fact, his family thought him to be mentally retarded. But he was eventually admitted into the Franciscan order — after many failures to learn a trade. At his acceptance, Joseph was placed in charge of taking care of the abbey’s horses. It was then that St. Joseph began praying before a broken Statue of Mary in the stable where he worked, and his levitations began during these times of prayer before the Virgin Mary statue.

Ultimately, he was able to become a priest, and over 70 times while he was saying mass or praying, he would go into an ecstasy and float in the air. Finally, his contemporaries had to restrict him to the church’s balcony because of the uproar his levitations would cause the people observing him.

The Original Flying Nun – St. Teresa of Avila:

St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) was a Doctor of the Catholic Church. This was no small or insignificant title. A Doctor of the Church is a saint whose writings have been of great advantage to the entire church, no matter which century they are read in. Of thousands of Catholic saints, there are only 33 Doctors of the Church. Teresa’s contribution was her writing and teaching on prayer. She was the founder of the discalced Carmelite nuns.

Teresa’s levitations occurred during times of deep prayer. She regarded her levitations as chastisement from God. When she would feel like God was going to levitate her body, she would lie down on the ground and ask her sister nuns to sit on her and hold her down. She continually begged God to stop causing her to levitate in public.

More Levitating Saints:

St. Francis of Assisi levitated. So did St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Joseph of the Cross, Sr. Maria of the Passion, Venerated Mary of Agreda, St. Martin de Porres, St. Gemma Galgani, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Philip Neri, St. Rita of Casca and Sister Mary, an Arabian Carmelite nun who lived in the 1700s in Bethlehem. There are over 200 accountings of saints and other holy people levitating.

In 1911, Father Suarez, a priest in Argentina, was observed levitating. This was the most recent recounting of levitation that I could find, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were instances in the recent past or even in the present.

Amazing Levitating Saints!

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Goodluck, fly.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 09:33 PM
Close your eyes and smell the spring flowers and enlightenment shall be the ultimate spiritual awakening at any stage in life.
Only if a 9 month old child could speak. That child would say you are spot on.

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 12:05 AM
Does the meditation help with your pain?

I use dowsing rods religiously almost everyday at work to locate underground utilities. I’ve meet numerous people in the past 25 years dowsing that the rods will not work for. I always wondered why that was.

Also I’ve noticed that in very rocky areas I have trouble locating the underground utilities. My hypothesis is that the dowsing rods are picking up the cracks in the rock.

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: Enduro

I use dowsing rods religiously almost everyday at work to locate underground utilities. I’ve meet numerous people in the past 25 years dowsing that the rods will not work for. I always wondered why that was.

I was taught to dowse with the L rod very simply to find underground streams. This may work for you to teach others to dowse.

We tested the rod with me and it didn't work. Then an experienced dowser put his hand on my shoulder while we walked and I was holding the rod. The rod then reacted to the stream. I've been able to dowse ever since.

I asked him what he did. He said he short circuited something in me. My impression in hindsight was he dowsed normally with me between him and the rod creating the circuit.

edit on 11-6-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: clarity

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 05:33 PM
Thanks for the positive comments - for your reference, at the foot of this post is a link to the book which I'm reading regarding complex preparations for effective dowsing 'The Dowsing State...' I found it fascinating to know that at least here in the UK, doesing was once a common skill which was in much demand - every village had at least one dowser who was called upon to answer all kinds of questions concerning the land around them, relationships, business planning, and so on. Even children were born with the skill quite highly developed, easily trained as naturally inquisitive & competent dowsers, who were very effective & found the practice relatively easy to master..

Unfortunately the trend presently is that most alleged 'dowsers' have done at most one or two courses/ classes, and believe that they've attained competence, despite a thorough lack of experience & a total dearth of deep knowledge concerning the craft.. It's most often cloaked in NAN (New Age Nonsense) which attempts to described 'energy blocks' & 'universal energies for health', and so on, totally unprovable & imaginary ideas - the people 'dowsing' are absolutely NOT dowsing when you compare their feeble efforts to the practices of a true master dowser.

As the book below describes, the mental state of the dowser, and the effort/competence they possess in terms of 'asking a good dowsing question', are critical to the proper success of any dowsing efforts. The 'dowsing state' is CRITICAL, and just like any skill, it takes time, practice & suitable feedback processes in order to master it fully. Dowsing is NOT a psychic or occult practice - it is a natural ability which comes partly from the natural relationship we, our bodies & brains/nervous systems have with the cosmos, the world around us. In some sense I think it must function by tuning the nervous system as a whole to act as a sort of 'antenna', and our connection to nature ensures that there are ways for us to defocus our minds rapidly, accessing subconscious abilities whilst focusing on a precise, complex question for which an answer is sought. The effect of shifting our brain waves into a different state of manifestation ready for the dowsing experience, is remarkable in & of itself, and is totally unique - distinct even from the complex brainwave patterns which advanced pracitioners of meditation can demonstrate. I highly recommend reading the book & practising the many potential avenues of exploration for how to utilise dowsing in your daily life, which can be found in a book by the same authors, also linked below.

The Dowsing State; Secret Key to Accurate Dowsing

101 Amazing Things You Can Do With DOwsing

Perhaps the most fascinating & useful way to dowse, is to do so without any tools - no 'L-Rods' or Pendulums - instead, there are methods by which you can use your own body, or certain body processes to obtain your answer (such as intermittent blinking, or swaying backwards/forwards depending on the 'Yes/ No' answer which is sought). This enables you to dowse in public without anyone noticing what you're doing.

Dowsing basically involves 'Yes/No' questions, such as "Is this prescription a suitably appropriate course of medications to treat my Type 2 diabetes without unpleasant side effects, without causing any other medical complications which might otherwise pass by unnoticed while they damage my body quietly?" As you can see, this is 'Yes/ No' question, but it is complex & precise - the answer is always 'Yes/ No', but the complexity of the question, in combination with a rapid switch into the true 'Dowsing State' is key to obtaining precise answers that will really address your concerns. Otherwise, you can end up getting apparently positive answers - but they might not be suitably specific to really address your deep anticipation of answers which are truly useful & perhaps even vitally necessary. I will soon be practising this 'Dowsing State' on a regular basis - because I believe, based on what I've read so far, that dowsing can be a major boon for a more productive & successful life. I think that dowsing was always supposed to be a naturally inate tool that humans could use to get the most out of their life circumstances - but as we live in a 'fallen' world, as with anything at all which is a natural part of human life, or a latent ability which remains hidden until it is explored consciously (such as remote viewing) - the talent is degraded in most people at the outset, and really must be studied consciously in order to develop & master the skill.

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Aye dowsing is a lot of work, for me a lot of practice every day for decades. And I quite agree, after a while one doesn't need the instruments anymore, be they the infamous black boxes of Radionics, L-Rods or pendulums (I have used and built all three).

My own opinion is essentially dowsing is truth-saying what is, and what is not, and the self induced trance state is key. The physical body knows dowsing and healing and all sorts of wonderful things naturally. As you say; we do not need the newage spiritual nonsense one iota, it only gets in the way and leads us astray.

edit on 11-6-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added last 2 sentences

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: Enduro

Hi Enduro,

Unfortunately reflective meditation only has a short-term & relatively minor effect on disrupting the pain experience. The relaxation can help, certainly, because if I am tense & holding my body taut (which is a natural instinctive response to pain, sadly) then the pain can be exacerbated.

One thing which does certainly help is hypnosis - I did a professional course a few years ago & learned quite a lot about it, I really rate it as a very helpful natural technique to enable change on a number of levels with regards to a variety of conditions which can affect us negatively, either psychologically or physically. I tend to listen to the hypnosis videos of Michael Sealey on YouTube, who has an outstanding collection of sessions covering all sorts of issues - his sleep hypnosis is second to none, his voice is perfectly soothing. His are the only video-led sessions which have caused me to have a sudden 'drop' into deep hypnotic mesmerisation, which is a unique & quirky experience in & of itself, as well as being helpful in achieving the goals of the session.

I tend only to listen late at night, because when I have drifted through the hypnosis itself, I often to fall asleep at the end. Certainly it's a very useful thing to have his sessions available if I'm having a flare-up, as it will inevitably reduce the intensity of the overall pain experience, though it can never remove the pain completely (at least, I've not yet come to knowledge of a practitioner who is able to effect total suppression of all pain - it's not impossible, but usually pain is managed rather than cured, particularly in chronic cases). Because of my condition I can't work in a regular job, so I'm free to use deep hypnosis at any time during the day or night if it's necessary, and it forms a perfect complementary approach to combine with my reasonably effective long-term medications (morphine, tramadol, codeine, pregabalin, amitryptiline).

edit on JuneSunday2216CDT01America/Chicago-050056 by FlyInTheOintment because: important clarification

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Thanks for your comments, it's nice to have made the aquaintance of someone who truly understands the craft of dowsing, and given your lengthy experience I would hazard a guess that you're a pretty effective dowser by now.. If you don't mind, I might well send some questions your way as I begin to get to grips with the art of dowsing? Unfortunately, my physical health restricts me in terms of the amount & type of practice I'd be able to engage in, with regards to fieldwork which is testable (providing that all-important element of feedback/testing of your answers..)

I've come to the conclusion that learning to dowse using maps, and non-tool techniques, would be the most practical general technique for me to use in order to engage with the discipline, as I can utilise the maps from the comfort of my bed, and I'd be able to go out later to test the answers I get whenever I'm feeling physically up to it, for a short excursion to obtain that feedback. I'm a bit gutted actually, that I'm not physically up to the task of stomping around in fields for hours with the rather beautiful Chinese craftsman-made brass L-rods which I purchased recently (for a very reasonable price, in light of the quality).

I suppose I could do the bulk of my dowsing indoors using the maps techniques, perhaps employing the use of a pendulum in addition to the non-tool methods, and then perhaps use the L-rods to reconfirm applicable results in the real world, during short 'feedback only' excursions. My condition precludes me from lengthy engagement in any sort of activity whatsoever, meaning I can only manage at most half an hour of gentle walking about in a small area before I need to go home, medicate & rest for a minimum of three hours to recover. Bloody frustrating, to be sure!

Anyway, reading your comments & reflecting on what I could potentially get up to with the much-needed 'practice makes perfect' activities has inspired me to get involved & find ways to work around my limitations.. It's a dying art, and I'd love to be able to help preserve the skillset for future generations to follow on with. Thanks for your input & feedback, it's much appreciated!

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Thanks for your comments, it's nice to have made the aquaintance of someone who truly understands the craft of dowsing, and given your lengthy experience I would hazard a guess that you're a pretty effective dowser by now.. If you don't mind, I might well send some questions your way as I begin to get to grips with the art of dowsing? Unfortunately, my physical health restricts me in terms of the amount & type of practice I'd be able to engage in, with regards to fieldwork which is testable (providing that all-important element of feedback/testing of your answers..)

You're welcome FlyInTheOintment. I'll tell ya though, dowsing (here in Australia at least) is a very individual thing. Folks are largely self taught exploring what interests them most. So no hard and fast methods of learning is my thought. Just depends on what you want to learn about.

A few posts above, Enduro wrote:

originally posted by: Enduro

I use dowsing rods religiously almost everyday at work to locate underground utilities.

So Enduro would know more about the L-rods in the field than I will ever know. So I would listen there. The underground utilities, black lines and water streams can have a big effect on people's health. Enduro probably knows far more.

There are quite a few dowsers here on ATS.

I've come to the conclusion that learning to dowse using maps, and non-tool techniques, would be the most practical general technique for me to use in order to engage with the discipline, as I can utilise the maps from the comfort of my bed, and I'd be able to go out later to test the answers I get whenever I'm feeling physically up to it, for a short excursion to obtain that feedback. I'm a bit gutted actually, that I'm not physically up to the task of stomping around in fields for hours with the rather beautiful Chinese craftsman-made brass L-rods which I purchased recently (for a very reasonable price, in light of the quality).

I presume you have the dowsing sense that just needs exercise and fine tuning. My suggestion here is if you try maps pick places you have been to yourself to begin with.

When I first learned the rods, I would walk back and forth in my driveway and on to the street. I knew the power lines have a measurable field. The water main underground was another practice target. I would just focus on the rods and when they reacted I would look to see where I was. Just to get a feel and practice in. It didn't matter to me at the time if I knew where the target was.

My condition precludes me from lengthy engagement in any sort of activity whatsoever, meaning I can only manage at most half an hour of gentle walking about in a small area before I need to go home, medicate & rest for a minimum of three hours to recover. Bloody frustrating, to be sure!

I don't mean to pry there, but dowsers will look for certain things in the environment like underground water streams below the bed. "Black lines" too. These things can often be fixed with remedial dowsing techniques. Been a while since I looked into that side of things.

Anyway, reading your comments & reflecting on what I could potentially get up to with the much-needed 'practice makes perfect' activities has inspired me to get involved & find ways to work around my limitations.. It's a dying art, and I'd love to be able to help preserve the skillset for future generations to follow on with. Thanks for your input & feedback, it's much appreciated!

Like I said; "you're welcome". You can to PM me if you like. With Enduro and other dowsers who may find interest in this thread, there is a whole world of discovery when using the dowsing sense.

If it is matters of healing, my suggestion is to begin with your home environment if you're interested.

posted on Jun, 20 2022 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

You cannot willfully violate the laws of physics. You can continue trying but you'll die disappointed. What you need is a particular type of spirit, I don't know if only one type or certain spirits. I tell you this because on the TV show "Paranormal Caught On Camera" there is a segment where a woman suspected nefarious goings on during her sleep. She set up a night vision camera and, sure enough, the resulting video shows her laying asleep on her bed and her body is levitated a few feet above her bed. Of course, I would never recommend messing with the spirit world and maybe she didn't. I never thought levitating was possible but after watching her footage all things are possible.

posted on Jun, 20 2022 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: idusmartias
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

You cannot willfully violate the laws of physics. You can continue trying but you'll die disappointed. What you need is a particular type of spirit, I don't know if only one type or certain spirits. I tell you this because on the TV show "Paranormal Caught On Camera" there is a segment where a woman suspected nefarious goings on during her sleep. She set up a night vision camera and, sure enough, the resulting video shows her laying asleep on her bed and her body is levitated a few feet above her bed. Of course, I would never recommend messing with the spirit world and maybe she didn't. I never thought levitating was possible but after watching her footage all things are possible.

Because its not possible. ....well unless it's a home video featured on a TV show.........THEN it's obviously real......

Re read what you wrote and see if yiu can't see the obvious flaws in that thinking

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