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Putin canser, Parkinson's and possibly schizoaffective disorder due to the Parkinson's

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posted on May, 5 2022 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: noscopebacon

if Putin gets bad news i worry he will use nukes or more wide spread chemical use of something like VX or Russia's novichok chemical weapons

If the growing rumours about an impending Coup led by the FSB and some pissed off generals in the Kremlin are true Putin may order such things but his grasp on power may have slipped to the extent that such orders would not be followed.

With the damage done to the Russian economy , its standing in the world and its military Putin may well have sealed his own fate regardless of medical conditions.

Playing devil's advocate, here's the other side of that:

If this Western narrative about how much NATO has weakened Putin with helping Ukraine fend off his invasion and all our "tough" sanctions and that Putin now has a tenuous grip on power and his days are numbered...

If he goes under the knife and no coup happens, in my opinion that calls that narrative about how badly we've weakened Putin into serious question. I already have my doubts about it.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: face23785

Putin is a meme, just like Hitler and Biden and all the rest of them. At the top, it is all restricted and scripted. All the words that come out of their mouths are well thought out, everything officially said about them is premeditated. They are prisoners of their situation. The reality is that they are just frail human beings wondering what the heck is going on like the rest of us. But unfortunately, they have signed up for the duration. Putin is quite a devout Christian, I doubt whether he has the insanity in him to launch the first strike. In his mind, he will have to answer to his maker for his life decisions. They will have to get someone else if this continues. It is a strange stalemate as long as the West supports the present regime Russia will be bogged down in a situation that drains it. Either they up the stakes or withdraw back to their borders and try another way. they cant fight the real enemy in yet another proxy war, so either way, this is a prelude to the main event .

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: noscopebacon

can we not upload photos???

Use this link for image uploads.

I honestly don't believe most of what I'm hearing about Putin's health or mental acuity. I'm not saying it's all false, but like a lot of things we're hearing from that area of the world, there's not much evidence to support it. What are the chances one world leader ends up with cancer, Parkinson's, and a schizo disorder all at the same time? Impossible? No. Improbable? Yes.

My question is why are they pushing this nuke thing so hard....

Putin is angry...might use nukes.
Putin is sick...might use nukes.
Cancer? Nukes.
Parkinsons? Nukes.
Common cold? Nukes.

The more this goes on, the more I think Putin is fighting the great reset by himself.

He’s not fighting the Great Reset by invading Ukraine and killing civilians. THAT is romantic nonsense. That he might have stood against those forces is, in my opinion, a possibility. Invading Ukraine and accelerating the food and supply crisis is actually playing into the hands of the NWO.

It may be that the only choice is nukes - a reset the NWO wouldn’t want. Some of us may survive. Rinse and repeat, or hopefully not.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: St Udio

has anyone even considered that Putin is showing the distress from years of secretly being poisoned, my guess ---->>
diluted snake venoms

~ elimination by way of Orthodoxy ?~

yeah i heard that was the way he would go.

wasn't stalin poisoned too?

poison seems to be the russian way.

i'd hate to be his food taster, but i bet it pays good.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: ARM1968

Here is an interesting view of what is going on in Ukraine. They say Russia is losing, if that's the case why are the Ukrainian fighters turning up on the front in civilian clothes, They seem to be fighting to the last Ukrainian and then will use other Eastern Europeans. They are militarizing the schools so it looks like any kid that can pull a trigger will be


posted on May, 5 2022 @ 10:48 PM
The Russians them self said he is having surgery and the guy in the video is an oncologist

in the video he looks ill and he is not himself

Putin usually sits a certain way, very tight and up right.

he looked ill and you can see his hand shaking out of control.

he has FSB medics and doctors following him around, WHY???

what ever it maybe SOMETHING is wrong with him as he is going into surgery(as reported by Russian official news outlets).

the point is IF something is wrong with him and it is on the more serious side maybe that's why he is trying to reestablish his idea of the old USSR before he dies.

if you look at most if not all the Russian and Soviet leaders they are in office until they die and hold onto that power to the alst breath.

for all we know he is being propped up by all sorts of medications like JFK and Hitler and many other world leaders

i worry that if he is on his way out his last actions will be completely destroy any non annexed areas of the Ukraine and seeing as he will be dead cant do anything to him at that point so why not.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: noscopebacon

if Putin gets bad news i worry he will use nukes or more wide spread chemical use of something like VX or Russia's novichok chemical weapons

If the growing rumours about an impending Coup led by the FSB and some pissed off generals in the Kremlin are true Putin may order such things but his grasp on power may have slipped to the extent that such orders would not be followed.

With the damage done to the Russian economy , its standing in the world and its military Putin may well have sealed his own fate regardless of medical conditions.

Playing devil's advocate, here's the other side of that:

If this Western narrative about how much NATO has weakened Putin with helping Ukraine fend off his invasion and all our "tough" sanctions and that Putin now has a tenuous grip on power and his days are numbered...

If he goes under the knife and no coup happens, in my opinion that calls that narrative about how badly we've weakened Putin into serious question. I already have my doubts about it.

He put the head of the FSB in charge(his best and most trusted friend) for when he is under the knife.

so it would be hard to pull a decapitation strike(so to speak) when the whole of the FSB is watching your back, remember Putin is a KGB man.

And by russian law it should go to the PM but it has not.

and clearly the military they have in Russia is a paper tiger and its only claws are threats of nuking civilian cities

there will be no coup

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 12:56 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: ARM1968

Here is an interesting view of what is going on in Ukraine. They say Russia is losing, if that's the case why are the Ukrainian fighters turning up on the front in civilian clothes, They seem to be fighting to the last Ukrainian and then will use other Eastern Europeans. They are militarizing the schools so it looks like any kid that can pull a trigger will be


because they ARE CIVILIANS fighting for their homes and family.

did you not see the 1000's apon 1000's of regular men and woman lining up to get weapons and body armor?

the Ukrainians have more testicular fortitude that a brigade of Russian invaders, heck Ukrainian babushkas yell at the Russians and tell them they are going to pile up like fire wood.

Not ever Ukrainian fighter is a trained military fighter they are just people trying to repel invaders.

If i were in Ukraine i would be in line with them to fight alongside them to the bitter end.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: MrCrabs3000

I agree with what you wrote. For example Putin could know this "grip on things"-signal and use it by intent. There are only a few signs that

For example when I try to remember something far back in life, my eyes wander around all places while I "navigate" through memory. Like when I remember someone passing by with a car on the street, I would look to the left while I replay the memory in my mind, because that's the direction I looked when the memory was made. So the left / right / lying / truth tell would not work on me I guess. Same when I have to recall something I look up "to my head" and while I analyze it, I look "down on" what I "look at it my head".

I know there are other people doing it like this. Some behavioral experts may also hang onto the "no eye contact". Many also think it's missing eye contact possibility but it isn't. For me I can't recall things when I stare through someone's face, staring back. So I rather fixate some inanimate object with the eyes to go in my head and recall things.

Hm. Also wrinkle / broaden my nose when I play with the throttle, subconsciously. Some "Behavioral experts" would say I dislike it as that is normally a sign of dislike or disgust. But what it is, being one with the car and when the engine revs up, my "fight-readyness" also revs up. Or anticipation may be a better word.

Even things like crossed arms are for some just more convenient and not always a sign of protection or rejection, all the time.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes
It would not be surprising, no, but it's all speculation at this point. Truth should be first, always, that is why you can see me speak up for or scold about Trump, Biden, Clint0n, Putin, EU etc all the same, well except for the EU and Clint0n.

I mostly scold about them rather than defending them, but that's not bias. The reason is more like, statistically I am much more likely to be morally right, when I follow the trend of them doing wrong things constantly.

Also, understood it's not directed at me

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: MrCrabs3000

I agree with what you wrote. For example Putin could know this "grip on things"-signal and use it by intent. There are only a few signs that

For example when I try to remember something far back in life, my eyes wander around all places while I "navigate" through memory. Like when I remember someone passing by with a car on the street, I would look to the left while I replay the memory in my mind, because that's the direction I looked when the memory was made. So the left / right / lying / truth tell would not work on me I guess. Same when I have to recall something I look up "to my head" and while I analyze it, I look "down on" what I "look at it my head".

I know there are other people doing it like this. Some behavioral experts may also hang onto the "no eye contact". Many also think it's missing eye contact possibility but it isn't. For me I can't recall things when I stare through someone's face, staring back. So I rather fixate some inanimate object with the eyes to go in my head and recall things.

Hm. Also wrinkle / broaden my nose when I play with the throttle, subconsciously. Some "Behavioral experts" would say I dislike it as that is normally a sign of dislike or disgust. But what it is, being one with the car and when the engine revs up, my "fight-readyness" also revs up. Or anticipation may be a better word.

Even things like crossed arms are for some just more convenient and not always a sign of protection or rejection, all the time.

i think you are giving him to much credit

he would say that stuff not do little codes, in Russia right now 750mL of Vodka is more expencive than 750mL of water.

he also needs to SAY what he is going so that the population gets the clear message.

having a deathgrip on a table top and when in the other interview his hand is shaking like a leaf what message is that???

my grandfather had Parkinson's and he would do the same thing with tables to stop shaking so bad.

cool side fact my grandfather got a deep brain stimulator and it stopped his shaking right until the end of his life. Also the meds for Parkinson's can make you VERY VERY odd and act out violently so i don't think it is a stretch to say that he is ill.

He looks sick, his body looks odd, his actions are that of a mentally ill person(HITLER). He clearly has some sort of oncology issue and it is being addressed.

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: noscopebacon

can we not upload photos???

Use this link for image uploads.

I honestly don't believe most of what I'm hearing about Putin's health or mental acuity. I'm not saying it's all false, but like a lot of things we're hearing from that area of the world, there's not much evidence to support it. What are the chances one world leader ends up with cancer, Parkinson's, and a schizo disorder all at the same time? Impossible? No. Improbable? Yes.

My question is why are they pushing this nuke thing so hard....

Putin is angry...might use nukes.
Putin is sick...might use nukes.
Cancer? Nukes.
Parkinsons? Nukes.
Common cold? Nukes.

The more this goes on, the more I think Putin is fighting the great reset by himself.

And attempting what is probably the impossible; single handed.

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: Jimy718

This has been cooking the second Putin took office decades ago.

He has admitted MANY times to wanting to see the USSR back to its so called former glory.

he is as deep state as it gets, former east Germans KGB, when he got back to the USSR he was made a power player in the KGB and killed any politician or decenter to ensure his power.

SOMETHING is wrong with him as he for sure is having cancer surgery, its said to be in his abdomen and him having a death grip when sitting would seem to back that up, he is likely in ALOT of pain.

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