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Genuine confusion for hospitality - positive/negative or vaxxed. Who’s left?

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posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 07:29 PM
Edited to add that the Portuguese certificate follows the EU approved certificate and is valid in the EU and other countries that accept EU certificates. From what I have read, the UK is one of the non-EU countries that also use the same type of certificate.

You know what, normally I’d let that go but just to call that out, ur one of these people who cherry pick arguments hoping it’ll slide, “from what uv read” ? What’s that? What have u read to back this up? Bearing in mind the Uk , Scotland , England, Wales , n Ireland , all have separate approaches to lockdowns and restrictions? What exactly are basing that on that you have read that says the uk have the same certification policy?
Stop just keyboarding.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: Midnite247
Haha!chicken dinner!!
That is 76 words of pure gibberish right there!
So let’s take that politicians answer - proof of immunity is the antibody test?
Is that a negative test?
A positive test?
Is proof of vaccine proof of immunity?

An antibody test means the person has far less risk
Than passing it on to someone else?
A test? Means you have far less risk of passing it on to someone else? A test? Regardless of results? So positive or negative , doesn’t matter , a test means you have less risk of passing it on to someone else?

If the test looks for only the type of antibodies? …. What? I don’t think pcr tests look for antibodies
I don’t think they target just “the type of vaccine”

It will not provide full immunity …. I don’t think a pcr or any antibody test is designed to provide any immunity

that’s a serious uncle buck thanksgiving dinner table summary of what the wu tang guvment virus response should be .
thanksgiving was last month.
Gudluk to u and urs .

a reply to: rickymouse

Basically, I said that since the vaccine does not give full immunity that highly reduces the virus from being transmitted than those people should not have any more rights to freedom than the unvaccinated. A virus can mutate and already has mutated to make the vaccine kind of worthless, the antibody increase from the vaccineare targeting the viruses with the alpha version, their increase is worthless against the mild omni version, thank good the omni is very mild right now, people will get it and then they will fight it off like a coronavirus cold....because anyone who had a cold in the last six months has partial immunity to any of the SARS-CoV2 viruses yet. The antigens created by the vaccine do not target the omni version very well.

I mentioned nothing about the PCR test in my post, it was all about the antibody test.

The PCR test only means you do not have virus particles in your nose, it really does not mean that you have the disease, even if you have a positive pcr test it does not mean you have an active virus infection, that is why it is critical that some of the symptoms need to be present to verify it is not just virus spike protein particles in the nose. That is in the official information I read on BMJ and other medical science sites in Europe. That is not recognized in the USA from information at the FDA and CDC though, yet it is recognized by the WHO.

These mRNA vaccines are not regular vaccines, they would never have been allowed even five years ago. The Johnson vaccine is more close to a vaccine, but it has an adenovirus instead of a coronavirus carrier of the spike proteins. I have tried to find how this could effect immunity, but it is harder to find that information than finding the flaws in the mRNA vaccine technology. At least the Johnson vaccine has some history behind it's basic structural design, but it does not have history in this particular use.

I was talking about the antibody sereology tests, you have to read things in context, the antibody test and the pcr test are not the same at all. And antibody tests look for a specific antibody, they look for a special signiture, one the omni does not have on it in an identifiable way so the antibody can find it. More bullets for a 22 caliber handgun are kind of worthless if you only have a 38 special handgun. The bullets do not fit.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 12:51 AM

originally posted by: Midnite247

originally posted by: ScepticScot
To get the passport you have to be vaccinated, have has a previous infection so have anti bodies or have a recent negative test.

I realy don’t understand this - and people stop just repeating it like it makes perfect sense.
If you own a bar. And I’m not letting people with aids in.
How is this different?
You’ve tested negative for aids? You can go in.
You’ve tested positive for aids ? You can go in.
Who is not allowed in?

It's really not complicated if you have been vaccinated or recovered you will have some immunity and so qualify. Alternatively you can have a recent test showing you don't have covid.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: Midnite247
You know what, normally I’d let that go but just to call that out, ur one of these people who cherry pick arguments hoping it’ll slide, “from what uv read” ? What’s that? What have u read to back this up?

I have read that besides the EU countries, 25 non-EU countries use certificates that follow the same rules and in consequence are accepted in the EU. Those countries also accept EU certificates.

My source is this.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 06:33 PM
I found a BBC article that has it a little better explained.

How do I get a Covid passport?
You can get a domestic Covid pass via the NHS Covid app if you're 18 or over, registered with a GP, and meet any of the following conditions:

. it's been two weeks since your second vaccination (or single Jansen dose)
. you've had a negative PCR or lateral flow test (LFT) result in the past 48 hours, and reported it on the NHS website (this pass lasts 48 hours after the result)
. you've had a positive PCR test result in the past six months, and finished self-isolating (this pass lasts for 180 days)


Still not completely clear, but the addition of the "and finished self-isolating" gives a better idea of what is needed.

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