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What are the side-effects of pornography?

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posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 11:43 PM
Really depends if the male is LOW IQED. If he has a low iq is more prone to rape.

Though pattern of LOW IQED man.

She is hot, i want to bang her, look around see if anyone is around rape her.
This mind set of arabs and blacks.

Though pattern of european males.

She is beautiful, i want to marrie her, go ask her out, she say's no or yes walks away. The though of rape doesn't go past the european males, he has moral standards, control. Unlike blacks and arab's who just act on their desires instead of thinking about anything, i don't think they have any moral standards.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by TheTruth123
Unlike blacks and arab's who just act on their desires instead of thinking about anything, i don't think they have any moral standards.

Just when I thought ignorance could not get any lower........

The KKK is looking for folks like you.

MODS? Anyone?

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 03:53 PM

What are the side-effects of pornography?

Here's some:

Friction burns
Hard time ejaculating during real sex
Abnormal idea of what real love making is
Sore hands
Run out of towels, t-shirts and socks
Difficulty urinating
Magazine pages sticking together
Having to buy plastic covers for your furniture
Regularly needing to replace computer keyboard

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 05:53 PM

Really depends if the male is LOW IQED. If he has a low iq is more prone to rape.

Though pattern of LOW IQED man.

She is hot, i want to bang her, look around see if anyone is around rape her.
This mind set of arabs and blacks.

Though pattern of european males.

She is beautiful, i want to marrie her, go ask her out, she say's no or yes walks away. The though of rape doesn't go past the european males, he has moral standards, control. Unlike blacks and arab's who just act on their desires instead of thinking about anything, i don't think they have any moral standards.

Please people, dont post threads like this.

Truth what the hell was that about. I smell something fishy.

Whites, blacks, arabs, greeks, and etc are all the same.

Gods children, nothing more nothing less.

Porn is a good thing,

No women is a bad thing!

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 07:55 PM
How many of these porn films show moral acts?

If you were reading a book on sexual positions for some variety, I could consider that ok.

Again, I am no saint, I've been up late with Rosey Palm and her five sisters, watching porn videos quite a few nights. But it's time to break away from it. I need to focus on finding someone and being happy with them, without needing something from the outside to stimulate me. I know a lot of wives would be pretty pissed if the hot lady from accross the street came over to strip for her husband, so he can get himself off. Shouldn't his wife get him fired up, and his weenie hard, not his neighbor? I'm not saying the husband cann't acknowledge that other women are hot, but bringing porn into the house is something like having the neighbor woman come over and strip for him, or have sex with him so he can get off.

My point, if you are having sexual problems, it could possibly stem from something like communication with your mate. Your weenie might not get hard because you aren't "connected" with your mate like you were before. Get in good honest communication, and I will bet you that the weenie throbbing feeling could very well return.

Techniques like "think of Britney Spears when your having sex with your wife" is headed in the wrong direction. You're headed toward having sex with someone else, not having sex with your wife. How about have sex with your wife, when you are having sex with your wife. Maybe you could simply think before hand of how you will pleasure your wife, and really "create" that moment of great sex. What a concept! Earth shattering!


posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 10:05 PM
I think porn has led to a decline in our society, since some women think that they can make a lot more money by selling their bodies than they can if they become a scientist/pilot/doctor/etc etc

but porn is just soo darn addictive!


posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:51 PM
Greetings all - my first post on ATS:

Most of the replies to the original post have been somewhat off topic and this one is no exception. Porn works for a number of reasons: it makes money for the people who produce it and, to a lesser extent, those who participate in it. So there is an unending new stream of images which is required as it is well documented that you get bored with an image in a very short while and need a new one(s) to conitnue stimulation. So demand and supply are well set up. Sexual needs are like hunger - they are absolutely natural and can both be aroused with imagery or scent. I can tell you if everytime I saw a picture of a gorgeous feast laid out or smelled KFC and all I had to do was rub my throat for a few minutes and I would feel as though I had just eaten my fill, I probably would. Instead I have to go and cook something or order something in or go out for food. I can't just sit there and get full by manually manipulating myself. I think you see what I am getting at.
Porn can bring instant gratification for an arousal it brought on itself. However that can be the problem, and the side effect is often guilt - and that's a bad thing. People have to understand why porn works and not be guilty about being aroused by it. Understanding brings about control - and control is a central rape issue. The more you are in control of your own life the less likely you are to inflict control on those less strong than yourself. We are flooded with images daily - a lot of them designed to arouse. Go behind the scenes to the making of these images and see how arousing it is. Crews standing around, cameramen and cables everywhere, the smells, hot lights, sweaty bodies, coke infused porn stars trying to keep it up get the picture. It ain't pretty, but it's rock 'n' roll.
I'm not against most porn, let's keep it legal and clean so to speak. And try and understand why things are like they are and deal with realities. If you don't like porn or the arousal it brings, don't look at it. And you might as well cancel your cable and turn off your radio, 'cause that's porn too, just of a different nature.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:53 PM
everyone is an expert...

what kind of wierdo porno do you people watch?



posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 01:04 PM
The number one side effect of porn (besides arousal) is a hole in your wallet. Cheap porn is dirty , and a decent film can cost you upwards of 50.00US

My wife and I watch it, and neither of us go out and kiidnap, rape, or kill little kids.....that's just absurd

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by TheTruth123
Really depends if the male is LOW IQED. If he has a low iq is more prone to rape.

Though pattern of LOW IQED man.

She is hot, i want to bang her, look around see if anyone is around rape her.
This mind set of arabs and blacks.

Though pattern of european males.

She is beautiful, i want to marrie her, go ask her out, she say's no or yes walks away. The though of rape doesn't go past the european males, he has moral standards, control. Unlike blacks and arab's who just act on their desires instead of thinking about anything, i don't think they have any moral standards.

What else do you know about Arabs and black people?

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