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Australians celebrate a landmark - where are all the cops....? Wonders in the making.

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posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 12:35 PM

ETA - After posting this OP, I realised I needed to check for videos from yesterday - thankfully, Australians were successful in further protests, see next post for several videos! See post #3 for worldwide rally for freedom info!


After a bit of thought recently, and following some valuable feedback, I've now determined that I'll be adopting a new posting style. One thread which deals with the negative # we're facing, followed by a thread which celebrates the more positive aspects of the circumstances which are unfolding in the world around us. Without fail. Furthermore, I'll be working on shortening the length of my posts, because I understand that a lot of people simply don't have the time to wade through a 10,000 word OP, even if they are otherwise not of the Twitter generation, for whom 256 characters is as much as they can stomach in one sitting.

ATS celebrates long form, in-depth discussion - but I acknowledge that there's a TLDR limit for every user..

Regarding criticism that I'm overly 'religious', I never intend to offend & I'm always 100% against firebrand preaching, eg - "You'll go to Hell if you don't accept Jesus right now!!" - I think that's absolutely errant 'ministering by fear', which does not represent the God I know & love.

That said, I genuinely believe that we're facing a civilisation metamorphosis, in which our increased understanding in respect of certain topics may in fact lead to major paradigm shifts in the days to come; hopefully people will come to realise that moderately conservative spiritual beliefs are not 'the devil', and indeed there's a lot to be said for conservative values, when blended with compassion & grace. Indeed, the spiritual & the material are bound together inextricably, and the way we respond to this great crisis of our age (the forced ending of the existing world order by a demonic cult intent on crafting a 'New Age of Satan', brought about by a 'PLANDEMIC' leading to a 'Great Reset') requires us to think long & hard about spiritual matters while we address the practicalities of bringing these evil mother#ers to justice. So many people can see that the world is being forcibly headed off at the pass, pushing us towards a choice between literal depopulation or the pit of Hell, that it actually becomes reasonable to start asking "Where is God in all of this?" Well, God is working His work, and I'll be doing separate threads regarding that particular aspect of the situation in the coming days & weeks.

So - moving on to that positive news, I suppose many of you may have seen the above-posted video already, but I hadn't seen it lauded as the victory which it actually represents yet, hence I've decided to bring it front & centre for the attention of the ATS members & those tens of thousands of members of the general public who visit ATS on a regular basis, to get some thoughtful commentary on the events unfolding in the world around us. This video shows the absolutely astonishing events in Melbourne, Australia on Saturday last week.

Previously, Melbourne had the dubious honour of being the most locked-down city in the world at this time. The police were racing around in armoured vehicles, hunting & shooting peaceful protesters in the back with rubber bullets as they tried to run away. These cops were slamming heads into the concrete (people have died), they have taken every chance they could to snatch people off the streets (after kneeling on their neck while a colleague kicks them in the face) simply because they were a block away from their residence, smoking a cigarette. Then there's the young single mother who was snitched on by a neighbour, that she had been briefly outside without wearing a mask (while putting out her bins or something similar). Five or six burly cops showed up & arrested her in front of her three screaming kids (aged between 1-7yrs, by the look of the video).

Melbourne has been under the kosh so severely, we've almost all of us witnessed bits & pieces of what's unfolding. I've followed it quite closely, because I'm firmly of the opinion that what's happening there is a Beta Test of what the rest of the world's developed nations can expect as the overlords try to unfurl their demonic NWO. It's important for us to understand the tactics they are using, and to watch for signs in our own nations that these attempts are being ramped up where we are, so we can respond appropriately. The Australian government has been insanely harsh, mean-spirited, cruel & despotic, utterly tyrannical in the way they have carried out their orders from the higher ups (the globalist cabal). Melbourne residents haven't previously stood a chance of gathering for peaceful protest, because they've been crushed under the heel of jackboots before they knew what was happening.

Until now

People won't stand for it any more. Last Saturday represented a turning point, I believe - Australia is indeed rising up, resisting the NWO with both forceful presence, and the spirit of love which binds them together, every man & woman as a free citizen who will not permit that tyrannical bunch of despots to steal their beautiful country from them. Last Saturday, tens of thousands of Melbourne residents, both left & right wing, all races, Christians & LGBT, everyone - EVERYONE - stood together, against the tyranny of the regional/federal government mandates & restrictions, rules & legislation. They came out in force, all as one, for a wonderful protest so well-attended that the cops were literally NOWHERE to be seen. They literally didn't dare to come out against the crowds, because they knew they would have met fierce & undying resistance.

Please give this heart-warming, inspiring, fire-stoking video a watch, and compare what you see to the videos of the last couple of months in the Melbourne region. It is simply astounding, that the police simply didn't show up. Where were they? Did they fear severe violence if they tried to quash the peaceful protest of the crowds? Or did the police officers themselves stage some sort of mutiny, or a coup? As yet, I don't think the record is very clear on that point - but Melbourne was committed to doubling the numbers. And following the inspiration of last week's crowds, with their Australian national love & good cheer, I hope they were able to double those numbers. People who were too timid to come out last week would be encouraged to join with friends & march out as one!

All I can say is this: "We are one, but we are many, and from all the lands of Earth, we have come... We will stand together, with all Australians."

It's a BitChute video, hence I can only provide a link - but please watch it; I would encourage you to make a comment in this thread (& show your support for Oz in whatever other ways you can), because there may have been trouble, if the police decided to go in full-on heavy handed to defuse what should have been a massive march of citizens - good men & women who have literally had enough, who have said "No more!"

I suspect we will see what Australians have decided is the fate of their government soon - here's hoping that 'Danny Hunchback' Dan Andrews crawls back into the slimy pit he crawled out of in the first place.




edit on NovemberSunday21011CST02America/Chicago-060022 by FlyInTheOintment because: important clarification

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 12:51 PM
Just to note - I wrote this OP in a daze, thinking it was Friday when it's actually Sunday...

Now going to scour the web to find videos of yesterday's protests in Melbourne, hopefully will find evidence that they successfully doubled the numbers & foiled the cops for a second week running.


Yeah they did a bonza-ripper of a job it seems!

Odysee - Melbourne crowds - Saturday November 13th

Odysee - Walk-through of Melbourne protest - Saturday November 13th

Hmmm - are the Aussie government using weather weaponry? They used earthquakes already I think.. Fair play to them all marching in torrential rain! Loving the '# Dan Andrews' chanting as well.

Odysee - tens of thousands in Melbourne again - Saturday November 13th

(Turns out is better than BitChute to search for up-to-date videos...)

Well done Melbourne, keep up the amazing work!!!

edit on NovemberSunday21011CST01America/Chicago-060005 by FlyInTheOintment because: per ETA

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 01:04 PM
This is good to hear. I think we should stand with Australia because we should. I don't know how much of a barometer they are because different lands have differing people. Their situation is notoriously bad and I think some of it is unique to the region. They cant control a bunch of us Americans over here, too much land, too much chaos, too many cats and I don't think that's going to change.

I try to cut down on the "this is where its headed" scenario because no one can be sure, and that's gloomy dont you think?

As for australia: it sucks. Im sorry guys. It hurts and I'm right there with ya. More victories to come! Show em what you're made of. Stand with Australia! .

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: TheReaversChain

The thing about those sorts of numbers must send a chill down the back of the politicians. They have to realize that the gig is up. It does not matter how many stormtroopers they use, the numbers would overwhelm them and remove the weapons. It really is heartwarming to see Australia has a united soul.

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: anonentity

No kidding! ...

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Turns out that someone in Australia was promoting next week's rally as a 'Worldwide Rally for Freedom', and this is happening in many other nations too.

It's a legitimate effort to promote protests around the world which will be happening simultaneously. However, there's an aggressive campaign of misinformation, mockery & straight up 'forum sliding' of websearch results, such that when using a search engine it's difficult to locate an online central source at which those coordinated protests are being hosted/listed with commentary from the organisers.

It's so aggressive, in fact, that some muppet has bought the web domain '' & posted a one page yobbing of the freedom movement globally! For some reason my image uploads aren't working so you'll have to clicky on the link to see the idiot's workmanship in its original glory (it's just a single paragraph of text, without images). It reads as follows:

"World Wide Rally For Freedom.
Or how we made ourselves look like fools

So you dont want the vaccine? Good, we dont want you to have it anyway. Its all part of our great government conspiracy to weed out the inferior. Do us all a favour, dont take it, leave the world to the rest of us.

Maybe with the reduction in the population we can finally solve climate change as well? Wouldnt that be great?


What a total muppet.

Anyway, back to the grown-up discussion:

No matter what I tried to do on the web search, even using DuckDuckGo to avoid the algorithms on Google, I still couldn't easily locate the central organising group coordinating these worldwide protests, occurring in each nation on Saturdays from here onwards. But they really are happening! Here's the proper link (it's being organised on TELEGRAM from within Germany, because as noted all web searches return multiple aggressive anti-freedom propaganda pages & MSM bull#) ~ (Worldwide Rally for Freedom & Democracy)

Telegram holds the answers, on this occasion. Keep the protest movement rolling!

edit on NovemberSunday21011CST02America/Chicago-060010 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

The Australian Department of Justice refused to release the names of the Government Pervs. Because people would lose faith in the system. It's too late now.

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: TheReaversChain

The thing about those sorts of numbers must send a chill down the back of the politicians. They have to realize that the gig is up. It does not matter how many stormtroopers they use, the numbers would overwhelm them and remove the weapons. It really is heartwarming to see Australia has a united soul.

Yes, that's the idea. Too overwhelm the 'police' minions and their 'elites' . We outnumber them by billions.
They should fear us

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 10:13 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 15 2021 @ 01:56 AM
I've been sharing True Arrows videos for days now.

AussieCossack, Avi Yemini, we have REAL news out there. And they can't hide the facts any more.

We will NOT be ruled by tyrants...

We are NOT slaves to tyrants...

We are FREE. # the mandates.

posted on Nov, 15 2021 @ 06:22 AM
Avi is a muppet. Flew back to do his time with the Israeli military and then makes out that he's all for freedom... Not if youre palestinian!

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 04:11 AM
It's great to see so many standing up, we need to HOLD THE LINE.

I am about to be suspended from my job until further notice next month. A job that I enjoy.

Mandates are going out all across the country. My brother who works in a tavern is being suspended. Heck even a lady I know who does friggin strawberry picking got a notice! She told us her kid has to have it to continue going to her school!

You won't be able to get a job at all if this keeps up!

I will not comply, for now I can live with my parents, but some of my co-workers have nowhere to go. A few are so distraught because they don't want the jab but fear literally being homeless and unable to buy food.

Most people are being put on unpaid leave if they don't submit, which is insidious because as far as I know, while on unpaid leave you will have a harder time applying for jobseeker benefits. So you'll have to resign, but then you have to wait longer for benefits if you can't prove you were fired.

I cannot begin to express through words how revolting this all is. It's absolutely evil. We must all take a stand.

Have heard emergency powers run out December 26th. So there may be a window to really do something before this crap completely destroys our country; there's still time!

I am going to attend the protest in my state. I don't know what more I can do, other than stand my ground.

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