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Does the US government have names of everyone who took a coronavirus vaccine stored in a database?

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posted on Dec, 2 2021 @ 03:34 AM
Important Update - December 2, 2021


Eighty House Republicans voted with Democrats on Tuesday to pass the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act, which if passed by the Senate and signed into law, would fund a federal vaccination database.

According to the bill, also called H. R. 550, the government would provide $400 million in taxpayer dollars to fund “immunization system data modernization and expansion”.

A system otherwise defined as “a confidential, population-based, computerized database that records immunization doses administered by any health care provider to persons within the geographic area covered by that database.”

Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL), who was one of the 130 Republicans to vote “no,” told Breitbart News exclusively on Wednesday that the legislation would enable the federal government to “track” unvaccinated Americans who “will be targeted and forced to comply with Biden’s crazy ‘global vaccination’ vision.”
More: n-database/

Perhaps this could be a good thing, if a really scary virus (like Ebola) comes to the USA. But the potential for NEGATIVE use of the database is frightening, considering the current environment and administration in charge.

originally posted by: Chalcedony
This is kind of a two for one post. First of all I want to share this article from Dec. 2020 and this quote from now disgraced former Gov. Cuomo of New York about the effort to capture data from vaccine recipients:

“The data use agreement says that the information will be used by, and I quote, CDC, HHS, and ‘other federal partners,’” Cuomo said at a press conference. “Now, I have been down this road before. This is an administration that has, from day one, with the wall, been relentless in their pursuit of undocumented people.”

“This is just another example of them trying to extort the state of New York to get information that they can use at the Department of Homeland Security and ICE that they’ll use to deport people,” Cuomo said. “That is what this is. I will not do it.”

This got me to wondering what data they are actually storing digitally about the coronavirus vaccines and who has gotten them. If you have gotten it, you are in VAMS which is just for coronavirus vaccines. Other vaccines are entered into IIS and now the new feature of VAMS will allow cross-referencing between VAMS and IIS.

So I guess if you think you'll get away with using a fake card, you're out of luck. The government knows. But as an aside, is this OSHA mandate scenario going to require employers to store vaccination records of employees? Or can this all be accomplished via the federal database?? I wrote OSHA and got a canned response about how they are working on details.

Here is VAMS how-to:

After the recipient receives the required number of vaccine dose(s) to complete the vaccination schedule, the certificate can serve as a recipient’s vaccination record documented in VAMS.


Click Search Past Vaccinations on the Recipient Management tab

Search for the recipient using one of two search options:

Enter one of these fields: email address or VAMS ID,

Enter all these fields: first name, last name, and date of birth.

Once you’ve found the correct recipient, click their name in the search results table to advance to the recipient record. NOTE: Clicking View Record will take you to the vaccination record.

To view the vaccination certificate, click the hyperlinked text in the next dose section below the recipient’s date of birth. From here, you can also download the certificate as a PDF.

Here is another link for general info about VAMS. The link above the quotes is where my quotes came from, this link is just general info from the CDC site about it...

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Bribery. it works well in third world countries. The USA is just as bad with all of congress/senate drowning in pharma bribe money.

(600 million).

So just bribe the staff to enter you have the jab. $100 to $200

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: CupcakeKarma

Just say ok and that you got it. is that so hard?

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: CupcakeKarma

Just say ok and that you got it. is that so hard?

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