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BREAKING: THEY GOT CAUGHT! Investigators Have Video of 240 Leftist Operatives in Georgia...

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posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: Justoneman
No examples needed. Wait until the 2022 elections and we will shall see.

The problem is the Trump fanatics live in a bubble and refuse to accept reality, hence the idiotic belief that Trump won the 2020 election.

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: TonyS

Apologies for not replying sooner...

I dont see myself as a defeatest. I am a realist.

Um.... okay. Obviously, you can self-identify as whatever you want. And, also obviously, if you've already given up any hope for anything different or better, then of course you won't even try. So your reality is your reality by choice.

It may just be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

The end result is the same.

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Apologies for the late reply...

It is the McConnell's...

If the whole truth is ever known, I'm betting McConnell is right in the thick of it all!

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

I have been saying this the whole time and I believe over our many years here, you have said this before and are right of course.

Our recollections are the same!!!

IIRC you also believe like me that they are not true Liberals at all unless liberal means totilitarians and I missed that in "Civic's" in High School. They don't teach Civic's anymore. Instead it is "Social Studies" and I believe I was there for the transition to that Commie training and didn't catch the subtle name change meant everything changed.
As I recall, Trilateral commissioned Henry Kissinger said the USA had to dumb it's people down so the One World Gov could bring the rest of the world closer to us, and I don't have it handy to share here. I never forgot it and it influences my observations of the facts for what they really are. I can't unsee that anymore than I can the shooter on the grassy knoll taking out JFK from the front left, That in a frame by frame study in an elective College course on Mass Media that was about all I could take with my normie friends who didn't want the Sciences for a career.

Again, our recollections do not vary!

When they started taking shop classes out of high schools, and basically any/all courses that could prepare a high school graduate with a marketable skill upon graduation, I saw it for exactly what it is. And all this shortly after the "Johnny Can't Read" report on the status of our public education. Then they stopped teaching kids their multiplication tables. And the Constitution right along with any Civics. And on and on and on. It's been slow and gradual -- but quite effective.

And it is definitely hurting us all -- both collectively and as individuals.

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Republicans who put country before party are patriots, not traitors. If they can't find evidence of fraud then saying that they can't find it is thier primary duty.

Wow. None of the above is even responsive to the point I was making.

Anyone who puts country before party are patriots. Duh.

Anyone who actually looks and cannot find evidence of fraud and say so is being honest. Anyone who actually looks and does find evidence of fraud and say so is being honest. That's it. That's just truth.

However, their motivations and intentions may vary.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:48 AM
There are “Trump Won” signs popping up all over the Athens, GA area.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: acidimpaled
There are “Trump Won” signs popping up all over the Athens, GA area.

That's a strange spot....I would think Athens would be a Uber liberal area these days just being that is a huge college town and lots of progressives around there.

Got any pics or links?

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Republicans who put country before party are patriots, not traitors. If they can't find evidence of fraud then saying that they can't find it is thier primary duty.

Wow. None of the above is even responsive to the point I was making.

Anyone who puts country before party are patriots. Duh.

Anyone who actually looks and cannot find evidence of fraud and say so is being honest. Anyone who actually looks and does find evidence of fraud and say so is being honest. That's it. That's just truth.

However, their motivations and intentions may vary.

it's both sad and frightening how easily some just don't comprehend that simple thing. And there is a chance they pro-created. /shivers/

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 08:57 PM
Nope it’s not about the producing the goods, it’s if anyone will actually use the law and arrest people. That’s what never happen so they just break the law over and over and over.
a reply to: Klassified

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 04:52 PM
Wow, a whole nefarious army of 240 people in a video that hasn't been produced - and won't be because it doesn't exist! If this were true, that video would be the first thing produced and would indeed spread like wildfire. Instead, we get a simple post - people will jump at anything that supports their point of view in this political circus of misinformation. It would be so much more effective if hard evidence were presented along with such alleged activity.

I'm open to any truths that can be substantiated, but all these half-truths and posts with nothing affirming the allegations make me roll my eyes and wag my head with doubt.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 02:37 AM

originally posted by: Klassified
...Dumping Thousands of Ballots from Backpacks into Drop Boxes in Middle of the Night!

According to John Fredericks state officials now have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.

The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia.

Secondary link
I have no idea at this point how legitimate this claim is. Supposedly this has broken today, and the video is supposed to be released at some point. Allegedly, there is also a FOIA request for communications between the DOJ and leftist groups as well. There is a short video at the link of Fredericks and Bannon talking about it.

Don't hold your breath, but If this turns out to be real, this would definitely be a major story and a bombshell moment. We shall see.

January 31, 2022

The Gateway Pundit has a horribly structured website, but at least the journalists there are not intimidated by "authorities" into staying quiet about things that incriminate Democrats and RINOs. For example:

True the Vote has been working with Dinesh D’Souza to create a bombshell movie that uses footage they obtained of ballot boxes in key states across America to steal the election in 2020.

Using geo-tracking devices, True the Vote was able to take footage from drop boxes across America in key states like Georgia and others to track over 2,000 ‘mules” wearing gloves and disguises to stuff ballot boxes.

Dinesh D’Souza narrates the clip from his upcoming movie “2,000 Mules”:

“This one “mule” made 53 trips to 20 drop boxes. He’s not alone.

We tracked 2,000 mules making multiple ballot drops.
Highlight VidClip at: tion/

This is the type of legitimate evidence crooked authorities (DOJ, FBI, Prosecutors, Judges) have been ignoring, even after its presented in formal hearings before state authorities, and to Congress.

Democrats and Republicans who conspired with Democrats to install Joe Biden in the White House, keep avoiding answering this one simple question...

"Why are you against voters knowing if their election result(s) was or was not accurate, based on election laws? Why do you fight so hard to prevent this type of transparency??"

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