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Doctors May Lose License For Their Opinions on China Virus "Vaccine"--FSMB

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posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 12:04 PM
I went to get my physical, the doctor just asked me if I had the covid, that until now I have no clue if I have or not, but he did not push for the jab. Did no even asked me if I was going to consider taking it.

I am glad he did not.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: americanbuffalo1
I'm going to guess this won't pan out. Even the evil lawmakers and policy pushers need doctors. There is already a lack of good qualified medical professionals.
Just make bad to worse
Now that I said that, I might be wrong.

That's what I've been wondering. Do we really have such a surplus of medical professionals in the US that we can discard them over their opinions?

What about all the stories we hear hospitals being loaded to capacity? Are doctors and nurses so expendable in this country that we can run them out of the medical field and easily find qualified replacements for them?

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

I know that the front line workers are now been targeted for the jab, many do not want it, we know that most of the people that worked with covid during the hype of the pandemic were nurses and doctors, this group is one that do not want the jabs.

Now they are trying to file sues against the mandates, I smell something fishy when you have nurses and doctors that do not want the jab.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

That's what I've been wondering. Do we really have such a surplus of medical professionals in the US that we can discard them over their opinions?

No we don't, but no doctor or nurse wants to be first in line to be made an example of, so the threat works on fear alone.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 12:56 PM
I see if doctors question Pfizer or Moderna and its potential side effects? if mandatory vaccinations for healthcare workers i dont see things going very well.
edit on 9-8-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

That's what I'm up against. My state just mandated long term care facility staff to be vax'd.
So, if I'm reading the terrain correctly, it's just a matter of time before they mandate providers
in general. Which means that now I'm weighing losing my livelihood against potential short and/or long
term health issues. Right now, I'm not a happy camper. Luckily, I have some time as nothing's come down the pike yet.
But, they could mandate it any time, so......

edit on 9-8-2021 by Wizzz0001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

So... qualified Pros who have trained and worked in the profession for more than 10 years are now threatened if they say something against the vaccines??

This is wrong and will lead to even more....


posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 02:03 PM

edit on 8/9/2021 by TheLead because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
If I was a doctor, I would inform my patients that a vaccine is available and that they should make an informed decision in getting it. A lot of doctors are skeptical about this vaccine...and they have good reason to be skeptical. This vaccine does not attack the coronavirus, they never have been able to make a vaccine successfully to attack a coronavirus. It stimulates a buffered response against the spike protein, if is not a coronavirus vaccine. That is even how the adenovector vaccines work...notice Adeno and not corona in the name. It still makes a reaction against the spike protein.

Even with that, the mRNA vaccines have to be cut into two injections about a month apart, if they combined them there would be a hell of a lot more bad reactions to get the desired result.

I am not an anti-vaxer, I do have problems with some vaccines but I do believe lots of people need those vaccines that can cause me harm. In the case of this vaccine, I do not think enough scientific evidence is out there to prove it is safe, and it is definitely not safe for some individuals. If they knew how to figure out who was going to react badly to this vaccine, more scientific research may have led to that conclusion, they could have reduced the number of bad reactions. It was rushed too much, it is making guinea pigs out of millions of people.. I know I could have a severe reaction to it from reading lots of pure science instead of the propaganda that is being spread about it.

This virus is not safe nor effective for some people, and not enough research has been done on it to identify the risk groups. Also they are covering up the cases of severe side effects saying they are not related...because there is no evidence they are related. The reason there is little evidence of the vaccine causing damage is because they are avoiding verifying them to make it look safer for everyone. I know I cannot take this vaccine because I researched what causes my side effects with the vaccines and because I know from studying that I am pretty badly intolerant to the emulsifiers in the vaccine. But most people do not have years to study like I have had, trying to evaluate what food chemistries have caused them harm so they do not mistakenly have chosen the wrong chemistry to focus on for elimination. There are not simple blood tests given to test for these chemicals, doctors never test much for problems with propylene glycol, polysorbate 80, and polyethylene glycol. One reason is that these chemicals are in many pharmacutical evidence means they remain generally recognized as safe....GRAS.

It's not a "vaccine".
And the legal and medical definition of vaccine was coincidentally changed shortly before the plandemic.

Therefore, your point is also completely wrong.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Well, I have recommended that several people in my family NOT get the vaccines, due to an autosomal dominant hereditary clotting disorder (factor V Leiden), from which several of them have already suffered deep venous thromboses, spontaneous abortions, heart attacks, and at least one died of a 'stroke'. I told them I am willing to write them 'doctor's orders' not to get the vaccine, if they ask me. Because they are my family, I told them I will pay for lawyers too, if anyone screws with those orders. Sucks that push might come to shove on this, but I feel that it is definitely going there.

And ... I am thankful for ATS where we can have threads like this. At this point, I do not feel that I could talk about this to anyone besides family without complete anonymity.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: Destal

originally posted by: rickymouse
If I was a doctor, I would inform my patients that a vaccine is available and that they should make an informed decision in getting it. A lot of doctors are skeptical about this vaccine...and they have good reason to be skeptical. This vaccine does not attack the coronavirus, they never have been able to make a vaccine successfully to attack a coronavirus. It stimulates a buffered response against the spike protein, if is not a coronavirus vaccine. That is even how the adenovector vaccines work...notice Adeno and not corona in the name. It still makes a reaction against the spike protein.

Even with that, the mRNA vaccines have to be cut into two injections about a month apart, if they combined them there would be a hell of a lot more bad reactions to get the desired result.

I am not an anti-vaxer, I do have problems with some vaccines but I do believe lots of people need those vaccines that can cause me harm. In the case of this vaccine, I do not think enough scientific evidence is out there to prove it is safe, and it is definitely not safe for some individuals. If they knew how to figure out who was going to react badly to this vaccine, more scientific research may have led to that conclusion, they could have reduced the number of bad reactions. It was rushed too much, it is making guinea pigs out of millions of people.. I know I could have a severe reaction to it from reading lots of pure science instead of the propaganda that is being spread about it.

This virus is not safe nor effective for some people, and not enough research has been done on it to identify the risk groups. Also they are covering up the cases of severe side effects saying they are not related...because there is no evidence they are related. The reason there is little evidence of the vaccine causing damage is because they are avoiding verifying them to make it look safer for everyone. I know I cannot take this vaccine because I researched what causes my side effects with the vaccines and because I know from studying that I am pretty badly intolerant to the emulsifiers in the vaccine. But most people do not have years to study like I have had, trying to evaluate what food chemistries have caused them harm so they do not mistakenly have chosen the wrong chemistry to focus on for elimination. There are not simple blood tests given to test for these chemicals, doctors never test much for problems with propylene glycol, polysorbate 80, and polyethylene glycol. One reason is that these chemicals are in many pharmacutical evidence means they remain generally recognized as safe....GRAS.

It's not a "vaccine".
And the legal and medical definition of vaccine was coincidentally changed shortly before the plandemic.

Therefore, your point is also completely wrong.

Well, even though it is deceitful, it is classified legally as a vaccine. I do not agree with them doing that, but that is the way it is. I still would not promote that kind of unproven medical procedure but legally the change of definition makes it so they can call it a vaccine now.

posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 08:41 AM
Wonder how long this one will be out there. And what this doctor states is facts, however don't let facts get in the way of a good lie!

posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 08:50 AM
They really have perfected McCarthyism style thinking.

a reply to: IAMTAT

posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 03:23 PM
Central authority censorship is only practiced by a central authority when the central authority is propagating an agenda laden with falsehoods, lies, and misdirection.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 12:59 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
This sounds like doctors are being threatened for expressing their medical opinion.

It sounds like if doctors express their own opinion on the China Virus "vaccine"...and that opinion is currently defined as "misinformation"...they will no longer be allowed to practice medicine.

This cannot be healthy.


Physicians who post COVID-19 vaccine misinformation may lose license, medical panel says

The Federation of State Medical Boards warned July 29 that physicians and other healthcare professionals could be at risk of losing their medical licenses if they spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on social media, online and in the media.

FSMB, a nonprofit that represents all U.S. state medical boards, said any clinicians who create or spread vaccine misinformation or disinformation risk disciplinary action by state medical boards, including suspension or revocation of their medical license, according to a statement emailed to Becker's Hospital Review.

The problem here is addition to this being a gestapo-like tactic to shutdown free speech and dissenting opinion...the term "misinformation" is highly subjective.
Now, more so than ever, the term remains open to broad interpretation under quickly changing dynamics.

Many medical opinions on the virus and "vaccine" once called "misinformation" are now being proven to have been correct all along.

Saying the China Virus originated in a Chinese lab was, not too long ago, called "misinformation".
Praising HCQ and Ivermectin used to be "misinformation".
Saying the "vaccine" won't prevent infection or transmission used to be "misinformation".

There are many more examples...but, even that is not the greatest concern here.

We need to see this for the Mob-like threat tactic that it obviously is...

"Nice little practice you've got here--It'd be a shame if anything was to happen to it."

Medical opinion and free speech is being muzzled and controlled...and any opinion that doesn't fit the current official narrative will just be surgically removed from any debate.

In the addition to doctors being given the 'Sophie's Choice' of 'Speak your own medical opinion--or lose your livelihood''s we, their patients, who will ultimately lose.


Yep - it is.

Here’s a question no one here seems to ponder… do you really think this is a respiratory illness? It’s not. It’s way, way worse as it likely will come for your mind if you have any markers for Alzheimer’s - not your body unless you’re on a shortened stay on this rock anyway (preexisting conditions).

Take a minimum 5k IUs of vitamin D. Fish Oil too - 5 capsules a day minimum (Schwarzenegger used to say 6 a day for leaning out/muscle building).

Go to your local Natural Grocers and tell them you have inflammation from the vax or COVID. Most people will as your body is either legitimately (unvaccinated) or artificially (vaccinated) fighting off a foreign invader. If you’ve gained weight it’s not from quarantine - it’s the virus or the vaccine.

Natural Grocers has remedies and see issues from COVID/Delta and the vax all the time - and can homeopathically lessen a risk one might have of long-term impacts.

Long/short is if you’re not vaxed, enjoy your impending 20 years pulled forward Alzheimer’s.

If you’re vaxed, take the sups so you win in the long term.

COVID is coming for your mind, folks… not your body.

You heard it here first.

A question asked

And explored

Odd an Alzheimer’s drug got rammed through FDA approval for “mild” cases.. no? And independent committee members resigned over it’s approval…

To me… while I’m fine now the answer to this problem is 14+ hours a day of fasting, vitamin D, crushing my workouts/stand hours/etc. and eating effectively ZERO carbs (because if you do eat them, enjoy your cell metabolism getting way, way out of whack) because of how cellular metabolism works with the virus AND the vax.

Because while many here will say this is all BS, I haven’t lost my mind. It’s actually my most powerful tool. And to ensure I remember my children and maintain my competitive advantage, I will live my own guidance.

And yes, I am vaccinated.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 02:15 PM
Heads up!

Two new medical health alerts just issued for the Pfizer and moderna vaccines.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: carewemust
So this is why are rushing with the vaccination heavily? the backlash should be interesting.

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: Destal

originally posted by: rickymouse
If I was a doctor, I would inform my patients that a vaccine is available and that they should make an informed decision in getting it. A lot of doctors are skeptical about this vaccine...and they have good reason to be skeptical. This vaccine does not attack the coronavirus, they never have been able to make a vaccine successfully to attack a coronavirus. It stimulates a buffered response against the spike protein, if is not a coronavirus vaccine. That is even how the adenovector vaccines work...notice Adeno and not corona in the name. It still makes a reaction against the spike protein.

Even with that, the mRNA vaccines have to be cut into two injections about a month apart, if they combined them there would be a hell of a lot more bad reactions to get the desired result.

I am not an anti-vaxer, I do have problems with some vaccines but I do believe lots of people need those vaccines that can cause me harm. In the case of this vaccine, I do not think enough scientific evidence is out there to prove it is safe, and it is definitely not safe for some individuals. If they knew how to figure out who was going to react badly to this vaccine, more scientific research may have led to that conclusion, they could have reduced the number of bad reactions. It was rushed too much, it is making guinea pigs out of millions of people.. I know I could have a severe reaction to it from reading lots of pure science instead of the propaganda that is being spread about it.

This virus is not safe nor effective for some people, and not enough research has been done on it to identify the risk groups. Also they are covering up the cases of severe side effects saying they are not related...because there is no evidence they are related. The reason there is little evidence of the vaccine causing damage is because they are avoiding verifying them to make it look safer for everyone. I know I cannot take this vaccine because I researched what causes my side effects with the vaccines and because I know from studying that I am pretty badly intolerant to the emulsifiers in the vaccine. But most people do not have years to study like I have had, trying to evaluate what food chemistries have caused them harm so they do not mistakenly have chosen the wrong chemistry to focus on for elimination. There are not simple blood tests given to test for these chemicals, doctors never test much for problems with propylene glycol, polysorbate 80, and polyethylene glycol. One reason is that these chemicals are in many pharmacutical evidence means they remain generally recognized as safe....GRAS.

It's not a "vaccine".
And the legal and medical definition of vaccine was coincidentally changed shortly before the plandemic.

Therefore, your point is also completely wrong.

Well, even though it is deceitful, it is classified legally as a vaccine. I do not agree with them doing that, but that is the way it is. I still would not promote that kind of unproven medical procedure but legally the change of definition makes it so they can call it a vaccine now.

Again, the DEFINITION of a VACCINE was changed after decades of vaccines research and use.
It is nothing like the previous definition; do you understand that concept?

It's like me changing the definition of the color yellow to mean blue and then claiming that bananas are blue.
Again, your point, therefore is completely irrelevant.
What is happening is complete lies and deception.

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: Destal

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: Destal

originally posted by: rickymouse
If I was a doctor, I would inform my patients that a vaccine is available and that they should make an informed decision in getting it. A lot of doctors are skeptical about this vaccine...and they have good reason to be skeptical. This vaccine does not attack the coronavirus, they never have been able to make a vaccine successfully to attack a coronavirus. It stimulates a buffered response against the spike protein, if is not a coronavirus vaccine. That is even how the adenovector vaccines work...notice Adeno and not corona in the name. It still makes a reaction against the spike protein.

Even with that, the mRNA vaccines have to be cut into two injections about a month apart, if they combined them there would be a hell of a lot more bad reactions to get the desired result.

I am not an anti-vaxer, I do have problems with some vaccines but I do believe lots of people need those vaccines that can cause me harm. In the case of this vaccine, I do not think enough scientific evidence is out there to prove it is safe, and it is definitely not safe for some individuals. If they knew how to figure out who was going to react badly to this vaccine, more scientific research may have led to that conclusion, they could have reduced the number of bad reactions. It was rushed too much, it is making guinea pigs out of millions of people.. I know I could have a severe reaction to it from reading lots of pure science instead of the propaganda that is being spread about it.

This virus is not safe nor effective for some people, and not enough research has been done on it to identify the risk groups. Also they are covering up the cases of severe side effects saying they are not related...because there is no evidence they are related. The reason there is little evidence of the vaccine causing damage is because they are avoiding verifying them to make it look safer for everyone. I know I cannot take this vaccine because I researched what causes my side effects with the vaccines and because I know from studying that I am pretty badly intolerant to the emulsifiers in the vaccine. But most people do not have years to study like I have had, trying to evaluate what food chemistries have caused them harm so they do not mistakenly have chosen the wrong chemistry to focus on for elimination. There are not simple blood tests given to test for these chemicals, doctors never test much for problems with propylene glycol, polysorbate 80, and polyethylene glycol. One reason is that these chemicals are in many pharmacutical evidence means they remain generally recognized as safe....GRAS.

It's not a "vaccine".
And the legal and medical definition of vaccine was coincidentally changed shortly before the plandemic.

Therefore, your point is also completely wrong.

Well, even though it is deceitful, it is classified legally as a vaccine. I do not agree with them doing that, but that is the way it is. I still would not promote that kind of unproven medical procedure but legally the change of definition makes it so they can call it a vaccine now.

Again, the DEFINITION of a VACCINE was changed after decades of vaccines research and use.
It is nothing like the previous definition; do you understand that concept?

It's like me changing the definition of the color yellow to mean blue and then claiming that bananas are blue.
Again, your point, therefore is completely irrelevant.
What is happening is complete lies and deception.

Now don't be giving them ideas of changing yellow to the new blue. If they do it and it becomes our new reality, than if you call yellow yellow they will call you a conspiracy theorist or fruitcake. And of course, there is such a thing as blue bananas. Night Star already posted about that here on

posted on Sep, 14 2021 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Your topic here was apparently precognitive ... as now it is seemingly coming to a more overt and less anecdotal reality:

It helps NOT AT ALL that the certifying boards are corrupted just like everything else in 'big healthcare'.


Federation of State Medical Boards Threatens Doctor Certification

edit on 14-9-2021 by Fowlerstoad because: Made the link batter.

I would have started a new thread, but your thread is already on topic

edit on 14-9-2021 by Fowlerstoad because: added the last

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