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The Human Microbiome - And So Much About Microorganism We Don't Understand

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posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 04:41 PM
Way back over forty years ago, one of the first things we were taught in Nursing School, was the importance of good bacteria in our health and well being. The old folk knew of their importance also. I can remember old people dropping something on the ground, picking it and eating it. Always accompanied with the "Gotta eat dirt before you die".

Somewhere over the years, medicine made this huge transition towards bacteria are bad, and they need to be destroyed constantly, with the aide of antibacterial products. Antibacterial soaps and gels have interfered with our ability to produce strong and healthy immune systems. Indiscriminate prescribing of antibiotics has come back to bite us, with the development of super bugs. We are having increasing issues with antibiotic resistant bacteria, and we are the ones that are growing these potentially deadly monsters, because we don't know what we don't know.

We are now at a stage where they want to give us a vaccine for everything. We live on this planet and we share it with all living organisms. Even if we don't know why something exists, it does not mean that it is not necessary in the grand plan. I think the idea that we should utilize all those scientific measures that we discover on our way to enlightenment, should be revisited, and a hell of a lot more thought should go into what we are doing, especially when we are betting our lives and our futures, on things we don't know.

I know that medicine and science want to rebuild a world to the wonders of their imagination, but I just don't think we are responsible enough to play God.

Microbiomes show that we don't even know what we are made of, and we don't know all the ways that all lifeforms on this planet are connected. I don't think we should be throwing out or refitting bits and pieces of our genetic makeup. Hollywood has given us some creative possibilities of what could go wrong, but I can't help but fear that reality, in this case, could be a hell of a lot stranger than fiction

I added a couple of YouTube videos as an introduction to our microbiomes, but they are very simple and basic. I might add another video later to show you what the forensic scientist have found, and how they can use them them when solving crimes.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I am learning a lot about this just lately. I have trouble with my digestion so it has been a very enlightening process. I read some where that if we took out our digestive organs and cut them and laid them flat/exposed they would cover a whole football field! That is a massive surface. How the gut Microbiome functions sends nerve messages to our brains and affects our glands and synapse firing. Up till now the "experts" thought that the brain was causing much of digestive problems, but it seems the other way around. What we eat and drink may be affecting our moods, and well being.
For the past few weeks I have cut almost all sugar from my diet. I have felt a difference in that my digestion is much more stable and my thought process is much sharper. I will keep at this as long as it is an improvement in my overall functioning. Here is the science about what sugar does to our body.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Very interesting thread. I was curious, how do we know which probiotics to take?

I have cut a lot of diff foods and drinks out of my diet because I know how they effect my mind and mood.

Thank you for this informative thread.

eta~Borisbadinoff~ sugar is awful on my stomach. I have to watch how much sugar I take in because it causes my stomach to hurt so bad. I will watch your youtube video you posted now.

I will say I have lost some weight watching the sugar intake.
edit on 10-6-2021 by CrazyBlueCat because: eta

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: CrazyBlueCat

I think we are doing a lot of things wrong. I think we eat way too much processed, unnatural foods, and we don't drink enough plain, uncarbonated, uncolored, and unsweetened water. When I found out that eating natural honey from the area where you live, can help with allergies, I started to think maybe more of our diet should be from what is produced locally.

I could be wrong, but I believe when we eat foods local to where we live, our bodies have a better response.

Just a few things I have noticed. My brother raises chickens. They are free roaming, and all natural. He does not feed them any table scrapes or anything that is not all natural, especially his feed.

I noticed that though his chickens are much smaller than the ones you buy commercially, and even though the amount of the meat you get is less, you feel full sooner, and don't get hungry as quickly. The eggs seem more dense, less watery, tastier, and again more filling.

He raises bee, and since I have been eating only the honey from his hives, my seasonal allergies have gone.

I found an article that discussed the possibility for why that may be the case, though it is not proven.

The idea behind honey treating allergies is similar to that of a person getting allergy shots. But while allergy shots have been proven to be effective, honey hasn’t. When a person eats local honey, they are thought to be ingesting local pollen. Over time, a person may become less sensitive to this pollen. As a result, they may experience fewer seasonal allergy symptoms.

Honey for Allergies

I think that eating exotic foods and food outside of the region where you live, in large amounts, may have negative affects on our bodies.

Just a thought.

edit on 10-6-2021 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Fixed format error.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn
The animation in that second vid is exceptionally cool.
I've had a hunch that being a little 'dirty' is a healthy thing.
Don't use soap unless there's grease needs cutting.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: BorisBadInOff

We have known for a very long time that high fructose corn syrup, has negative health effects, yet if you check the ingredients in most processed American foods, you will find it in abundance. Some countries have banned the use of high fructose corn syrup in their country.

I am not upset with the US government for allowing potentially harmful foods to be used in our country. We have a choice, and the dangers have been presented to the people over a long period of time. I have been as guilty as the rest that consume high fructose corn syrup. I will admit that I indulge in the guilty pleasure every now and again, but I do heavily restrict my consumption. I try to stick to raw honey, if I need a sweetener, which is not often.

As Americans we have a larger variety and choice of food and food products. It is this luxury that has made us less knowing about what we eat. We assume if it is on the store shelf, tastes good, and has appealing wrapping or advertisement, it must be safe and it must be good. Often times it is neither.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: Homefree
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn
The animation in that second vid is exceptionally cool.
I've had a hunch that being a little 'dirty' is a healthy thing.
Don't use soap unless there's grease needs cutting.

Or just use plain soap. Stay away from the antibacterial stuff.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 09:59 PM
I went into the garden today to plant the yellow beans, carrots, and another 2 short rows of potatoes. I was on my hands and knees planting the gloves on. I went into the house dusting the soil off my pants and stomped my shoes off. Immediately I washed my hands and started making lunch, full of the garden dust on my clothes, I had to wash my hands again because some dirt got on the cheese from my hands...I guess i rubbed my hands against my pants.

The garden is full of good bacteria along with a little bad, but even bad bacteria from an organic garden is not crabby, it does not usually bite us and that has been researched by science...yet they do not yet understand why it does not harm the majority of us. Bacteria does not have to bite us, it can be symbiotic with us. I do not know how it works, I only know that half of the healthcare workers in hospitals live symbiotically with things like MRSA and C-Diff from reading journal articles. That causes problems with patients....that is why they are so adamant with getting you out of the Hospital quickly. They have known this for decades but you do not find this written on any warnings at the hospital or doctors offices.

Why does bacteria attack one person but live in harmony with others? That is what they should be researching, somehow the bacteria does not bite because it does not fear us. I had a doctor I knew tell me about how she took a strong antibiotic to kill a pesty infection...which led to D-Ciff leaving her nose where it lived symbiotically and attacked her skin around her nose and mouth. She pissed it off. She told me that it is common for some people to live symbiotically with some microbes that do not hurt others...that led me to reading research on the subject for about forty about interesting....they already know a lot about this yet do not tell patients about it.

If you steer your immune system to fight things that are not an immediate threat, what about a different microbe that comes along and your immune system is looking the other way? I was never anti-vax, but the amount of vaccines they are pushing on our kids is insane. We live in a world full of microbes, they are not our enemies most times. We survived this long by incorporating some specific antimicrobial chemistries in our foods, but now they are changing the type of chemicals more salting food or sage or natural food chemicals in recipes so much anymore to control microbes, they add other man made chemicals and those chemicals are not checked for interactions with other food chemistries or additives. Mix the spice sage with organophosphates and you are adding similar acting chemistries together which can bring choline levels too high. When a chemical is added to the GRAS Federal rating, it is not investigated for cross reactions with other chemicals, even natural chemicals....only those regulations that are known and registered to be a problem are tested for.

To me, it almost seems like they are trying to weaken us so if an infection comes along, one we are not vaccinated against, then we wind up sicker or die. Is this part of a population reduction plan, or a desire for us to become a nanny state? Or is it just ignorance by high ranking officials in this country...I choose the third option myself.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Ever had a little bit of regular corn syrup in water, it is such a mellow sweetness, mostly just glucose. Of course, organic corn syrup tastes better, less of the bitter aftertaste that is in some corn syrups. Many years ago I learned of this at an indian powwow locally, and they called it sweet had an indian name but it translates to sweet water. No fructose in it. We got a bottle of corn syrup, it was commercial, and it didn't taste right, so we bought a small bottle of organic and it was great but pretty expensive. You only add about a teaspoon of it to a pitcher of water.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I agree with you. I think our bodies become acclimated to the environment where you live. All other living organism living in the same space, are connected in some way, and I do believe that they develop a symbiotic relationship.

I think it is possible, when we bring in, or consume, too many products from outside of your local environment, that there may be a mild negative reaction, and even perhaps create an antagonistic response, to the foreign organisms. Since this may occur on a microscopic level, the response may be be insidious, and go unnoticed for quite a time.

We have seen what happens when plants, animals, even insects, are transported to areas outside of their native environment, and the disaster that follows when they become destructive and invasive. I don't see why the same thing could not happen with microbes.

About the corn syrup. My mother used to make our deserts when we where children, even our candy. We were poor, she couldn't afford the store bought stuff, and I remember her using regular corn syrup. We were all healthy. None of us overweight, and none of us ever missed a day of school for illness.

That was poor country living.

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 12:43 AM
When I was growing up in the '60's and '70's in UK, we ate with the seasons.
We didn't have huge imports of strawberries and tomatoes from Spain for example. I remember strawberry season here and we would guzzle them up before they weren't around anymore until the following year.
A freezer didn't come to our house until the '70's.
We used to go blackberry picking in September after our evening meal and mum and a great aunt would make blackberry jam and tarts that mum would freeze for the winter.
I can't remember being sick except for chicken pox and some horrible throat/viral infection Christmas '79.

I still very much each with the seasons barring the odd punnet of imported strawberries in the winter months.


posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

S&F, Night. Good thread.


posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

The bacteria in your gut partially control your brain.

Gut Microbes Make Other Chemicals That Affect the Brain,%2Dlike%20behavior%20(%2014%20).

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 10:06 AM
Your post made me just realize that perhaps my two years of raising bees and eating their honey was what took away my pollen allergies. I was always mildly sneezy when the broom was flowering, handling hay, or weeding in the garden. Just yesterday I went out to start weeding a known culprit and was noticing no reaction. It's been a few years now for the broom and hay being inert. Super interesting.

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: igloo

I am sure my eating of the raw honey, made from the flowers right outside my door, plays at least a small part in getting rid of my seasonal allergies.

We have something here, we call Florida snow. It keeps the bees producing when it gets cold, and the normal abundance of flowering plants are not in bloom. I think it has a lot to do with it, but it is just a guess.

I really think science missed, or bypassed a lot of important information, when it comes to microorganisms. I believe that with new advances in visual technology, we will be shown that the things we can't see, may be far more important than the things we can.

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

One of my fondest memories, is of my grandfather coming by, in the early morning, taking us to go berry picking. We would return home, and my mother would make us waffles and pancakes, topped with the berries we had just picked.

I grew up in the country, and we ate seasonal also, and there seemed to be a season for everything. Being a tiny community, we depended on each other a lot. We lived next to the water, so fish, crabs and clams, were easily available. Sharing was common practice, and I swear, the only thing I remember folks dying from, was accidents and old age.

But I was a child, so it may be that is all they told us children, back then.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 09:10 AM
I like the way microbiomes are often described as a community. Yes. We all carry our own individual universe around with us, and while each one of those universes are unique, we are all exactly the same in most ways. By dissecting that sameness we find the signature on our canvas, that identifies who we are.

Trying to find documentation and videos that are not long, boring, or overly complex, or technical, to fully describe this finding, is proving extremely difficult. Some of the journals are behind pay walls, but are still very boring and technical.

But the information, to me, is very interesting, and opens one's mind to amazing possibilities, unfortunately, not all of them are what I would call good for mankind or humanity.

I think this video is short and give a small indication of what they are striving for.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 02:00 PM
You always leave a little bit of you behind.

You can be identified by your personal family of bacteria.

edit on 12-6-2021 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Format issue.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Yes! I totally agree with the honey helping allergies. It just seems that pharmaceuticals would rather you take a pill. My mom in law tells me to use honey on everything, even cuts

We found out my son was allergic to a lot of diff foods. Over the years we have figured out it’s mainly GMO foods that irritates him. He does not need an eli pen, he just gets really itchy inside his throat and stomach. We buy organic meats but not local which I should look more into.

I never thought about exotic foods effecting us in a negative way but it sure makes sense!

I’m gonna go watch the new vids you posted. Thanks again for this info. It helpful to me.

edit on 12-6-2021 by CrazyBlueCat because: ..

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