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It’s so obvious that America is in a Civil War right now

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posted on Feb, 27 2021 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: SKEPTEK
a reply to: continuousThunder

Well in a war it's pretty easy sweetie.

They'll be the ones shooting at me.

that doesn't remotely answer the question tho, it just obscures it.
How will they know to be shooting at you? and i'm not going to accept some variant on "because they're evil marxists fundamentally altering the foundations etc" because that, again, ignores the mechanical reality of the situation.

How do you go from what we have now - a bunch of very different people fed up with a lot of different things all separately at home or in little groups feeling bummed out about it all - to an organised shooting war?

you don't have to answer ME, i'm just some weird punk girl on the internet - but you should give some thought and imagination as to what that process would entail. is it really as desirable as you've been making out?

posted on Feb, 28 2021 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
Locked and loaded.

Except for an hour at the range yesterday ... I've been loading all weekend. I only logged on to ATS (43 new topics) to take a much needed break.

posted on Feb, 28 2021 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: continuousThunder

Go study some history. It's there to learn from.

There have been plenty of shooting wars in our past and all of them got started. You can answer your questions there and then come back.

posted on Feb, 28 2021 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: SKEPTEK

originally posted by: SirHardHarry

originally posted by: SKEPTEK
We are definitely heading for CWII.

The only question is when?

I'd rather fight it in my lifetime than have my children or their children have to do the dirty work.

Against whom are you willing to take up arms?

Radical, far-left, extremists who wish to fundamentally alter everything the US was founded upon.

How do you propose to take up arms against them, target those ordinary Americans who hold different political views, or storm the Capitol and take arms against those elected who are passing the laws; or, will you be against the radical extremists—the ones who violently stormed the capitol in an effort to disrupt the democratic process—who are actually seeking to alter the lawful process upon which the US was founded?

Which is it, tough guy? Or just talk a big game on the internet.
edit on 28-2-2021 by SirHardHarry because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2021 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: continuousThunder

Go study some history. It's there to learn from.

There have been plenty of shooting wars in our past and all of them got started. You can answer your questions there and then come back.

well you know what, since YOU brought it up and all, yeah i can think of a pretty major example from history where a bunch of regular citizens got together and went "hey these far leftist marxist types are degenerating our society and i'm sure they're going to start hunting us down, we better take the initiative and do it first" and i'm sure we don't need me to explain what happened there so i guess thank you for proving my point for me with the biggest cliche on the internet?

posted on Mar, 1 2021 @ 02:09 AM
There will never be another American Civil War...Period

Too Many Keyboard Warriors


Happy Days


posted on Mar, 1 2021 @ 02:16 AM
There are only Patriots ... and traitors. Best know your role soon. Jesus is King, and is coming.

I pray we ALL could make it, but some wont.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: Riouz5
There will never be another American Civil War...Period

Too Many Keyboard Warriors


Happy Days


I would like to bet you on that, however, when it comes, no one will be able to afford to pay attention.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 03:29 PM
It's not a civil war yet, but I think we might be in the "Bleeding Kansas" phase.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 03:57 PM
We've always been fighting the same war. It's a class war, though. Nothing having to do with your particular political viewpoint. People who have accumulated wealth don't want poor people to get any of it, and if your skin is dark, they really don't want you to have it.

So it seems like it might be worth trying something. Rather than fight to exclude people and go all Scrooge McDuck , how about making it easier for poor people to be more successful and get their own money? The more money everybody makes, the better it is for everybody else. Make going to school or vocational training easier. Try to move toward building a country where entry-level homes are affordable again.

And in case you're confused, creating opportunities for people to make their own wealth is not "socialism." Quite the opposite.

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