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Biden Inauguration Pre-Recorded??? Staged???

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posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 02:22 AM
a reply to: MrBuddy
To add to your op.

Look at bidens oval office there are cars driving by and a parking lot.

If you look out trumps or any other president's oval office windows there is no cars driving by or any parking lot because it a lawn.

I think biden is signing all the executive orders from his basement office of the president elect.

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 04:51 AM
Curious-er and curious-er!

Why do I follow the little bunnies down their rabbit holes?

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: MrBuddy

Has anyone heard of Kurt Richard Haskell? He is(/was?) an attorney who was involved in publicly calling out certain high-profile false flags (now lives in Costa Rica). He's been posting lots of speculation surrounding this as well.

Apparently they did a "10 gun salute" instead of the normal 21 gun salute as well. I've only seen his posts on FB but not sure if anyone else is familiar.. might be worth looking into his analysis

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 09:51 AM

Why is it in arlington cemetery?

This isnt the 21 gun salute for presidents. Its for foreign dignataries.

Here's Trumps 21 gun salute from 2017.

Its not even close to being the same.
edit on 29-1-2021 by samuelsson because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-1-2021 by samuelsson because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: samuelsson

that is very interesting indeed, thanks for sharing

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: MrBuddy

Believe it or not, it's far more than those three people. At the 33 second mark you lose the man with the red sash and blue pin strip face mask, the Asian man with the black face mask, white mask girl, purple/pink mask girl, and the two people behind the white mask girl are a man and woman both wearing a dark navy blue and/or black face mask with stars. Every single one of them disappears yet the audio doesn't have a break in it.

Pelosi seemingly appearing out of nowhere can easily be an angle of the cameras used and such. The biggest issue, even ignoring all the adults moving around, is how his granddaughters were specifically put forward to be near him and them magically they are not.

Also at the 52 second mark when the angle changes on Biden's face directly it now has a completely white background devoid of any humans....something that seems pretty at odds with the set up of the entire event especially when you take into account his physical posture with his hand on the book. Couple all that with events at 59 seconds with the reappear and disappear at 1:04 along with the colorful floral masked woman not appearing in shots with his granddaughters at all along with the hugging at 1:07 and him not even looking for his granddaughters.

There could be an argument for different camera angles, different style of camera lenses (Wide shot vs. zoom lens is certainly a possible issue) howevere from the video and audio processing I've run so far, a minimum of three different video feeds and somewhere between 5 and 8 different audio feeds were used. There are clear gaps in the edit were the video was spliced during the angle changes and there are audio gaps that don't line up with any of the video gaps. Thus, the video and audio has been spliced together from multiple sources.

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 01:03 PM
I think Biden has already proven to be one of the most dangerous and divisive presidents, just as he was dangerous and divisive as a legislator.

His legislation, starting in the 80s, devistated millions of families by locking people up for the very thing his son was doing.
His son's drug habits financed drug lords.
Now that he's in power, we can see his disinterest in our legislative process and in finding common ground--rather he's appeasing the extremists in the party and allowing high ranking officials to accuse his political opponents of treason.

So to clarify my earlier post, this oath is edited, and one of the cuts happens right after he promises to protect and defend ... something. What if he spoke two absolutely different oaths, promising to protect and defend something most of us weren't privy to hear?

Nothing would surprise me to this point.

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 02:05 PM
Most of the Campaign was all staged as well, so why not the final script before everything becomes real "official" and "super-scripted" on a bigger stage setup 😃

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: Themaskedbeast

Most if not all of the new Executive Action "signings" may have been "taped" in advance and before Jan 20 too.

Think about it 😎

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: Themaskedbeast
a reply to: MrBuddy
To add to your op.

Look at bidens oval office there are cars driving by and a parking lot.

If you look out trumps or any other president's oval office windows there is no cars driving by or any parking lot because it a lawn.

I think biden is signing all the executive orders from his basement office of the president elect.

You know...that IS interesting and visited a channel on Rumble last night that is full of that sort of...angle.

The channel is called 'And We Know'. It has a religious slant, but not in your face. Their claim is that the Oval office of Biden is actually a movie studio that was made by Castlerock Entertainment for some feature film.

The shows from January 21 and 22 are crazy and will have you jumping down many different rabbit holes so be prepared.
The information is, while a bit fringe, not out of the realm of possibility. In fact, that channel was the one to 'break' this video and speculate.
Those dates dive deep into the Castlerock Ent. conspiracy and the trail they provide is actually very convincing!

Check that channel out, you won't be sorry!

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: samuelsson

Why is it in arlington cemetery?

This isnt the 21 gun salute for presidents. Its for foreign dignataries.

Here's Trumps 21 gun salute from 2017.

Its not even close to being the same.

This is also covered on the Rumble channel I listed in the above post...dated 1/21.
It supposedly coincides with the thoery that somehow, power was not fully transferred to the Biden administration, but to the military.

The channel states that the salute given to Biden has 10 second intervals and is nowhere near customary.
The 10 second (between shots) salute is for visiting foreign dignitaries....which opens up a Pancras Box of theories!

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 06:13 PM
Thanks for all the input on this ATSers! This is all very fringe stuff but glad to see that people are at least open minded enough to speculate!

I did watch the ABC broadcast of the Oath, which was uncut and zoomed out. This showed that all of the people did not move. Its crazy because we clearly see them move. IDK...

On another note...Kamala refused to place her hand directly on the Bible for her Oath. Also, against the Constitution and precedent, she was sworn in BEFORE Biden.
When Biden was sworn in as VP...he swore on a Bible that clearly had the cross turned upside down!

So many rabbit holes...almost no time

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: xuenchen
I agree but look out the windows of bidens oval office.

There are parked cars and cars driving by as he signs the e.os.

My point is outside the oval office is a giant yard not any parking lots or road. There couldn't be cars driving by or parked.

This is all staged from bidens basement officeof the fraudulent president elect.

posted on Jan, 30 2021 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: Jdd79
a reply to: MrBuddy

Believe it or not, it's far more than those three people. At the 33 second mark you lose the man with the red sash and blue pin strip face mask, the Asian man with the black face mask, white mask girl, purple/pink mask girl, and the two people behind the white mask girl are a man and woman both wearing a dark navy blue and/or black face mask with stars. Every single one of them disappears yet the audio doesn't have a break in it.

Pelosi seemingly appearing out of nowhere can easily be an angle of the cameras used and such. The biggest issue, even ignoring all the adults moving around, is how his granddaughters were specifically put forward to be near him and them magically they are not.

Also at the 52 second mark when the angle changes on Biden's face directly it now has a completely white background devoid of any humans....something that seems pretty at odds with the set up of the entire event especially when you take into account his physical posture with his hand on the book. Couple all that with events at 59 seconds with the reappear and disappear at 1:04 along with the colorful floral masked woman not appearing in shots with his granddaughters at all along with the hugging at 1:07 and him not even looking for his granddaughters.

There could be an argument for different camera angles, different style of camera lenses (Wide shot vs. zoom lens is certainly a possible issue) howevere from the video and audio processing I've run so far, a minimum of three different video feeds and somewhere between 5 and 8 different audio feeds were used. There are clear gaps in the edit were the video was spliced during the angle changes and there are audio gaps that don't line up with any of the video gaps. Thus, the video and audio has been spliced together from multiple sources.

If you make a presentation of your findings, I'd love to check that out. I do a little video editing and have synced studio music audio to live performance video. I've stretched and layered and done all kinds of things to keep the audio synced up. I have no idea bout video forensics and how to detect a fake though.

posted on Jan, 30 2021 @ 02:14 PM
I didn't watch it live, nor will I watch it recorded. Completely illegitimate President.



posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: Themaskedbeast
a reply to: xuenchen
I agree but look out the windows of bidens oval office.

There are parked cars and cars driving by as he signs the e.os.

My point is outside the oval office is a giant yard not any parking lots or road. There couldn't be cars driving by or parked.

This is all staged from bidens basement officeof the fraudulent president elect.

Incorrect. There is a driveway and parking lot outside of the Oval Office.

Note the driveway and the cars parked in the parking lot.

Also do you really believe that well known Republican Senators such at Mitt Romney, etc would be at a fake set/Oval Office?

The claims of a fake Oval Office or that Biden is not in the White House are just ridiculous.

The Republican Senators at the Oval Office.

Getty Image Link

Image caption showing the list of Republican Senators.

WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 01: U.S. President Joe Biden (Center R) and Vice President Kamala Harris (Center L) meet with 10 Republican senators, including Mitt Romney (R-UT), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and others, in the Oval Office at the White House February 01, 2021 in Washington, DC. The senators requested a meeting with Biden to propose a scaled-back $618 billion stimulus plan in response to the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package Biden is currently pushing in Congress. (Photo by Doug Mills-Pool/Getty Images)

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