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Operation Warp Speed - Trump and his controversial push for a covid-19 vaccine

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posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 11:25 PM
[ I didn't see this bit of information posted so here it goes ]

First of all, I'm generally a pro-Trump conservative citizen, I consider him a way better person for the office than the other candidate, but his latest push in the press conference about this covid-19 vaccine has gotten me very wary and given my cautious stance against the vaccines, I strongly disapprove his involvement and I'm very doubtful about this operation itself.

Operation Warp Speed is unequaled and unrivaled anywhere in the world, and leaders of other countries have called me to congratulate us on what we’ve been able to do, and we’ve helped many countries with their ventilators and all of the problems they were having.

And I’d like to congratulate everyone involved in this effort. It’s been an incredible effort...

There's too much distrust about the efficiency and composition of the said vaccine. The presence of such names as Bill Gates, Fauci and company, in this vaccine push, doesn't help the situation, on the contrary, it makes me even more alert on the real intentions of these people, including the president.

Also using the current conflictual climate and people being supportive of the prez, with this artificial elicitation of a certain need, he's making it seem like people are "desperately" waiting for this vaccine, which it is not the case. This attitude in my opinion is disingenuous.

I agree with the president on the main things, I liked when he said in the press conference that he's not gonna shutdown the country, but the strong suspicious endorsement of the Warp Speed operation actually forces me to ask questions, what kind of game the president is playing here, is he fully sincere and honest with the american people, do we have the right person in the office, or worse, are there other more nefarious intentions at play here, where Trump is part of? Is he using the current situation and the support of people for him, to push this vaccine? Is he playing a double-game here?

So what do you ATS friends think about the president and his involvement with this fast vaccine distribution? Right, wrong, suspicious?

edit on 16-11-2020 by miri2019 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 11:32 PM
Operation warp speed is one thing I applaud the President for. It's moved as labelled and it is needed.

If only he would allow transition to go forward so that the incoming administration could better successfully roll it out.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 11:34 PM
The vaccine will not be offered to certain people until extra testing is done. Pregnant woman and young children were not in the test group yet, those people could have adverse reactions because there is no evidence it is safe for them yet. They will not get approval on the vaccine for these people unless they run research on this group. How though are they going to get consent by a pregnant woman and actually find if it effects the baby, you have various stages of pregnancy, it would take a year to find out what evolved out of the vaccination. Same with kids, who in their right mind would volunteer their kid to be a guinea pig for this vaccine.

Some of these vaccines have not been tested on lod people yet, except one from England, and I do not know if that one will be used here.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: miri2019

he's making it seem like people are "desperately" waiting for this vaccine, which it is not the case

No you are completely wrong on this. People are desperately waiting for the vaccine. Or rather they are desperately waiting for the point when a majority of the population is immunized so we can start opening up for real and getting to the post-pandemic.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: miri2019

Listen closely ok.

If you really do believe that viruses are ALIVE and that we can "catch" them from each other....well then maybe you also believe that vaccines carry positive consequences when introduced into the Human body....and maybe if you believe these things you also believe that a Vaccine will or can save your life from deadly mutating if you believe all of this pucking nonsense then you also probably believe that Vaccines and the Monsters who flog them upon Humanity are somehow connected to the Government and Health Boards and Civic and societal health and well being and that all of these community checks and balances 110% endorse and support this BULLspit we are all being fed.

If you fit the above Template then you have 2 choices....take a Vaccine that will hurt and not help you from the Monsters trying to Farm us all or take a Vaccine from Trump and Friends that will not hurt but will help you.

If you happen to believe that the body sometimes encounters small pieces of dead inert RNA/DNA within the bloodstream and the natural defense for the body is to send out Anti-bodies that surround and encapsulate these contaminants creating a literal garbage bag and that these wee little garbage bags full of dead inert material are VIRAL in size and logistical capabilities and that these garbage bags are benign in nature and action ..... then you might also believe that this dynamic would be considered contamination of the bloodstream ......this might lead you to believe that there is ANOTHER SNEAKY UNKNOWN INVADER that is viral in size and logistical capabilities and that can exist in the that is BOTH a Contaminate and a Pollutant.....and that this LIVING VIRAL SIZED INVADER....executes a full life-cycle...stealing resources and excreting waste reproducing living and dieing.....this little monster steals stuff from our bloodstream then turns that stolen resource into CONTAMINATING POLLUTANTS and this DISPLACES volume positive with negative in the bloodstream.... worst thing is this wee bugger has a LIPID FAT COATING which means the bodies Antibodies recognise it as an Antibody and think its there to help so they leave it alone.....this displacement continues until enough damage is done to organs and other body areas that the conditions in those areas are perfect for this little freak bug to to now live in which then triggers it to MORPH DOWN into a FUNGAL SIZE.....and it turns into a full-blown problem we mistakenly call cancer.....this monster is called a Pleomorphic Bacteria....frequently referred to as "bad gut bacteria"....its reaction to threat is to turn it into opportunity.... it defends itself by MORPHING DOWN in size and then HYPER-REPRODUCING....until it kills its host.

Once you learn what the word viral really denotes then you learn that what we were taught to call viruses that we can catch are actually garbage bags of dead stuff that we cannot "catch" at all and which cannot mutate or reproduce then you are forced to deal with the reality that everything attributed to so-called "viruses" that we can catch is in fact the constellation of impacts from a PLEOMORPHIC BACTERIA.....a LIVING BACTERIA that can exist in viral and fungal size and shapes....

So I ask you whats in a Vaccine thats good for you?

All you need to do is kill Pleomorphic Bacteria in all 3 sizes and in all 3 locations....suddenly there is no (bacterial size and shape)BAD GUT BACTERIA and there is no (viral size and shape)COVID-COLD and there is no (Fungal size and shape)CANCER....these wee little fellas are extremely easy to all areas.

So Operation Warp Speed is trying to get to you a remedial action that only kills this bug and is delivered into the bloodstream in a method people are familiar with.......we arent sure what kind of Voo-Doo others are putting into their vaccines.
edit on 17-11-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 12:34 AM
My gears have been grinding about this as well. Trump may be the unwitting (or willing) spokesperson for much greater forces behind the scenes. He makes the perfect future fall guy for all of the possible problems a rushed-to-market vaccine may bring. People's memories or knowledge of history isn't very good; we've been here before and it didn't turn out well.
The other thing people don't seem to realize is just how badly the medical industry messes things up. Statistically speaking, medical mishaps are a leading cause of death and other permanent disabilities. No thank you... I'll be avoiding this thing as long as I can.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: odd1out

Did you miss the Playaction?

If Trumps remedy gets to you first it will KILL CANCER IN EVERYONE WHO TAKES IT....if the others get to you cancer will be planted and or expedited.

Trump and Friends remedy will kill the Pleomorphic Bacteria that has been weaponized against us all and the other will spread and or support the Pleomorphic Bacterial or its lifecycle......can you imagine the kick in the Bo-Jangles that it would be to certain fiscal interests if cancer was suddenly within months to short years wiped out globally? imagine....ROFLMAO.....if you got the bad guys to push the Cart for you the entire they paced the way right to their own destruction using all of their resources to do so as

One might call this dynamic a

edit on 17-11-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 12:47 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
a reply to: miri2019

he's making it seem like people are "desperately" waiting for this vaccine, which it is not the case

No you are completely wrong on this. People are desperately waiting for the vaccine. Or rather they are desperately waiting for the point when a majority of the population is immunized so we can start opening up for real and getting to the post-pandemic.

In my circle of friends and acquaintances, NOT ONE!!! is desperately waiting for a vaccine. Not my parents, in their 80's, and none of my friends. Most of those I know say they will NOT be getting any vaccine. Well, we'll see if they hold fast to their convictions when one becomes available. I know my wife is an adamant NO and she's a bit of hypochondriac. Me, I'm a gambling man... I'll take my chances with getting the virus versus rolling the dice with "government sponsored medicine" as I have done with the flu for 55 years.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: one4all
Since this whole pandemic started, I've seen your posts and your theories. Honestly, I don't know what to make of your contributions. I mean I don't discount anything you say, just that it all seems a bit fantastic and I am without knowledge or context on these things. I keep an open mind...

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 01:18 AM
So long as these vaccines aren't mandatory then I have no issue with them, in fact I welcome them so people can have some sense of protection (however unnecessary it may be) and we can stop having fearmongers control our lives. I am growing very tired of this nonsense very quickly so I say the sooner we have a vaccine the better.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: miri2019

The new rona vaccines are full-Scale Medical Attack on Humanity, with Or without in any case being a guinea pig is a wrong and dangerous choice.

There is not even need for vaccines , but people are programmed to believe vaccines are the savior.

Vaccine from hell

How covid-19 vaccine can destroy your immune system

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 04:11 AM
Lets hope the dark forces don't successfully sabotage the vaccine distribution programs ❗🚨

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 04:24 AM
I'm so glad there's a Trump supporter on here who is questioning his intentions because on here and everywhere else, all I see is Trumpers/TrumpTards completely in denial about his involvement with this vaccine (in my opinion poison.) It's as if they're so blinded by the mask he's presented to the public and to his supporters that they CANNOT even consider the possibility that's he's been following a script, THEIR script, this whole time and that he's just like every other Puppet/president before him.
He isn't stopping the New World Order agenda because he's been part of the agenda as controlled opposition. Im of the opinion that presidents/politicians/government officials are nothing more than servants to the real people that run this country/world.
Trump supporters absolutely LOVE to point the finger at the Libtards and Creepy Joe and never at Trump himself because "he's different." That's what they wanted y'all to believe.
Never for a second did I put my trust in him because anyone who WILLINGLY associates with the government, and to the highest degree, is for We The Peasants.
The replies in this thread proves my point. Some of you just cannot see beyond "Trump and Friends are good for Humanity."
edit on 17-11-2020 by DarkestConspiracyMoon because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2020 by DarkestConspiracyMoon because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2020 by DarkestConspiracyMoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: Gnawledge
Operation warp speed is one thing I applaud the President for. It's moved as labelled and it is needed.

If only he would allow transition to go forward so that the incoming administration could better successfully roll it out.

The opposition doesn't want to roll it out...They want to discredit it...

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 07:52 AM
What's controversial about it exactly?

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 07:59 AM
Do they well maybe so I do know they ALL including Trump have invested TONS of there own money into the business making the stuff .

I also know they will Make NO laws saying you must get a vax what They will do is say Business Must have employs vaxed to work .
What they will do is say In order for you to go into some places or travel you will need to be vaxed .

what they will do to get states to comply is say You want fed funding you do this or that as they have always done .

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog

No you are completely wrong on this. People are desperately waiting for the vaccine. Or rather they are desperately waiting for the point when a majority of the population is immunized so we can start opening up for real and getting to the post-pandemic.

I disagree with that statement, I have a strong feeling that this vaccine is being rushed onto the population. We don't need a vaccine, we need to find out how the virus got into the atmosphere, if there is another way besides human-to-human transmission of the virus, like being thrown from the sky above from those chemtrails' planes, which our skies are full of (?). Or maybe ask directly those military medical laboratories where there's a lot of work being done with dangerous viruses, corona viruses included, about how, why and the solution to such a crime upon humanity!

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: odd1out

I'm on the fence about the president in this regard and other ones.

Thanks for your input odd1out and Kenzo, well said!

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: DarkestConspiracyMoon

Thanks for your contribution DarkestConspiracyMoon! I'm also glad that some can see the reality for what it is.

On another note, I'm very sensitive and concerned about the chemicals being thrown upon us and the president is suspiciously mute on this subject. So why is the president not talking about chemtrails?!
edit on 17-11-2020 by miri2019 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 03:59 PM
Thank you everybody else for your input into the thread!

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