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DECLASS: FBI 94-page spreadsheet was part of an effort to corroborate the Steele dossier claims

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posted on Oct, 12 2020 @ 06:54 PM
Hey ATS!

Here's more declassification regarding the hoaxes and accusations of the Steele dossier.

As of today, the FBI "relied heavily on media reporting to back up claims about Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and others."

SCOOP #Durham: @CBSNews obtains 94-page declassified FBI spreadsheet, widely cited by IG Horowitz, but not public until now. Recently released to Senate investigators, the FBI spreadsheet was part of a broader effort to corroborate the Steele dossier claims.

IG Horowitz page 5 found dossier author Christopher Steele spoke to the Yahoo news reporter prior to publication of a September 23 article. The FBI spreadsheet cites the SAME article on page 51 as supporting evidence. IG Horowitz also faulted the FBI for using the Yahoo reporting in the @carterwpage FISA + then not correcting the court record once the connection with Steele was known. Tim Gill Sr, a former senior FBI intelligence officer, told CBS that the reliance on media reporting was not standard. “Any effort to corroborate a report should include a variety of intelligence sources, including imagery intelligence, human intelligence, signals intelligence as well as clandestine intelligence collection platforms for verification," Gill said. “You don't rely on media reporting.”

Source: Twitter

#Durham Full link 94-page declassified FBI spreadsheet, part of broader Bureau effort to corroborate Steele dossier, first obtained @CBSNews
On unverified, salacious Ritz allegations, FBI spreadsheet cites Steele's primary sub-source who was subject of 2009 FBI probe as possible NATSEC threat + Russian agent. “Notes, “no confirmation that Trump stayed here.
There is no 'Presidential Suite' currently listed on Ritz Carlton website.” IG Horowitz faulted FBI over lack of corroboration + evidence of circular reporting.

Source: Twitter

Here's the full spreadsheet on Scribd.

I'm excited to see more documents being released.
The incriminating evidence is out there so it's time to drop the hammer!

posted on Oct, 12 2020 @ 07:16 PM
At this point those voting for Joseph/blackhillary don't care.
They cheered the ss tactics employed in an all out BAMN attack.
They have no respect for the will of the voter. See current nomination process.

Too little released too late.

posted on Oct, 12 2020 @ 08:26 PM
Im sorry to say...but this person is correct. we better be looking for stolen elections.

originally posted by: shooterbrody
At this point those voting for Joseph/blackhillary don't care.
They cheered the ss tactics employed in an all out BAMN attack.
They have no respect for the will of the voter. See current nomination process.

Too little released too late.

posted on Oct, 13 2020 @ 03:06 AM

a reply to: Anon283799

FBI relied heavily on media reporting to back up claims

Leaking disinfo to the press is the oldest trick in the book, they'd either have to be incompetent or they consented in continuing with fraud

posted on Oct, 13 2020 @ 08:04 AM
I don't think anyone will go to jail. I think the asshats in D.C. want this to be the new normal.
Journalism has been dead for a while.

All I have learned recently is that not just some of the theories were right, but MOST of them if not ALL of them were right.
Nunes and Soloman were the only ones telling the truth, and the flucktard lefties who bashed them were doing so, because they are cucks who were just obeying their masters. Stupid and easily led, and void of the ability to think critically.

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