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Patriot William Cooper (RIP) tried to warn us of the pending 9/11 false flag attack.

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posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 05:27 AM
First and foremost, thoughts and prayers to all of those who lost their lives on 9/11 and in the lie based wars that followed.

Its a shame that his memory is only resurrected once a year.

In this current climate, William Cooper's prediction could not be more relevant

I will post the entire transcript but these few lines are so incredibly significant:

It will be those behind the New World Order who once again, want to take the guns and the freedom away from the American people because we're the only ones left in the world who can oppose the destruction of freedom in the world and the implementation of a one world totalitarian socialist government and that is the goal.

Here is the entire segment from his show which aired on 6/28/01 when he told us everything we needed to know about the coming 9/11 false flag attack.

On 11/5/01, William was killed at his home by Sheriff's deputies...

Here is the video in its entirety. It’s incredibly interesting and easily worth the 6 minutes and 28 seconds.

:03 – 2:05

"The largest intelligence apparatus in the world with the biggest budget in the history of the world has been looking for Osama Bin Laden for years and years and years, and can’t find him...

Some doofus jerky reporter with a camera crew waltzes right into his "hideout" and interviews him!

So why, why do all these fools believe this charade?

That a CNN reporter and his little camera crew can do what all the money, and all the assets, and all the eavesdropping, and all the intelligence and all the satellites and all the undercover operatives in the world, can never do…

It’s because they’re not trying, they don’t want to, Osama Bin Laden is their creation and he is serving them well.

I mean is this some kind of incredible joke that people are so stupid they fall for this and now we're being bombarded with messages that Osama Bin Laden is planning to attack the United States of America, and Israel.

Let me tell you something if he’s an [real] enemy of Israel and the Mossad can’t find him, then this thing is the biggest joke that you ever heard of in your life.

And I'm telling you be prepared for a major attack.

But it won’t be Osama Bin Laden.

It will be those behind the New World Order who once again, want to take the guns and the freedom away from the American people because we're the only ones left in the world who can oppose the destruction of freedom in the world and the implementation of a one world totalitarian socialist government and that is the goal.

And whatever’s going to happen that they’re going to blame on Osama Bin Laden, DON’T YOU EVEN BELIEVE IT."

2:30 – 3:16

"If this doesn’t materialize in the next two or three weeks, it will eventually materialize because they haven’t succeeded in getting the guns out of the hands of the American people nor have they succeeded in taking our freedoms away.

In fact there’s been a great awakening in this country and a big backlash against these Marxist, Communist, puke face, lying, subversive, Nazi, jack booted, Gestapo, thugs, that is gaining momentum, and so I can tell you with a certainty they must do something TERRRIBLE in order to stop this backlash and regain the sympathy of the mass herds of sheeple out there."

edit on 11-9-2020 by gladtobehere because: typo

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 05:51 AM
I think many of us had those thoughts as it was happening, I know I had similar thoughts. Just the fact that the towers fell into their own footprint was enough, but there was so much more that didn't make any sense, unless it was a set up, a false flag.

My main thought had been that it was to get the green light on whatever war or military actions they wanted, not so much on total control of the country or for gun control. Then again, they set up one hell of a system to monitor our communications and our movements, so it seems that is was part of a NWO agenda as well.

+5 more 
posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 06:09 AM
Ohhhh come on dude...

You post the exact same thread every year!

Every year it gets debunked.

Link to last years

Almost identical, you even copy pasted your sympathies to those hurt by the attack.
edit on 11-9-2020 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 06:18 AM
Every. Wonder how they had all them x-ray at the airports so quickly.

That was the red flag for me.

I always wondered if those at the X-ray machines could actually monitor the amount of radiation going to the person going through the machine whether it be harmful and if it would be harmful it wouldn't affect the person's health for a couple years down the line I think this is one way the US government and world governments are going to operate in the future if they don't like somebody they have them go to travel through the airports and zap them.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Here is the entire segment from his show which aired on 6/28/01 when he told us everything we needed to know about the coming 9/11 false flag attack.

On 11/5/01, William was killed at his home by Sheriff's deputies...

Bill Cooper was one of great american patriots, that forewarned us about the NWO attack on human rights and values. May he rest in peace!

And 9-11 was an inside job and a false flag, a precursor to today's other false flag "covid-19" plan-demic. The forces of darkness hard at work to enslave humanity.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 08:29 AM

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: gladtobehere

I still believe that the attack was known about months before hand. And that the government with bush jr approval let it happen.
edit on 11-9-2020 by scraedtosleep because: (no reason given)

(post by face23785 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)
(post by face23785 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: scraedtosleep
Not just months, but years even. There had been warnings of an attack going back to 1995. We knew they were training at a flight school in Phoenix. The fbi agent investigating was told to stop. We received multiple intelligence warnings from allies: Italy, Israel, France, Jordan, and others. The presedent got an intel memo 36 days before. Whistle blowers came out after the fact saying that they were stopped from reporting and investigating. The 911 commission said that norad had no idea that they could use airplanes as weapons, despite the fact that norad and others had run exercises to plan for planes crashing into gov buildings.

And on and on. But no, they didn't have any prior knowledge.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 11:52 AM
Every year there is a post about William Cooper and every year it's followed up by facts trying to show that while he may have started off trying to do the right thing , in the end, he was a paranoid CT more concerned with making money then anything else.

His break from reality started with the admission by the production company that they had hoaxed the JFK Blowfish Gun video which if you saw Cooper lecture was a big part of his early tours.

Still CT's hold him up on a pedestal that he ultimately didnt deserve though and that is fine.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

If you're talking about the walk through machines, those machines were in operational testing when I went to training at one of the manufacturers in 1999. They rolled the first ones out to airports that year. Two years can be a long time in development.
edit on 9/11/2020 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

The whole point is to take a moment to remember the man, if only once a year.

Obviously nothing he said has been debunked.

The man saw right through the propaganda and told us in June of 2001 what we all now know: 9/11 was an inside job.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Dude its been debunked, lets call it what it really is shall we.

Its a flag hunt, This is your first thread on this topic from back in 2011, got over 100 flags. Not Bad, now it looks to me like since then every year you have posted the exact same thread: Hear, Hear, Hear and Hear. Those are just the ones I could be bothered to copy paste. Point is that if this was all about you remembering the victims of 9/11 you would write a thread about that. if this was about remembering old Willie then you would write a thread about that, but its not this is about you hunting for flags in my view.

Rather than taking the type to type this all up again am just gonna copy paste what I wrote the last time you posted this nonsense.

Let me clear this up at no point did William Cooper predict 9/11 all he said was that Bin Laden was going to attack America or Israel prior to the attacks of 9/11. Anyone who had a interesting in current affairs around that time could have told you this, Bin Laden was public enemy number one a long time before the attacks of 9/11 its just that most didn't know it.

Also the CNN interview he talks about actually took place in 1997 which is before the embassy bombings when America was more focused on disrupting his operations than they were with killing him outright. it might be possible that he was talking about Peter Bergen's book Holly War Inc as Bergen had been the producer on the 1997 report. There were later interviews but they were mostly done by Middle Eastern journalists.

Regardless Cooper did not "predict 9/11"!

Can't help but feel like you just like to pull this one out of the bag every time your short of a few flags.

If anyone cares to you can look through the links I have provided and see that each and ever time the OP has brought this up its been throughly debunked.

Now we all know he wasn't killed because of what he said about 9/11 he was killed because he shot at the officers who where trying to arrest him for tax evasion. You have never provided proof he was killed because of his "prediction" regarding 9/11.

Now next year you will post this again (If ATS is still running).

This really should be getting trashed given how many times you have tired posted this same thread in my opinion.

edit on 11-9-2020 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: gladtobehere

I still believe that the attack was known about months before hand. And that the government with bush jr approval let it happen.

That's because you're brainwashed and let your ideology do your thinking for you.


It's obvious that the attack was allowed to happen for the fact that it did happen.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 05:55 PM
He himself claimed that some of the information he came across while working in intelligence could have been completely fabricated for leak testing or other purposes.

If you can find a copy of his book "behold a p@le horse" I would suggest having a good read. Re-read it recently and there is a chapter "protocols of the wise men of zi0n" when applied to the current state of the world is downright chilling.

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 03:11 AM
Well, I mean..

It's pretty easy to pick the greatest current threat to America at that point in time (Al-Qaeda, who said they were going to go big) and say the Government is behind it.

Then, if an attack happens, you definitely look like a prophet. But it wasn't an enemy attacking us, it was friends that we were in bed wih or our intelligence service, always a conspiracy.

Always exciting. Always a grande scheme with villains behind it. Lately, the boogeyman puppermasters are Democrats.


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