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Hate political fighting

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posted on Aug, 31 2020 @ 12:52 PM
Being liberal or conservative is fine. It's the extremists that make the whole look bad.
I'm a conservative, not a republican. My best friend is a democrat. We get along, hunt together, fish together, etc.
There is racism and prejudice built into both sides. There are plenty of things from both sides to keep the tin foil hat brigade nervous. Either side has both crooks in it for themselves, and decent honest people who want to help their fellow citizens.

Don't like what the other side does? Quit crying. Work against it or STFU. Better yet, run for local office and do your part to change things. Calling someone a Trumptard or Libtard does your side no good. And if, like it seems most political ranters do, you form your political opinions from 3 minute segments of CBS news (or NBC, MSNBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, etc), then you really need to pay better attention.

posted on Aug, 31 2020 @ 02:47 PM
I think there is more racism in the Liberals I know than in the conservatives. But the Liberals try to fool people that they are not racist, but watch their actions, they often talk the talk but rarely walk the walk. Being anti-Racist is way more than just treating black nicely, it is about respecting them as equals...most of us are just surfs and if you think you are not, then you are believing a lie. A few thousand people in this country are the ones that control us, allow us to get ahead as long as we bow down to them. Most people do not even know they are being controlled and manipulated. We have free will within limits set by those who regulate society. We are conditioned to believe things they consider important.

Back to racism, people will give a black person a job just to say they gave a black person a job. I rate people by their actions and not by their color or where they came from. Everyone has rights, the same rights, but there are some white people who believe they are better than blacks and there are some blacks that feel they are better than whites. Hell, everyone looks down on the Chinese, they are usually really nice people but because they immigrated from a communist country people do not trust them and are standoffish sometimes to them. I kind of like the Chinese, and I do like the good blacks. I don't care for the troublesome blacks or the Chinese that are in the gangs, but I just try to stay out of their path. I don't want to give respect to someone who is torching and looting businesses, no matter what color they are.

posted on Aug, 31 2020 @ 05:53 PM
I wouldn’t care so much if the Left were like the Left during the Clinton years. Hell, even the Obama years there was common ground. Now the Left is just plain looney and I am in self-defense mode vs their madness.
edit on 2020/8/31 by Metallicus because: Sp

posted on Aug, 31 2020 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

It's a strange sight to see. And it's rather unsettling.

I am beginning to see some parallels between Nixon / Reagan style tactics being used to gain more votes. And you're right, once upon a time "populist" Dems used to be the majority of their voter base, then Trump came along and started to feed those potential voters what they wanted to hear ... southern strategy 2.0.

posted on Aug, 31 2020 @ 07:23 PM
dEsTrOy aLl nAtIoNs

posted on Aug, 31 2020 @ 08:01 PM
I find that more lefty's I have known reject me well before I reject them. Just my personal thing. Seemed that Obama opened some sort of festering wound in them or something.

And yes, there are actually 2 lefty's that I stopped communicating with.

posted on Sep, 1 2020 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: Brywilson2

People love to argue, fight, conquer and/or dominate, I assume there is some kind of endorphin release associated with engaging in conflict. Similar to sports teams having local support at a game. We get a rush when the team we like scores or better yet, wins. The players even seem more united with a focused support from the "fans in the stand".

This bit of human nature is how we have been controlled for generations, and it is how we are still controlled now.

All of the hate and fear around politics is there to control us, anyone acting out of hate and fear is being controlled.

The only "sides" in this conflict are ALL OF US (that includes our brothers and sisters who have been manipulated since birth) vs TPTB and their efforts to have us cull ourselves.
edit on 1-9-2020 by wheresthebody because: clarity

edit on 1-9-2020 by wheresthebody because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2020 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: wheresthebody
a reply to: Brywilson2

People love to argue, fight, conquer and/or dominate, I assume there is some kind of endorphin release associated with engaging in conflict. Similar to sports teams having local support at a game. We get a rush when the team we like scores or better yet, wins. The players even seem more united with a focused support from the "fans in the stand".

This bit of human nature is how we have been controlled for generations, and it is how we are still controlled now.

All of the hate and fear around politics is there to control us, anyone acting out of hate and fear is being controlled.

The only "sides" in this conflict are ALL OF US (that includes our brothers and sisters who have been manipulated since birth) vs TPTB and their efforts to have us cull ourselves.

Good post. I see your points and agree for the most part.

I don't think that the TPTB are to blame , entirely. It's the changing of individuals. We've become a greedy narcissistic individual focused people. Ppl used to be able to see the overall picture, not just what they want. We've become ''f__k my neighbor's home, let him starve, as long as mine prospers'' mindset.

N/m, i know what i mean, just not how to say it. Thats what i get for posting before caffeinating

posted on Sep, 1 2020 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Brywilson2

Coffee IV drip next to the bed.

I don't think that TPTB are necessarily guys in suits in a smokey room or multidimensional reptilian entities or anything that specific. It's just the people who are enjoying the fruits of manipulating their own species basic desires. I'm sure that some do it for wealth, some for power and some probably do it because they believe in some ghost stories that tell them they deserve it. They are politicians, business moguls, spiritual leaders, celebrities (movies/news/youtube/facebook/etc) and anyone that uses their influence to keep people below them.

Individuals have unwittingly become the tools for their very own mutually assured destruction, there are many factors that have contributed to this, but the influence from TPTB seems to be a real biggie in stoking the fires of todays social woes.

If you haven't watched it, and have a few hours to kill, I would highly recommend BBCs "Century of the Self", I hadn't thought of it for years until a member posted it recently, it's a humbling watch.

Here's the first episode if you're interested.

posted on Sep, 1 2020 @ 02:09 PM
It's all just a ploy to keep us fighting with each other while they fortify their bunkers in preparation of the true disaster that they know is coming but won't tell us.

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