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Amazing UAP/UFO caught on camera.

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posted on Jul, 15 2020 @ 05:37 AM
You can clearly see the green laser hitting the object, and by the amount of light reflected I'd estimate the object to be somewhere in the 20-30 feet range away from the laser.
Slowing down the video really helps here, the laser partially hits the object again few frames later. The guy sure can point a laser while filming, I'll give him that.
Slowing down the video also makes it apparent that the object is probably a bat, you can see the flapping of the batwings better when slowed down. These are very agile aviators, as they have to catch the bugs in the air just to eat.

posted on Jul, 15 2020 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: scrog77

Bugs... There is an underlying light on that these bugs are reflecting light from.

Following the laser was a dead giveaway. It didn't move like a "ufo". It moved like a bug chasing light once it saw it.

posted on Jul, 15 2020 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: Jubei42
You can clearly see the green laser hitting the object, and by the amount of light reflected I'd estimate the object to be somewhere in the 20-30 feet range away from the laser.
Slowing down the video really helps here, the laser partially hits the object again few frames later. The guy sure can point a laser while filming, I'll give him that.
Slowing down the video also makes it apparent that the object is probably a bat, you can see the flapping of the batwings better when slowed down. These are very agile aviators, as they have to catch the bugs in the air just to eat.

Yeah at first glance I was like wow great UFO! Then I slowed down the video and well less than astounding...

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