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Atlanta rioting with live stream.

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posted on Jun, 14 2020 @ 06:58 AM
I find it justice that CNN reporters were attacked by protestors. CNN has been supporting the protests/riots/looting with their reporting.

They sloughed it off when protestors attacked CNN headquarters and said it was no big deal. Then because the rioters and looters are liberal progressives they felt compelled to explain away their actions as justified.

Now that CNN reporters are being attacked on the streets where their headquarters are, will CNN change? Probably not, CNN has always towed the liberal progressive Democratic Party line since Clinton was President. They will not change at this point.

CNN could have reporters killed and their headquarters burnt down and they would still support the protestors/rioters/looters/arsonists because that is the liberal progressive way to support rioting/looting/arson/savagely beating random people, in support of a liberal progressive cause.

edit on 6/14/20 by The2Billies because: links

posted on Jun, 14 2020 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: madmac5150

originally posted by: Fallingdown

There also appears to be several buildings on fire.

I hope the people lighting those fires wet the bed tonight .


Create another "Trashcan Man".

It didn't end well, for ol' "Trashy"... or Las Vegas, for that matter.

“You believe that, happy-crappy?”

posted on Jun, 14 2020 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: SolAquarius

I saw the video yesterday and straight away wondered why the guy put up a fight? Why didn't he just answer the cops questions and stay calm? If he was inncoent in anything the cops were asking him about, he had no reason to fight and run. He took one cops tazer aswell and was firing it as he ran. Is it warranted a real gunshot back? I don't know...

but the fact remains that if he didn't fight and run, he would still be alive.

posted on Jun, 14 2020 @ 08:50 AM
There is video of the guy firing the taser at officers right before they shoot. It's doubtful there will be any charges against the officer and if it complied with the department's use of force policies, which it probably does, he'll either get his job back or a nice settlement for wrongful termination. Federal charges are also unlikely. The family of the deceased might get a settlement, the City of Atlanta probably won't take it to trial, but they should. The standard of evidence is much lower in a civil trial, but a reasonable person can easily see this is not cops killing unarmed black man for no reason. He was armed, and he fired a weapon able to incapacitate at officers.
There isn't much nuance here. In the Floyd case officers did almost everything wrong. I'm not going to say these officers did everything right, but what I've seen from the two videos would fit in almost all departments use of force guidelines.

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