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Minneapolis cops condemn Derek Chauvin and vow they will 'embrace change'

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posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

As I said in my reply to Blue, I definitely believe this is "top down." Id go even further and state its a thread to our Cultural Story at large, but that gets a bit esoteric.

There is definitely an opportunity here.. There are forces at play that are intending to use all this destabilization to gain more power and control under the auspices of beneficial reform.

However, we are all part of that process. Which is why such great efforts have been made to control information and program peoples behavior through the news, facebook, and twitter.

We just need to step back and think: are the people who are still in charge, and those pushing all of this the hardest, actually acting in our best interests?

When we put it like that.. I think most will be hard-pressed to say they think the media, politicians, and corporations are altruistic. Even if they try to market it to us that way.

I am a big, big fan of the idea of firearm education and self-defense education in our school system. I could even say get rid of P.E. and replace it with martial arts like jiu jitsu and even aikido. Very low impact, yet exceedingly effective. It teaches discipline, health, and responsibility in ways that are very unique and powerful.

The firearm aspect is, perhaps, a uniquely Murican perspective.. But I really do feel its more universal than a single nation. It is a very powerful tool, but I realized somewhere along the line that everything I talk about is putting extraordinarily powerful tools in nearly everyones hands.. and enabling it through education and personal responsibility.

posted on Jun, 13 2020 @ 01:43 AM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
a reply to: Boadicea

As I said in my reply to Blue, I definitely believe this is "top down." Id go even further and state its a thread to our Cultural Story at large, but that gets a bit esoteric.

There is definitely an opportunity here.. There are forces at play that are intending to use all this destabilization to gain more power and control under the auspices of beneficial reform.

We're on the same page on so many things!

I watched part of Oprah's special the other night, "Where do we go from here?", and she described George Floyd's death as a tipping point. I think she's more right than she knows. Not just about Floyd and the police issue. Between CoVid and Floyd, many things are going to change from here, in surprising ways. I just hope it's all for the better.
edit on 13-6-2020 by Boadicea because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2020 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I definitely believe we can make it a change for the better!

We must hijack the corporate-political signal though. They do not intend anything good for us, and even if Im completely wrong about the depth of their disingenuousness.. We are clever enough as a population to figure out how to "survive" without their BS.

The main premise behind technocracy, and technofascism, is that a group of "experts" provides a unified front that we must not question. Probably sounds familiar.. In so many topics.. "The science is settled," etc. They work their magic through media, which is complicit.

Isnt it amazing how much time we spend pouring through media articles instead of actual research papers? And then.. Even when we do go through actual research & statistics, it isnt a process of inference and extrapolation. We tend to perceive it according to pre-existing bias, and then use it as literal gospel.

Exploration & learning vs ideological conversion & blasphemy. What use is it to focus all social discourse on where we disagree?

"I wholly disapprove of what you say and will defend to the death your right to say it."

posted on Jun, 13 2020 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
The most remarkable -- and heartening -- thing about the murder of George Floyd and the ensuing protests/rioting, is that other LEOs (dare I say "good" LEOs?) have found their voice. All over the country, the cold-blooded brutality of the LEOs involved has been clearly and unequivocally condemned by their fellow officers.

WTF is so remarkable about it all? EVERYONE who has viewed that video is disgusted by it. EVERYONE is calling it murder... Not much to even debate on it.
edit on 13-6-2020 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2020 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

WTF is so remarkable about it all? EVERYONE who has viewed that video is disgusted by it. EVERYONE is calling it murder... Not much to even debate on it.

Of course it's remarkable because it has not happened before.

Most people who see the video of Daniel Shaver's murder feel and say the same... but police didn't stand up to condemn it. Most people who see the video of Tony Timpa's murder say the same... but the police didn't stand up to condemn it. Most people who know of Breonna Taylor's murder say the same... but the police didn't stand up to condemn it.

It is also remarkable because we are well aware of the "thin blue line," and the retailiation taken against officers who would be whistleblowers.

Yes, it is remarkable.

posted on Jun, 13 2020 @ 11:39 PM
They are afraid of losing their jobs.

As in Camden NJ when they just fired all the cops--union busted--and hired the county cops to take over until they hired new cops cheaper.

It actually worked but they did it to save money.

These cops are fearful of something similar.

posted on Jun, 14 2020 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: Willtell

The cynical side of me can't help but think the same! It seems a few police departments have suddenly found their religion again so to speak, now that the very real threat of defunding and disbanding is happening. And no doubt that is true for many, especially with the top brass (where the rot starts).

But I'd like to believe also that the time for reform has come, and that most police officers know it even better than us, because they see it from the inside. Idealistic? Naive? Maybe... probably...

But hope springs eternal donchaknow!

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