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NWO Myth, OWO Reality

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posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 12:03 AM
For those who worry about a New Worl Order, you can stop worrying. The Old World Order won't let it happen. The idea of a NWO is in fact an OWO smokescreen.

I believe that we have been governed by a select bloodline since before the beginning of civilization. At first by tribal chiefs and shamans, then by kings and high priests. Kings were chosen by the gods (that is by the priests) who in turn supported the reigning religions. It was all peaches and cream for the ruling elite until the invention of three things...philosophy, mass media and the middle class. Oh it's easy enough to make the ignorant masses believe that you are God's chosen representative and to force the occaisional malcontented philosopher the drink hemlock but once their was a large enough middle class that could read and write and think for themselves it just become to hard to keep up the illusion. That is where the NWO comes into the picture.

Power is based on profit and profit is based on fear. The *idea* of the NWO was invented as way of instilling fear amoung the educated middle class, just as war and religion are used as ways of instilling fear in the ignorant masses. Thinking about it logically, why would the ruling elite want a One World Government NWO? Seperated governments are much more profitable. As long as their is a *them* to fear there is a need for wise (sic) rulers to protect *us*. As long as *they* live against the will of God(s), there is a need for holy (sic) men to convert them. And as long as there is the threat of an evil New World Order, the educated middle class are to busy chasing conspiracies to notice that there never was such a thing as democracy and that the Old World Order is quietly laughing all the way to the bank.

That's my crackpot theory. I would appreciate your input. Please convince me that I'm wrong.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 03:23 PM
Your theory isnt "crackpot" as you say it is. I could see how this might be possible. I for one do believe, and see that there is a uniformed structure being created right now to achieve one goal... Total domination of human souls.

People cant seem to see past the whole money thing of this "NWO." Most believe the elite are just a group of selfish men who desire to rule the world and rule the money. This is true, but only to an extent. They must use all the factors they can to gain control of us, and gain control of our minds.

I see something most do not behind the elite and the new world orde. I see pure evil and satanism. I see something that has been forming since the dawn of civilization, just waiting to erupt. The force of evil is behind this one world takeover, and its doing it for a reason. Its trying to gain control of our free will, so that we will give ourselves to it (by it, I mean what is refered to as Satan)

There have been discussions here about how the book of revelation and the nwo tie together. I have found many different connections, but none that peice together a New World Order. This is just something that I, and many others have come to see. We have realized that this whole thing is just a stepping stone for the Anti-Christ. One that will save us all from tyranny and fear. One that will seem like a peace maker, and an all around great person who will appear to many as The Christ.

Terrrorism is their tool, they are building it up, making it worse and worse until the entire globe strives for peace, we all will live in fear of terrorists, who actually arent real at all. Then it will all come to an end, peace will happen, through I believe the United Nations which will become stronger than ever in the next 10-20 years. More attacks = more union of nations. As you said, induvidual nations would make the elite profit more, they arent after the money. The money is a source of control. It is a mind game, pure evil. They are not working to become wealthy, they are looking to gain control for the Anti- Christs reign.

This is what I have come to see, and many others see it as well.

There is a force driving this mark, its the one we know as Lucifer, Satan, The Devil... Thats what this whole NWO is about, its the stepping stone for the Anti-Christ, so he can sit on his thrown for his short reign.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 03:37 PM
What evidence supports that a selection bloodline from the begining of history has been ruling over the world?

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 05:59 PM
Your theory would hold some ground, but probably less than .1% of the world's population even knows about the NWO, and half of those who do, still don't believe its going to happen. So if the NWO is just a smokescreen, they need to do a better job at letting people know this theory actually exists.

So there goes your theory.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 07:05 PM
I too believe the NWO is not just about money... they are rich enough. It is about our souls but we can only give our souls away by freewill and its our decesion weather the NWO happens or not.

Try to see past the money... money has very little or nothing to do with the reason they want a NWO... as I said they are rich beyond imagination.

The NWO has much higher meanings.

As for proof of the ruling bloodlines controlling the world forever... this is true but it's not just one bloodline... it's many.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 11:02 PM
Right first work out where The Old World Order was for over the last thousand year or so, it was the Vatican, the home of the Empire.

Then we go to The New World which is America, and the Empire is moved to America, where is the Empire State now?.

[edit on 14-3-2005 by ThePunisher]

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by ThePunisher
Right first work out where The Old World Order was for over the last thousand year or so, it was the Vatican, the home of the Empire.

Then we go to The New World which is America, and the Empire is moved to America, where is the Empire State now?.

[edit on 14-3-2005 by ThePunisher]

Every superpower has been the veihcle of the New World Order since military might is the most effective tool for advancing such an agenda.

The Roman empire was used to wipe Paganism off the map and convert all to the mind trapping religion called Christianity that has been a massive aid to the Illuminati becuase it traps the mind into a limited spectrum and it also PROMOTES ignorance, keep your mouth shut, dont ask, ect.

The British empire was used to spread the bloodlines across the world... this was a massivly important era as it was used to gain control of the world, basicly.

Now the U.S empire is being used to drive the final stages of the NWO.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 08:55 AM
The "OWO" and the NWO are just different stages of the same thing. If it was just about money, then you would perhaps be right. But it's not. They already control the money. They don't have to worry about money. They ARE the money. Do some research into the creation of private federal reserves. There's plenty of threads in ATS about it anyway. Money is just a vehicle to keep nations and people controlled. I don't mean money as in paying for a loaf of bread, heck, we've been doing that since the baker didn't want to get paid in pig's jowls. I mean money as in debt. Almost every nation on the Earth, including the US, is in the thrall of massive foreign debt. Tow the line, or your country collapses. Simple. You think race riots are bad; ask a 90 year-old about the Great Depression.

The NWO is the next phase. Don't deceive yourself into thinking that everybody's concerned about the NWO. They aren't. That sort of thinking comes from hanging around ATS too much (guilty party right here). Go down to Wal-Mart and start telling people about the NWO. You'll be gifted with a nice, new sleeveless, buckled jacket in about 30 minutes.

The pieces are set and soon the finishing move will be made. They don't want to control the cash. They want to control the people. How will they do that? By fermenting wars and setting puppet states and puppet religions against one another until the big one comes. They want to reduce the world's population by 80% not because we don't have enough resources, not because they want to have all the goodies for themselves; that's bollocks. It's because that many people are easy to control, and they will be BEGGING for a New World Order, and begging for a new Messiah to save them from their misery. "A third part of the Earth and a third part of the seas."

Once people have satisfied their monetary hierarchy of needs, they don't want any more and they start looking for other ways to enrich their lives spiritually or creatively. Basic human nature is "good". Also, people only live for about 75 years. Thus, there is only one, plausible explanation for such megalomaniacal madness driving this plan, a plan which men have worked on knowing it would not come to fruition in their lifetimes, and the explanation is that forces which are not human are behind it. That there is a greater, dare I use the word "cosmic", agenda behind it all.

The battle is not for the Earth. The battle is for your soul. Good luck and (*thumps bible*) Jesus protect you.

[edit on 2005/3/15 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 09:00 AM
Your theory reminds me of what i read in David Icke's Children of the matrix, i found it interesting and its very likely that the bloodline theory is true. But not mixing the blood with aliens, but with elite families all etc. It make sense seeings most of European royal families are blood linked.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 09:05 AM
The Empire State as New York, then we get into the Empire Strikes Back and The Last Crusade.

[edit on 15-3-2005 by ThePunisher]

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 11:46 AM
Im not dont really buy the idea that they want our souls, i think its far more likely that they are concerned with the conservation of their wealth more than anything, psychologists say that the biggest fear that the wealthy have is the idea that they might loose their wealth (believe it or not these vacuous little creatures really do see money in a completely warped way) As it stands there are many numbers of scientific breakthrough's that pose a serious threat to their money and status such as cold fusion, Genetic modification, Nano technology and many others that would remove our dependency on their oil and many of their corporations. By causing war and economic insatiability you can set people back by many years as we experienced during and after the second world war. The simple fact is you cannot have a rich elite without keeping the masses poor. science is the only thing that can save us, not doctrine

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