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Politicians and The People

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posted on May, 21 2020 @ 08:25 AM
How dare you lose track of just who you work for.
As you set in your lofty rarified air Villas casting scornful glances at the nuisances that surround you and interrupt your entertaining and festive gaiety.

We here that afford your lofty existence are in dire need and will shortly obtain sustenance by any means necessary. Of that you can be sure.
We as a whole have nothing left to lose.

Trump.... Pelosi playing 'hot potato' with the American peoples needs, neither in need of anything, far from it. November will be here soon enough, and how many more tens of millions will fall through the cracks as they fiddle while America burns ?
The need is now, the Party irrelevant..... As November approaches, remember who shut the door , turned their back on you and let you walk away in despair.. DON'T FORGET...
I now have NO Political affiliation.......... we will see what the immediate future holds in store for us, and then our politicians. VOTE.....

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: Plotus
The need is now, the Party irrelevant..... As November approaches, remember who shut the door , turned their back on you and let you walk away in despair.. DON'T FORGET...
I now have NO Political affiliation.......... we will see what the immediate future holds in store for us, and then our politicians. VOTE.....

Voting for either party is like getting prison raped by the guy in the cell to your left or the guy in your cell to the right. In the end the results are the same.

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 08:30 AM
And doing nothing is a certainty. Your lack of action will encourage no one. Suggestions friend ....?

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Plotus

I'm a Libertarian, I waste my vote with them on the national level and locally whenever possible.

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 08:52 AM
Well that is good, you are important then as all voters are, Sometimes the flood can not be contained, and everybody knows.

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: Plotus

I think back...... far back and wonder....

Was it ever any different?

The person voted in as 'for the people' soon ends up with 'for themselves'.

*Power* corrupts!! never a truer word.

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: eletheia

They are always looking out for #1 and have no obligation to honor any of their "promises" and seldom do. There is a segment of society though that really wants to believe a politician or party is going to change their life. It won't.

Only person that can change circumstances is the person themselves. That however is too difficult. Much easier to blame it on the system. Student debt for example. Maybe go to school part time and work to pay for it. Maybe work for a while and save up or join the military to pay for it. Nope. That is way too difficult. Easier to take out loans and then blame it on someone else instead of themselves. And wages. How about pick a field that actually pays the wages one wants. It takes time to achieve that goal, a lot of hard work and sacrifices. Again no. Blame it on everyone but themselves. No work, just the wage please. I will vote for you. Much easier than making sacrifices.

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 11:10 AM
Agreed, though were drifting a bit. I have been a Republican for ever now, but as of late become disenchanted with the party when people are being let fall through the cracks. No mater the wage level, unemployment is devouring massive amounts of savings and in some cases the people are on the verge of ruin and possible homelessness.

When stimulus is needed most, it is argued and bickered over and obfusticated so as to make choices opaque and unintelligible. Politicians argue and citizens fight for their existence.
I'm not a fan of extended payments through the end of the year, but it's as though Joe Citizen asked for a dollar and got instead a nickel. Really little help, but perhaps enough to keep from sinking.

We are so incredibly in debt in the trillions, that it is absurd it will ever be paid down.... ever. And I think we know it. People are in need Donald and Nancy, get off your duffs and act humane, support your citizens for a time or two more if wish the economy to recover. Months from now, not decades...

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