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Is it True I heard Trump and Old Man Gates DO NOT allow their Kiddos any Vaccine

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posted on May, 5 2020 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: Wildbob77
Some articles that address this as a false claim

R euters

Me linda Gates facebook page

from the fact check: False. There is no evidence to show Bill Gates refused to vaccinate his own children

How can they call it false based on no evidence that he refused to vaccinate. That would just make it unknown, not false.

Did you miss the bit where Melinda Gates said publicly that all her children are fully vaccinated?

There is no evidence that they refused to get their children vaccinated and there is evidence that they did, indeed, get their children vaccinated. Is that clearer?

So, I can say I am fully vaccinated and since I am a businessman with a decent reputation you have to believe me because there is no evidence to prove me wrong. You cannot prove me wrong, nobody can get medical records and a doctor cannot tell anyone anyone's medical history without written authorization. Now, how do we know she is actually telling the truth. We don't.

I will never get another flu vaccination because of the cytokine storm I had from both times I got the vaccination, but I could lie to everyone, the gates are good at deceiving people.

I personally do not care if they lie, it is none of my business if they have gotten vaccinated. But remember this, with flu vaccines, there are the rich people kind and our kind, they are way different. Look that up, it is real, we do not get the same vaccines as congressmen and the most of the rich, it is not even close to the same formulation.

There are privacy issues around many medical records. Of course journalists and the general public are not privy to such information. So you have to take Trump and the Gates' words for it.

At least they have more credibility about their own lives than some random journalist who has a record of fake news, and the social media reporters of such dubious sources.

edit on 5/5/2020 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 12:24 AM
The question should be. Why would any educated person, in their right mind, allow a trained/"educated" monkey,... (because according to "science" we're just "evolved" monkies).. allow it?

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

How can they call it false based on no evidence that he refused to vaccinate.

what evidence do you have - that mr gates children are not vaccinated ?

" i heard they were not " - is not evidence

this is the problem with these claims - it [ gates being secretly anti vaxx ] - is what certain people WANT to believe , because - " reasons "

f course the kicker question - what evidence would make you accept that mr gates children are vaccinated ?

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
Im able to discern spirits

reply to: madmac5150
So, they would not vaccinate .....not the multiple ones for sure...with preservative. Mecurichrome and Methiolate.....preservatives. They wouldn't vaccinate their own....

As I read elswhere, a Mother said the only way She would vacciante her Children was if Gates sat opposite with a number of syringes on the table and Gates went first with the syringe of Her coice. Kinda works.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: Cymru

As I read elswhere, a Mother said the only way She would vacciante her Children was if Gates sat opposite with a number of syringes on the table and Gates went first with the syringe of Her coice. Kinda works

a quite brilliant annecdote - to illutrate the utter insanity of anti vaxx " logic "
edit on 6-5-2020 by ignorant_ape because: bb code errors

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: Cymru

As I read elswhere, a Mother said the only way She would vacciante her Children was if Gates sat opposite with a number of syringes on the table and Gates went first with the syringe of Her coice. Kinda works

a quite brilliant annecdote - to illutrate the utter insanity of anti vaxx " logic "

So, will Gates vaccinate his kid first?

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: GBP/JPY

I have no idea. I really don't care either way. All of my kids get vaccinated and are all up to date on their shots. If someone else chooses not to vaccinate, that's on them. I don't support their choice not to vaccinate their kids, but I'm not gonna get pissed and protest them. Just like abortion, I'm 100% strongly against it unless the mother's life is in danger or she was raped or the abortion is performed before a heartbeat develops, but I'm not going to show up at a clinic or someone's house with signs in my hands and screaming at them.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: GBP/JPY

The only thing you need to know is.... Pharmacetical companies pay for damages on all drugs they make.... except vaccines.

The US government pays for damages from vaccines.......where do the government get money from??

How the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Works - The Atlantic
edit on 6-5-2020 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: Cymru

first - what evidence do you have that any of mr gates children - do not have the full vaccination schedule for thier home environment - and all the places they have travelled ?


please actually read and comprehend the annecdote you posted .

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 09:30 AM
I dreamt about vaccine conspiracy last night, very vividly. I saw that the vaccines had been deliberately designed to 'infect' the population with a number of behavioural & social/emotional/intellectual deficiencies, and that it was for a very dark purpose, something along the lines of MK-Ultra, repackaged in new ways, possibly connected to 'bio-hacking' the mind, being able to control subjects by use of certain linked technologies.

I remember that it made me savagely angry, because my own son has been affected with something along the lines of autism, which he definitely wasn't born with, and as a result of a number of factors I do believe that his integral will & intellect has been compromised by these insidious bastards & their 'too clever for their own good' technological missives..

I hope the LORD's vengeance will find its mark, in the event that they will not repent.

From the lowest to the highest, everyone involved in this is probably bleating about 'just following orders', 'didn't want to rock the boat', 'I have a family, please don't...' & so on.

They all have guilt stained upon their hands, the destruction of soul integrity for millions, who became unable to find their feet in this world because of the damage caused, crippling them with cruel & inhumane manipulation - and the lying tongues of those who committed the crimes were forked when they set to the task, in defiance of the natural law, the order of the universe.

God, bring your healing to the children, if possible now, in the land of the living. We know that they will be fully restored one fine day - far away from the here & now. But, if it is possible to raise them up now, we call for it, in Jesus' name. Amen.

And may those who fight, be aware that these bastards probably hide behind walls made of men & women far greater than any one of the virulent vipers will ever be. May we all stand together in defence of the young. We do what we can, it is all that we can do. But together, we can make a difference. One small push can steer the whole thing off-kilter, like waves in the ocean causing more waves, with more fury. So naturally, we stay the course and protect those who need our help, in whatever ways we can. Lifting hearts & hands.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

At least half of the doctors I knew, about twenty over the years, would not take the majority of the vaccines out there. I mean, they might take the pneumonia vaccine if they were old, but would never take the flu vaccine, even though they had to suggest others get it. Then again, I read on a medical site that the vast majority of doctors do not take the meds they prescribe to others on a regular basis, referring mostly to preventive meds. They tend to stop the risk using dietary changes instead of putting the meds into their system.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

I couldn't care less if they were vaccinated or not. It is not my business and it is not the business of school officials if the kids are not vaccinated either....yet through the health department they have access to the childrens records.

Now, when someone says their kids are totally vaccinated, that means that they meat the minimum requirements the schools require. There is a legal mandatory limit. Any vaccine after that is not considered in the fully vaccinated lineup but doctors push all vaccines for kids. It is not a few vaccines that cause problems in health of people, it is excessive vaccination that robs the immune systems power by focusing its defense on certain types of illnesses, then it lessens the immune system's ability to detect out of the box viruses and infections.

Read this article, they focused on inactivated vaccines but it applies to all vaccines. Greed and prestige is setting the stage for a major dieoff of the population of the world. This is an NIH article and there are others out there that collaborate this evidence. But then again, believe the people who profit by vaccines, not the real evidence.

What about stuff like this, febrile seizures can cause lots of damage.

This information is also important, as it states that one of the early avian flu viruses can give way better adapted immunity to a young kid vs vaccinating for multiple bird flues. It gives the body the ability to fight all kinds of the avian viruses. Now, an older baby getting the actual flu would train their immune system properly.

I can go on and on with alternate ways to protect people....some vaccines are necessary, others are not. It is more of a money making racket than actual protective measure. It is about making people fear things that they can control us.

I am NOT an anti-vaxer, if someone wants to take a vaccine I have no problem, some people with inferior immune systems need them. I personally will take a tetnus shot if I get cut, but no more one with the pertusis in the mix. They used to give tetnus vaccines every time you cut yourself, that is not necessary, recently they discovered in Europe that the Tetnus vaccine protects most everyone twenty years and some people get thirty years of protection if their immune system is decent.

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