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The baghdadi raid might have uncovered some damning information

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+7 more 
posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 10:36 PM
In the dark corners of the web are some really interesting concepts on the Syrian pullout. First off during the ceasefire in Syria some people believe Schiff and Nacy P warned Baghdadi somehow and that’s what actually lead trump to where he was hiding. Next it would seem all Isreal embassy’s are being closed!
Here is a link

Isreal says it’s a strike over pay but every One?

Now some people are saying that the documents found link the United Secretary of State from 2010 to 2011 to ISIS and Isreal that would be Hillary Clinton who was Secretary of State.

edit on 29-10-2019 by Veryolduser because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-10-2019 by Veryolduser because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-10-2019 by Veryolduser because: (no reason given) e
edit on 29-10-2019 by Veryolduser because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 11:17 PM

originally posted by: Veryolduser
In the dark corners of the web are some really interesting concepts on the Syrian pullout. First off during the ceasefire in Syria some people believe Schiff and Nacy P warned Baghdadi somehow and that’s what actually lead trump to where he was hiding. Next it would seem all Isreal embassy’s are being closed!
Here is a link

Isreal says it’s a strike over pay but every One?

Now some people are saying that the documents found link the United Secretary of State from 2010 to 2011 to ISIS and Isreal that would be Hillary Clinton who was Secretary of State.

Hillary and Co were not using secure channels so it's totally believable. Never underestimate the enemy. If there is a weakness they will find it. Hillary was a major weakness.

+6 more 
posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: Stupidsecrets

Hillary was a major weakness.

Most likely, a complicit player.

posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 11:25 PM
I don't doubt Hillary's probable involvement- didn't the CIA create ISIS?

But why would there be a paper trail? Seems idiotic even for our careless stupid governemnent criminals.

posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
I don't doubt Hillary's probable involvement- didn't the CIA create ISIS?

But why would there be a paper trail? Seems idiotic even for our careless stupid governemnent criminals.

When I was in Afghanistan they were messing with our drone comms. It blew me away they had that capability but they had it. If they have that what else do they have.

posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 11:29 PM
That wouldn't surprise me in the least. Everything about Hillary, smells like greed, deception, dishonesty, and lack of integrity.

posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 11:30 PM
I just made a post in another topic that ties these things together.

so here is the quote of it.

Why would Pelosi and Schiff need to go and give information (indirectly)?
Well, I have a several plausible reasons that logically follow.
1. Their digital communications are being tracked.
2. It was an information exchange, not just one way.
3. The excuse given was for figuring out what kind of funding was needed.
4. ISIS has been funded by certain government agencies in the past (this is up for serous debate)
5. Al Baghdadi has been speculated as not existing in the first place, hence his capacity to evade for so long.
6. Trump stated that important information was gained during the raid, but not until Pelosi came back, AND Pelosi was kept in the dark about the raid in the first place.
7. Israel has claimed financial issues, and a re-focus of expenditures on military strength at home rather than for the despora abroad.

So, this paints a rather interesting possibility.
The information trade had to be done through legacy means to prevent information from being tracked digitally via the NSA and Five Eyes nations in general. The information exchange had to do with the needs of "Al Baghdadi" and how to act with the US withdrawal from the region. This has to do mostly with financial concerns, and how money was and will continue to be funneled through back channels to ISIS. This funding has to go through back channels, and if there are digital markers of this, they will be found out. Finally information relating to the DNA of Baghdadi being confirmed and the raid giving important intel lets people know they were caught in a back channel fashion, due to Baghdadi never existing in the first place and exposing that important intel was gathered. Right after this Israel made a public statement based on a change in funding and a pull back from international issues to focus on its own military strength could also be a sign of this, especially because they mentioned the US as a key ally, but mentions that they must be able to protect themselves even if the US were not involved in any way. This hints towards Israel knowing that they can no longer depend upon US aid, even when there has never been a hint towards this aid not coming. When you roll all of these together it makes a heck of a lot of sense.

to long didn't read. Pelosi and Schiff were caught doing back room funding of ISIS, possibly through Israel under the guise of Baghdadi.

This was in relation to why Pelosi and Schiff would need to be there in person in the first place. It paints with rather broad strokes, so please shoot down what ever connections.

I doubt the post in the other topic will be read, but idk what the standards are for quoting something posted in another topic.

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 12:47 AM

originally posted by: dubiousatworst
I just made a post in another topic that ties these things together.

so here is the quote of it.

Why would Pelosi and Schiff need to go and give information (indirectly)?
Well, I have a several plausible reasons that logically follow.
1. Their digital communications are being tracked.
2. It was an information exchange, not just one way.
3. The excuse given was for figuring out what kind of funding was needed.
4. ISIS has been funded by certain government agencies in the past (this is up for serous debate)
5. Al Baghdadi has been speculated as not existing in the first place, hence his capacity to evade for so long.
6. Trump stated that important information was gained during the raid, but not until Pelosi came back, AND Pelosi was kept in the dark about the raid in the first place.
7. Israel has claimed financial issues, and a re-focus of expenditures on military strength at home rather than for the despora abroad.

So, this paints a rather interesting possibility.
The information trade had to be done through legacy means to prevent information from being tracked digitally via the NSA and Five Eyes nations in general. The information exchange had to do with the needs of "Al Baghdadi" and how to act with the US withdrawal from the region. This has to do mostly with financial concerns, and how money was and will continue to be funneled through back channels to ISIS. This funding has to go through back channels, and if there are digital markers of this, they will be found out. Finally information relating to the DNA of Baghdadi being confirmed and the raid giving important intel lets people know they were caught in a back channel fashion, due to Baghdadi never existing in the first place and exposing that important intel was gathered. Right after this Israel made a public statement based on a change in funding and a pull back from international issues to focus on its own military strength could also be a sign of this, especially because they mentioned the US as a key ally, but mentions that they must be able to protect themselves even if the US were not involved in any way. This hints towards Israel knowing that they can no longer depend upon US aid, even when there has never been a hint towards this aid not coming. When you roll all of these together it makes a heck of a lot of sense.

to long didn't read. Pelosi and Schiff were caught doing back room funding of ISIS, possibly through Israel under the guise of Baghdadi.

This was in relation to why Pelosi and Schiff would need to be there in person in the first place. It paints with rather broad strokes, so please shoot down what ever connections.

I doubt the post in the other topic will be read, but idk what the standards are for quoting something posted in another topic.

The embassy thing is troubling my guess is the world is about to experience something extremely damning about Isreal and they are afraid of backlash or Pulling out of every country is usually a defensive move to hide a crime and it’s perpetrators. What is truely scary is it has to do with other governments my guess is Isreal has big plans to something bad to start a world war.

edit on 30-10-2019 by Veryolduser because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: Veryolduser

I think the part that is hanging me up is with today's technology, why would people leave evidence if they had such communications. It's possible to use other networks, that would make it near impossible to intercept, and you could still use encryption and speak in code so it could look like gibberish if it was.

Why would elected officials travel somewhere to speak more directly?

I don't think I'd be horribly surprised as my country's foreign policy often bewilders me... But something isn't adding up with this theory.

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
I don't doubt Hillary's probable involvement- didn't the CIA create ISIS?

But why would there be a paper trail? Seems idiotic even for our careless stupid governemnent criminals.

They never though she would lose!!

These people are stupid

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: Veryolduser

originally posted by: dubiousatworst
I just made a post in another topic that ties these things together.

so here is the quote of it.

Why would Pelosi and Schiff need to go and give information (indirectly)?
Well, I have a several plausible reasons that logically follow.
1. Their digital communications are being tracked.
2. It was an information exchange, not just one way.
3. The excuse given was for figuring out what kind of funding was needed.
4. ISIS has been funded by certain government agencies in the past (this is up for serous debate)
5. Al Baghdadi has been speculated as not existing in the first place, hence his capacity to evade for so long.
6. Trump stated that important information was gained during the raid, but not until Pelosi came back, AND Pelosi was kept in the dark about the raid in the first place.
7. Israel has claimed financial issues, and a re-focus of expenditures on military strength at home rather than for the despora abroad.

So, this paints a rather interesting possibility.
The information trade had to be done through legacy means to prevent information from being tracked digitally via the NSA and Five Eyes nations in general. The information exchange had to do with the needs of "Al Baghdadi" and how to act with the US withdrawal from the region. This has to do mostly with financial concerns, and how money was and will continue to be funneled through back channels to ISIS. This funding has to go through back channels, and if there are digital markers of this, they will be found out. Finally information relating to the DNA of Baghdadi being confirmed and the raid giving important intel lets people know they were caught in a back channel fashion, due to Baghdadi never existing in the first place and exposing that important intel was gathered. Right after this Israel made a public statement based on a change in funding and a pull back from international issues to focus on its own military strength could also be a sign of this, especially because they mentioned the US as a key ally, but mentions that they must be able to protect themselves even if the US were not involved in any way. This hints towards Israel knowing that they can no longer depend upon US aid, even when there has never been a hint towards this aid not coming. When you roll all of these together it makes a heck of a lot of sense.

to long didn't read. Pelosi and Schiff were caught doing back room funding of ISIS, possibly through Israel under the guise of Baghdadi.

This was in relation to why Pelosi and Schiff would need to be there in person in the first place. It paints with rather broad strokes, so please shoot down what ever connections.

I doubt the post in the other topic will be read, but idk what the standards are for quoting something posted in another topic.

The embassy thing is troubling my guess is the world is about to experience something extremely damning about Isreal and they are afraid of backlash or Pulling out of every country is usually a defensive move to hide a crime and it’s perpetrators. What is truely scary is it has to do with other governments my guess is Isreal has big plans to something bad to start a world war.

I've suspected for years that ISIS was an Israeli creation. The embassy shutdown might be because they're afraid evidence of this is about to become public.

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: dubiousatworst

I would like to add one to it:

It could be that either one of the parties demanded a face off.

In these times were any communication or information could be compromised, there is only one thing that is (allmost) fool proof:


Reinsurance, new diractives, pay off, something else.. i don't know.. But with these stakes, i would not be surprised if face to face meetings are sometimes demanded or even necessary, no matter either party.

edit on 30-10-2019 by EartOccupant because: Compromised keyboard

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Did not cross my mind yet, but now you wrote it... plausible indeed!

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 12:01 PM
You're using Global Research as your prime source? As in the same Global Research that counts Sorcha Faal among their authors?

This belongs in LOL.


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