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Uk politics is in dissaray, is there anyone fit to lead the country?

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posted on Sep, 8 2019 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: paraphi

Watching the news late last night, and the riots in Hong Kong, I remembered

The Yellow vest protests in Paris was not that long ago......... Parliament is

running rings around the people defying democracy and hindering the PM from

carrying out the wishes of the majority.

Is it now time for the pep[le of the UK to take to the streets in protest?

posted on Sep, 8 2019 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: paraphi

So I say this not to pass opinion but rather to inform so don't be mad if you don't like the information.

The opposition who are refusing to call a general election are trying to force the PM to do something he has said he won't.

The timing of any election is critical for the opposition, am guessing you didn't support the motion of no confidence in government back in January for example.

They blocked that call for a general election for a few reasons. Firstly they believe that it would be possible for the PM to call an election then retrospectively change the date, this is true. If the motion of a general election has passed with the required number of votes on the basis that an election would be called on the 14th of October he could then have went to the Queen and said "Actually mam, can we have it on the first of November", he has the power to do this. This would have lead to the UK sleep walking into a no-deal which is something parliament does not want. They don't trust him to be true to his word, he said he wouldn't prorogue parliament and look what's happening there.

The second reason is much more political, forcing him to ask for an extension is a massive embarrassment to Boris that they believe would hurt him in a general election.

Even with an extension, what do they think they will get?

As soon as this extension gets passed then the opposition will motion a vote of no-confidence in the government, that's the big thing. So yeah embarrassing Boris is a bit of a bonus but the real reason is because it means that they can secure the extension and then motion for a general election at a time of their suiting after this has passed. Keep a eye on on whats happening during the party conference season because thats going to be dominated with election promises and I would expect each of the main parties to set out their plan for Brexit should they be elected.

We are in the politics of vindictiveness, with the national good being side-lined. Very poor behaviour from the opposition parties.

I agree its ugly but you have to step back and look at it more objectively I think then it becomes a really investing lesson on how British politics works.

posted on Sep, 8 2019 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
They don't trust him to be true to his word, he said he wouldn't prorogue parliament and look what's happening there.

I think the wording was that he ""wasn't enamoured of the idea", which was a recognisably evasive way of not saying he wouldn't do it. If he was picked up on that, he would probably now say "I still don't like it, and I'm only doing it because it's necessary".

posted on Sep, 8 2019 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: DISRAELI

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
They don't trust him to be true to his word, he said he wouldn't prorogue parliament and look what's happening there.

I think the wording was that he ""wasn't enamoured of the idea", which was a recognisably evasive way of not saying he wouldn't do it. If he was picked up on that, he would probably now say "I still don't like it, and I'm only doing it because it's necessary".

Regardless of the wording they don’t trust him and that’s part of their thinking process

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
The second reason is much more political, forcing him to ask for an extension is a massive embarrassment to Boris that they believe would hurt him in a general election.

Exactly. Crass politics. Playing fast and loose with the country for party political reasons. Even with an extension what will happen? The EU has stated that the deal on the table is as good as it gets, and they have refused to contemplate dropping the Irish Backstop.

The opposition are pushing for no action. No progress. They are pushing to stay in the EU by default.

I know how politics works in the UK, but this is the side of politics which makes most people highly cynical. This situation is being caused by an opposition who have the following agendas.

>- Labour - to get into power at any cost, even though in "normal" times the electorate would reject a left-leaning party. Many in the Labour leadership want a united Ireland so would like a perm-Backstop, for example.
>- Scottish nationalists - just want to leave the UK so are happy to perpetuate whatever mayhem they can engineer to create division and spur popularism.
>- Liberal Democrats - want to remain in the EU at all costs, so would never accept a deal.

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 02:23 AM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin

Regardless of the wording they don’t trust him and that’s part of their thinking process


And Jeremy Corbyn is a man of his word?......

I want an election!!...Bring it on ......We will leave ..... but only when we are

ready!! And the latest.....

"We will negotiate a deal and then campaign to *remain*"

Yes very trustworthy

Its been three years now the fall out couldn't be any worse than this indiscision

and constant blocking of our exit.

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 03:19 AM
Just been listening to Hillary Benn on sky ......

He maintains that we the people will be given a *choice*......

*Mrs Mays deal* or *remain*

Surely that is NOT a choice? that is one and the same thing

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to: eletheia

It's worse that that!

It's Remain or Remain but without a say.

How can our politicians give us that choice?

We had a referendum on LEAVING the EU, now they want a referendum on either staying in the EU or staying in the EU and giving away more powers...


posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: eletheia

The choice in any second referendum can only be a Parliament recommended deal and No Deal.....Remain can not and must not be an option.

The arrogance of our MP's and their wilful disdain for the UK electorate truly disgusts me.

All of the current 650 MP's and those who were complicit in this farce who preceded them should be permanently barred from ever standing for public office or having a position of influence again.

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: eletheia

I feel like your posting this as if I am making an argument when really I am just pointing out the view of the opposition I am not saying who I do or do not think is trustworthy.

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: CthulhuMythos

None of that Bs is true in the slightest. Fresh water is used to drill surface only and any dangerous chemicals aren't added in order not to contaminate the water table. Then casing is set and cemented in place to protect it when drilling intermediate.

Intermediate casing is set and cemented in place and then production is drilled.

There's literally three sets of casing cemented in place sealed of from the surrounding formation before any fracking is done and there's 12 to 15 thousand feet of space between where the tiny directional explosives are detonated.

All this leaving almost zero chance of any contamination. So,iow change your sources of information they're biased and don't know what the hell they're talking about.


posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
a reply to: eletheia

I feel like your posting this as if I am making an argument when really I am just pointing out the view of the opposition I am not saying who I do or do not think is trustworthy.

And I was only pointing out that theres not a cigarette paper's width between

any of the politicians, however at least Boris was 'prepared' to put himself on

the line for the votes of the people's majority, against every other politician's

double standards. For that I applaud him!

I am appalled that he has metaphorically speaking had his teeth hands and feet

removed. The leader of a country with no teeth!!??

Joseph De Maistre said "In a democracy, the people end up with the government

and leaders they deserve"

What does that say about the people of the UK?

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 10:46 PM
edit on 9-9-2019 by XXXN3O because: Cant be bothered with it anymore.

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: XXXN3O

Succinct....and very true.

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