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Countries of the future

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posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 03:25 PM
I want to talk about countries which as of now look like they are going to be semi powerfull or powerfull. Not India and China through as those are kinda standard countries about which are typed.

I see eastern europe getting more powerfull economically and in the area of millitary. Turkey is also very promising with a economic growth of 10% last year.

Any other countries which seem to have a good future?

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 06:21 PM
Not to open up a hellfire, but Iraq, for one (IF it ever goes the way of "imposed democracies" such as Japan, Germany, it will we a force to deal with. If it becomes the democracry most want it to become it will be VERY strong - their industries go beyond just oil, and the people there are fairly secular and quite industrious... I pray it all turns out.)

Other than that, MEXICO! Vicente Fox has instituted some good reforms, and I would predict than within 20 years it may even be able to compete against Brazil (currently economically brazil is c. 1.37T v 941B Mexico in GDP) Fox needs to go further, but I see a very good future for Mexico, assuming Venezuela can open up and Colombia can control it's own internal problems without further spillover. The people are industrious, proud, and are becoming better and better educated (though some strange immigration readings lately exist - I think they may simply be because of better reporting.)

You're getting billions and billions more of outside captial flowing into Mexico (tons of Mexcans living in US legally, and otherwise who are actually earning legit money) to support their familieis. Illegal Mexicans are beginning to be eligible for more benefits here, which are being sent back home... Relations seem somehow (I can't particularly account for it) chilled b/t D.C. and Mex City but they are still pretty gosh darn good. Then again, there's that whole movement to give up on CA and give it back to Mexico, har har

[edit on 4-3-2005 by AlphaHumana]

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 12:10 AM
One thing you should factor in is the advent of new countries, I see Japan, China and germany becoming powerful, A few new countries coming into power and gaining more.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 07:06 AM
Japan and germany are already here. China is well look at what i said in my first post.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 08:46 AM
If anything, I see countries like Germany becoming weaker. Just look what the socialist system is doing in countries like France. They have a 35 hour work week. Their economies are going down the crapper and they aren't setting themselves up to be able to compete with emerging industrial nations like India and China. These European countries don't even want to work a 40 hour week. Some of their unemployment rates are pushing 20%.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 12:06 PM
The European Union will certainly become a superpower rivalling the United States. It may be that these will be the two top countries, though if China were to switch to a purely democratic system, they may shoulder their way into the mix.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 02:10 PM
EU will maybee grow powerfull for a lil while but most of eu countries have a huge problem with the population aging.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 02:55 PM

EU will maybee grow powerfull for a lil while but most of eu countries have a huge problem with the population aging.

They also have an emerging problem with the population explosion of radical Muslims, especially in France and Germany. Wouldn't be surprised if the continent becomes a mostly Islamic one during our lifetime.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 04:34 PM

Japan and germany are already here

I meant like becoming a world superpwer nation.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 06:48 PM
The EU is an interesting experiment. Looking at it objectively, it has more people than the US, but even with the latest enlargement it does not have the economic or industrial output of the US. The US experiment is also going to show interesting results within the next 10-20 years. India, China, for some reason I don't fear them overtaking the US (or EU) in my lifetime (and I pray I've got 60-80 years left in me, more depending on tech advances, heh) simply because they rely so much on other nations. EU will no doubt become a "power", but as that Rasputin says France and Germany have violated the EU charter for years with impunity (debt to GDP, tragic unemployment.) I don't want to espose any ideology, but socialism in the long run is a bad idea because it lowers incentives (communism nearly completely eliminate incentives - remember that old nail analogy - Soviet workers being graded on how many nails they made, so they made huge amounts of small nails... then they decided they'd grade the nail production on weight, so they made few HUGE nails... you know where I'm going with this)

err, anecdote rather, not analogy

[edit on 5-3-2005 by AlphaHumana]

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